Preferences for refunding

What are the specifics for refunding? For example friends of mine got 5.6k and 1k dust, while I havent received any and I could see a million things in my collection to be eligible for refund so whats up with that? Are all the refunds already played out or… ?

I’m also concerned that I have many of the legendaries, that have been handed to us for FREE. Yet there is seriously no compensation. I don’t care wether I get to keep that card later, when the core cards get rerolled. There is so much confusion around it’s hard to keep up. I have no idea what’s happening, while I also feel scammed in many ways. I have put money in this game and for example cards that I have crafted are suddenly no longer playable in standard and which is another thing that really grows horns on my foreskin.

Another crazy thing is that I have dusted old expansion legendaries obviously to be able to make standard decks (story mode legendaries), for there hasnt been much use to me for them, because wild is wild. Later Blizzard puplished a game mode where now I could benefit from these long dusted cards. Wow… That really makes me feel awkward as well. For example why couldnt Blizzard just re-enable story mode and let us reaward ourselves with the cards, to make up for these very well played changes they have puplished lately.

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The full dust refund was only for people who opened Classic packs between March 25-30 and got cards that cannot be used in Classic Mode. So, if you weren’t one of those people, no dust for you. (I wasn’t one of those people, either.)

Basically, it works out like this. There are Core cards and Legacy cards. The Core cards are not ours forever, just for a year. Legacy cards are the cards we crafted or found in packs and they are ours.

  1. In Standard, only Core cards can be used.
  2. In Wild, both Core and Legacy cards can be used.
  3. In Classic, only Legacy cards can be used.

For players who only care about playing in Standard, the entire Legacy set can be disenchanted. For anyone else, it’s better not to disenchant Legacy cards.

Classic players need to be aware that Core cards cannot be used in Classic so never disenchant Legacy cards if you want to play in Classic.

Actually, none of the solo adventure legendaries can be used in Classic Mode so you don’t need to worry about this.

I think what Dep was saying - Duels as the game mode.

But honestly it was a risk player knew for the longest time if you disenchanted cards you might been limited in the future stuff if they ever did something for those cards.

Many people like you laugh at that 1st mention saying Blizzard would never make a new game mode or format outside brawls , but now complain after u basically dusted a card before it worth increased to play standard. I made it a rule to myself to never disenchant story cards and disenchant classes I don’t like only if I really needed dust. outside that it was best to never dust cards ever.


Is your own fault, it’s the same way as holding on to card for a TCG you don’t play anymore rather then toss them away or give them away to gain value. This was the digital card way of gaining value that you sold(dust). That isn’t the Dev fault as the time most those were made didn’t think of making something like duels later, or if they made them uncraft’s people would of complain they spent money on adventures/solo content and couldn’t dust it when it went wild.


You dont need “legacy” cards in Standard?

Legacy cards can’t be used in Standard.

I did not laugh at any such people and I did not make such complaints. So you’re just wrong.

He didn’t mention Duels anywhere in his post, did he? How am I supposed to know he meant Duels? I assumed he meant Classic Mode since that was the last mode that was released.

I wasn’t refering you, I was talkin’g about Derp in that message on the fact they “dusted to play standard” decks.

The way it phase it clearly mean cause they didn’t want to keep it cause “wild is wild” and only other game mode that now pulling from old expansions is Duels.

Current Duels use the following

  • (NEW) [Forged in the Barrens]
  • (NEW) [Core]
  • [Madness at the Darkmoon Faire]
  • [Scholomance Academy]
  • (NEW) [Journey to Un’Goro]
  • [One Night in Karazhan]
  • [Whispers of the Old Gods]
  • [Curse of Naxxramas]
  • [Legacy]

Curse and Karazhan are obviously the solo adventure that had some good legendary they dusted in the past due to only wanting standard and thought only “wild” will ever use them.

Again as I point out that was on “Them” for having the thought that they’ll not want to keep cards for the future outside of the thought of “wild is wild” and never plan for future content that coulda of use 'em cause they thought Blizzard would never “reuse” old content.

Lots of people on the forum tell people to dust card rotating to wild for standard still to this day cause “I don’t care fore wild now why would I in the future” but Duels is a possible reason to keep them besides wild.

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OK, the text was under my quote so I assumed it was directed at me.

I thought the “So” spacing under it would help imply I was talking to them - but sorry for the confusion it hard to split convo and etc in forums format. I’m sorry for the confusion.


You’re right! I’ll have to nod with you and regret ever disenchanting the cards. Cant really do anything about it, but in the future I’ll not touch the story mode cards, ever again. It’s a long and a painful road to make up for the loss, but maybe eventually I will have the cards back in my collection.

Thank you for your time to reply. It did answer few questions I have been struggling with.

About the post I didn’t really mention duels and I’m sorry for that causing slight confusion, but I did mean duels as the game mode.

LOCH is your destiny. Loch is not so bad anymore.

Honestly, all this core, legacy, classic bulls*it.

I don’t get it either and I have read several explanations.

I suspect 100% of players who never visit the forums have not got a clue about all this and 90% of players who visit the forums don’t understand it either.

Why so complicated?!?

Is why I made video guides on it. I knew something like this would happen…

Of course, I made the guides before the stuff happened, so I didn’t have in-game footage of what it actually looks like in-game.
Eg: getting Golden Core Set cards