Disenchanting card

So I logged into hearthstone today wanting to play competitive mode after not touching the mode for about a year or so. I looked up decks to build thinking I would be able to craft at least one interesting deck if I disenchant some cards. To my surprise I can hardly disenchant anything, every card I remember having an extra golden version for is now “uncraftable” and I’m stuck with no dust. For example, I had a golden king mukla, tirion, blah blah blah. Now I can’t disenchant anything, I looked it up and people were saying you could disenchant in wild mode but I still can’t do that. So my question is how am I supposed to get back into the game without spending $100+. WTF blizzard?! This is such a scam, am I just missing something? I used to have SO many cards I kept ready to disenchant in case there was a deck I really wanted to play, now when I search “extra” I get MAYBE 3-4 pages worth of cards. Thanks, Blizzard probs won’t be playing your game now that I lost all my dust.


Try to switch to classic while you are in the collection; maybe you will see your cards (since I think you can’t use core cards in classic)

the DE version are currently hidden untill the CORE cards rotate…its to prevent 4 copy of the same minion from popping in the same page

it was the dumb way to implement the feature but ya…but on the other hand its probably better if you DONT disenchant non-extra…i know your probably not a wild player currently…but standard get harsh to keep up with every single expansion release

that said…i encourage ya to depart as ya wish anyway XD every game modes are in an awful state right now and they ain’t doing much to fix this…too many monkeys designers at time being…and its likely gonna keep going downhill…they ain’t showing signs of getting smarter so far :S

lots of players are currently very disgruntled and it wont be long b4 a mass departure occur…the only mode which still has the slight decency is battlegrounds

oh and see these expensive mercenary bundles ? it scream greed outloud…and the prices ? to pay the lawsuit they had…they have gone unreasonnable(idk how it work fully internally but very likely to be bobby handling the pricings…very least he definetly had a hand in the price being that)
(yup admitting that i didn’t do research on how a compagny work XD…anyway i have an awful memory regarding stuff that i cant be bother caring about much so i would quickly forget :S)

EDIT: DLM suggestion might work…so possibly scrap the upper part of my post saying not possible atm…but its still a work around way IF it work

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You need to filter by a single set to see your owned “permanent copy”. Eg: GvG for Shieldmaiden.
Also be careful when disenchanting as your Wild copy counts as the same card in collection for Classic mode. You disenchant your Al’Akir, it is gone from Wild and Classic.

My guide here:

Disenchant extra copies of cards when they’re nerfed for lots of dust.
Get the rewards track free cards and do your quests. Gold and packs will build up over time.

You might be encountering a returning player bug, there are Bug Reports that some players lost a lot of their previous collection. I’m not sure really, because there were only a few reports and not even screenshots

Thanks I managed to find my old cards this way, kind of weird how it works but it works. I’ll take some time to figure out how everything works but glad to know everything isn’t just gone.