So, now that blizzcon campfire chat is coming, what are your wishes?

Given that everything they do is for the money and not for the game itself, I would say that I’m happy to give them advice if they’re willing to pay for that, otherwise let them go.

For Microsoft to let us know, they are cleaning house and Bobby is no longer in charge.

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Quite simple.

Itemization getting fixed and the game not being a rare drop farm instead of unique/legendary/set farm. Fix the loot. It’s all that matters.

Group finder would be cool if they are going to mandate grouping for efficiency.

Announce the next major update that also adds on to the main storyline for S3/4.


Something like a bank/auction house. Im thinking you go there to post and buy off of the auction house (only gold, no real money transactions).

The bank part would be like an instance, that teleports you to your personal vault, with a ton of stash space for all of your characters. Then open world stashes can turn into character specific storage, since we have an issue with stash space, and everyone loading each other’s stash into the same zone.

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Hoping for anything from the long list of items that should have been in the game since release, expecting to hear that the expansion will have a lot of what we expected from a released AAA title for another scummy blizzard fee. Not buying into though, company is scum water.

They will tell us look at all these “features” but we’ll have to pay lol.

An actual PTR to fix bugs so we are not PTR on release and beyond.

Endgame fleshed out even more.

Costs on enchanting reduced for forgotten souls on lower level tier 4s (850s or so and below)

Trading made like D3 and exploits are thing of past. Things like rogue doing 1 billion with 90 combo points are fixed within a week.

Streamers punished like others when breaking rules.

Cosmetic shop costs brought back to reality.

Social aspects brought back to 2023 not 2012.

Goblins improved to at least D3 level.

Minion necromancer is a focus.

At least 1 new hero per year.

Highly discounted first expansion as a sorry for the state of how this game was released, the endless exploits, and mountain of bugs that is still ongoing.

Complete lack of vision for long term game health addressed. Some season stuff needs to go to eternal guys. Eternal isnt a dead wasteland you can just ignore.

Dungeons given purpose and identity. Each dungeon and each region could mean something with simple changes. See these ideas.
Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
ChallengeDungeons = Challenge Dungeons make you git gud!
Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard!

Helltides also addressed.
New Helltides = This Updated Helltide system has chance for hell to freeze over. 👿

Crafting added back in.
Crafting = Why did you Make like a Crafting Skill Tree and 🥬 this out!

Heroes have variants.
Hero Variants = By the Power of Greyskull here are Powerful Hero Variants! 💀

Pets make a comeback.
Pets = Get a Pet save your mouse clickies! 🐇

Some more gear slots make appearance.
Shoulder Gear Slot = NEW Shoulder Slot = 😍
Earring Gear Slot = New 👂 ring Slot = Hear me Roar with approval

Build your own player housing like POE hideouts.
Build Safezone = Build your own Safezone and gain bonuses with components!

Calandar small bonus system added
Calendar = Calendar System Makes Happy Eyeballs 👁

Balance patches are faster and dont take entire season.

Only sacred items drop on tier 3 and ancestral on tier 4. None of this legends can drop as sacreds on tier 4 garbage.

Obal vendor max increased by 100%.

Player inventory size increased by 100%.

Stash tabs increased to 25 to start and players earn 1 tab per season journey.

Character max slots increased to 50. Rebirth feature added.

More build defining items.

Archon brought back for sorc.

Occultist offers choice of 3 enchants not 2. You can see what options are to roll on items like in D3 on occultist.

Empower dungeons for 1 life max, more glyph xp and chest items for 50k - 5m gold depending on tier of dungeon.

Some more interaction with skills like we got in D3 where you could change elements or function or something.

7th hotbar slot for ultimates only.

Ultra powerful / cool items that cant be repaired (so they are temp items. Could really make some awesome stuff that is op).

More ways to continually challenge character.

Aspects that are salvaged made into codex instead of gumming up my box in case i want to switch builds.

Armory added to save up to 5 builds per character with gear and paragon ect. This is a PVP game. How did we not get this to start game?

Head hurts…i might add more later

  1. Add more action to the game.
    -more builds, more unique items, more classes, more variety (not gated at end game)
    -give more areas for builds to shine, speedfarmer vs boss killer vs [ae] clearer vs ??? test our characters and builds in some interesting ways

  2. fix itemisation
    -add a loot filter (worst part of the game is checking item stats)
    -remove duplicate/conditional affixes
    -look at last epoch implement some of their great ideas
    -allow crafting items and/or more determination of stats other than a single affix reroll (runes? enchants? choose one of two stats aka item levelup/talent trees?) - I love the idea of getting an endgame item and attuning myself to it the longer I wield it - kill Duriel with X equipped or kill 1000 zombies with y equipped … maybe even sacrificing materials to empower
    -add set items

  3. more horiztonal (account) progression
    -glyph leveling account wide (and increase xp up to 15, slow it down from 15-21)
    -seasonal quests skipped on subsequent characters
    -strongholds account wide (per season?)
    -way points account wide (per season?)

  4. Gameplay

  • lower cooldowns or speed it up, I want a trample druid that can just spam it and continuously dash back and fourth, with those pillars spawning and collapsing everything.
    -add more gameplay loops especially to end game. NM dungeons get old fast but are okish.
    -bosses are nice but I would prefer more front loaded effort to unlock them permanently (each season) rather than collect mats and summon (and then have to revisit the “lower level” content).
    -look into the seasonal journey… some of it is just tedious
    -add more class/build/weekly/daily stuff for players to complete … would be nice to earn a currency via a weekly reset seasonal journey style shopping list that I could use to buy a unique or build enabling item (that I could then reroll a class and have fun with that build defining item).
    -add a group finder / auto queue (think LFR/LFD from wow or D3 bounty vs rift)

Remember seasons are 3 month affairs, nothing is permanent so rewards cant be too vertical, just make things entertaining to the average gamer for that length of time and dont be affraid to break the game (not nerfing ball lightning is a good indicator you are on board with this well done).

