Basic to Core - New Player Unlocking Classes

So I just realize something, most of us I would assume are Veterans - have most if not all the basic card we need - But a New player does the intro of the game with Jaina that already very “special” with it own interaction of card.

BUT AFTER THAT - Normally a new player will need to use the basic card to unlock the class - But with the Basic going to “Wild” will they earn them still like the old system? Or will they only have the new Core cards. This isn’t something at all talk about and I thought would be an food for thought.

Will the Ability to unlock new classes be easier with the newer card, or harder for a new player. So I will most likely make a new account just to test this BUT it something to maybe mention for other to talk about.

this and a lot more will likely be addressed at either the reveal stream or in the articles that will be posted after the stream

And Just INCASE it’s worth bring up now. As it is now you are literally lock to Basic cards for the new player stuff. Literally Just made a acc on the Asia server to show this.

I cover how unlocking the Core Set cards are going to work (1:45):

They will need to do new UI changes, hopefully revamp the tutorial.

Yes A class will get all it class card by 10, and all neutrals by the sum of level 60 of all the classes combine - But it look what I point at exactly - They’ll be lock from Standard play and be force to play the solo adventure, but they won’t beable to gain any more basic card outside the 1st few cause you can’t gain wild cards achievement til you unlock wild mode.

I hope you can see how that can be a problem for a new account - they’re going be basically force to play every class to unlock in solo - which is wild and fine. But after that the class will be level 1 and have a slow grind to 10 for each class to get the neutrals eventually to finally do Standard. A character fresh out the start is level 1. So you need grind to level 10 to even unlock the Mage cards. And that’ll take awhile for each class and most likely be solo content only for each class which can turn people off who want to jump straight into standard rank.

But they’ll be gaining access to all the Core Set cards instead?
I don’t really see the problem - it’ll basically be how unlocking Basic cards are now. They can play Standard right away.

I guess we don’t know what neutrals unlock at combined level 1, and is that enough

The Exp for Solo content is horrible - they won’t be gaining new basic card right away beside the “unlock deck” you get most likely, but you won’t beable to unlock the card you normally would get with class to make it slightly better.

Look at some the card you unlock with a class at 2,4,6,8, and once you hit 10 you could just swap to the standard cards, but you won’t have all the neutrals, so you’ll have 1 class with the new card for that class only, but will you then grind with bad cards again for a other class to 10 , or keep using 1 class till it eventually get to 60 in solo, the smart thing might be well - just get 10 and go to new class, good to teach them other classes, but the exp for solo content is so low you have.

So they’ll have to play many solo games to even unlock enough card before going to standard which will most likely ANGER allot of new player which will be a very valid point - they’ll have to spend a decent amount of hours in solo before they can even think of doing the new player stand rank to start earning the free pack and etc.

right now you can make a new account play few new player game and get level 10 in a half an hour vs other player/rank , new acc to get level 10 is about 1-2 hours in solo content if you do the class unlock and will only have 1 class card ready but not as many neutrals to make a stand deck, so they’ll have to repeat that boring process with each class. Then they can’t even unlock DH til after the new player to unlock wild MEANING - they’ll have to do solo content AGAIN just to unlock DH (DH prolog isn’t as bad but by that point they might be sick of it).

This is changing, DH will be unlockable via Innkeeper with the 20.0 patch. If players want Initiate cards for free they still need to unlock Wild. But only 4 of the Initiate cards are going to be in the Core Set going forward, the rest will be Wild.

That still doesn’t address the problem that they’ll have to literally get about to sum of level 60 to unlock the neutral cards to even have a viable deck to start climbing the “new player ranks” as they’re all standard. And If they can’t do Wild card unlock til they unlock wild with the achievements that mean they’ll be using the same basic card that will be “wild” and the newer class cards as they unlock the class, and yes , while we have 10 classes now and getting to each class at least level 6 would be the “ideal strat” that’ll still make them grind solo content or they’ll “skip” the new player rank and then be missing out all the packs just to get wild unlock right away to finally vs other players or brawls and etc.

Getting a class to level 10 does not seem to take that much time if they’re just unlocking classes as they start via the Innkeeper. Solo Adventures does give decent XP to get those first couple of levels.

Doesn’t seem like that to player who know the Innkeeper deck and know how to play the game correctly, then you have new player who might hover over every card and etc. and getting Every class to level 6 is about 2 hour mark using all basic card (already time and did it) and that playing as fast as possible. But to get all the class card you need get them to 10, and we don’t even know which “class card” unlock at what level so if 1 the better card end up being at 10, they might grind abit more.

it’s the 1st 5 level it then half at 5-10, and 10+ it really give bad exp for class. New player aren’t going know this and just go into a endless loop of grinding before they actually can play still, that’s a problem for sure.

to make a update I am streaming a complete new player exp right now, freshly made acc and etc

Edited to show pretty much how screw new player can get. Fresh made Blizzard account - faces someone with a last season Reward Track of 50+ hero pic and IF they weren’t last season they already must hit 100 by now (don’t think it this option so it’s most likely the last). Meaning new players are being screw hard when making decks in general vs people.

The “Core” Card you get are pretty decent and can let you play standard right away, but the fact you don’t really start unlocking many of the cards til you increase your total level across many classes or 1 single class, is a death trap for a new player as they’ll most likely lose if they get this type of match up , how can a Fresh level account barely have anything compete with a person from last reward track of 50+ They should of for sure been out of the new player or returning player.

The “screw” is not so much in having Core Set cards be locked, but the matchmaking.

Facing a player who got the level 50 DH skin from last expansion should not be happening when you are still at Apprentice 40!

I agree on that , there no way for a new player to have the means to vs a person like that was what I was really upset about. I made that as a throw away account - so is was 100% fresh, the stream even show me doing the tutorial - that how fresh that account was.

But I did say in the stream/video that i’m glad the there is a “basic core” you get to start playing away - but kept vsin’ semi standard deck, so I dusted most my card cause - acc wouldn’t matter to make a cheap token Druid deck and wasn’t mad I lost but more upset of that DH reward track if anything which is why I feel your not really vsin’ new players as much as the game dev would say.

Even if people wanna say “The game might of use ur IP” - my IP shouldn’t matter on a new account that like showing someone new a game at my house it shouldn’t have matter due to the fact.

But I am glad you can still play “standard” right away and not force to do bot fight to even unlock a class if you beat a class and your given a low tier core deck, but still felt bad seein’ that - cause I didn’t think too much til it dawn on me that wasn’t a normal DH, lmao.