From a monetisation angle, I still don’t feel its worthwhile to purchase the season pass. If the game massively improves happy to start doing it, right now the quality doesn’t justify it.

this this this is a must

I would argue that the worst part of the game is actually HAVING to pick up rares. We shouldn’t be required to pick them up. The game should be about Legos and Uniques if they aren’t putting Sets in yet.

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  • More stash space for the love of god. Each character gets 5 tabs (they can be private for all I care). Not possible to create alts without space for their journey.
  • More end game content (what are we supposed to do when we’re max power and one-shotting everything everywhere? Need a worthy foe or
    system/mechanic/game play to apply all this power against.
  • Expansion news.
  • Solo-Self-Found game mode (can’t trade with anyone).
  • I want a new mechanic introduced to the game. Parry! You character can parry incoming blows and you get a nice little sound effect with it as well. You can even expand on that with Riposte. It can be balanced with other things in the game, does not have to be game breaking, but it sure as hell would be more fun on my Barb using something like that :slight_smile:
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  • All Aspects added to Codex
  • All Aspects can be crafted now
  • Aspects Imprint to a gear slot and not the item itself
  • Aspects can drop by themselves
  • Legendary items are now not just Rares with Aspects on them, but a different Rarity of Item.
  • Rarity of item determines the Minimum Affix roll possible. Rare items and Legendary items would both have 4 total Affixes with the same Maximum Affix rolls however Legendary items will have a higher minimum roll.
  • New Rarity of item introduced, Mythical. Mythical items will have a higher minimum roll than Rare or Legendary items and at least (1) Affix is guaranteed to be the Max value for the respective ilvl.
  • Gear, Aspect, Skill, and Paragon Loadouts added. Upon hitting Level 50 and unlocking your first Paragon Board, you are rewarded with a Loadout. A Quest becomes active to Save your Gear, Aspects, Skills, and Paragon as a Loadout.
  • You may obtain (1) additional Loadout by completing all Ranks of Renown for each Region.
  • An additional Loadout slot can be purchased for Gold or Platinum.
  • Rework Paragon system to be more straightforward and easier to plan/manage.
  • More Nemesis enemies added to Dungeons along with Events or Hordes that can spawn.
  • Added detailed Training Grounds allowing full control and testing of Character against differrnt enemy types with a detailed performance summary.
  • Ability to Plan Character Build im game and save Skill and Paragon point allocations, favorite Aspects, target Affixes on items etc with a Loot Filter.
  • Add Matchmaking and Group Finder Tool in game.
  • World Bosses are active 24/7. Any successful clear gives you a lock out on your account for 3.5 hours.
  • Legion Events can be entered Solo or with only your Group.
  • Numerous fixes to conditional interactions being broken and skills not working as intended.
  • Hellspire added which is a roguelike dungeon descending floors for added challenges. You can choose to save your progress and extract after every 3rd Floor Boss encounter.

Remove useless chest on helltides

Make every chest mysterious or living steel

Make all chest visible on the map, I’m tired of having to use helltides dot com every single time. 2023 and I still had to rely on 3rd party website while playing helltides.

Lowers summoning requirement of Grigore

Increase the amount of living steel dropped from chest. Let us farm that Uber maggot.

Plus the rest of the helltides suggestion above.

Make it happen within this season.

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  1. Wish: improved itemization.
  • 2-3 more affixes on items
  • remove all “damage reduction” affixes as they are all redundant next to armor, resistances, and fortify.
  • remove “shrine buff duration” affix
  • remove “after killing elite” affix
  1. crating system for upgrading items from common → magic → rare

  2. If they’re not going to do anything meaningful with common or magic items: remove them entirely.

I just want them to add a battleground/arena for PVP and i will be happy and have a purpose to continue farming for better gear.

Make some more items tradeable. That way you can help build an economy to the game an encourage interaction at that level. Too many accounts bound things.

Improve crafting add something else to the game or more customization options.

Make some events requiring player groups with some special alternate currency rewards.

Overall, this game is kind of lonely and the nerfs to power leveling are separating friends from play on hardcore together.

Move our dodge to the right stick on a controller/ whatever PC had in D3 for dodge, free up the B button/ whatever dodge occupies on PC for skills. Ulti gets a perma slot.

Sorry . Had to adjust these ones.

My keyboard has a lot of spare keys right now and the best thing is that i can choose freely what goes where.

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Sadly they have yet to allow consoles the joys of mouse and keyboard. I “could” hook up my old laptop to the tv and get a wireless setup, but that laptops performance is sub par and more suited for older games.

Well the can has been kicked down the road quite a bit far now so they either address the 2 main issues of the game or just announce new content. Like, if they speak anything else than the following 3 would be a cause of concern IMO:

1 - Itemization
2 - Mobs never evolve so we end up playing 75+ “same” levels
3 - Just announce new content which tbh I’m fine with

Cause doing something else (side-ways or whatever) would mean “buy more time” or “more bloat to the game” move, which not gonna lie could mean they still don’t get where the problem is :thinking:

As for itemization talks I think I’ve summed most in this absolute leviathan/monster of a thread, so at your own peril if curious - take a look at :slight_smile:

shut the company down