The Cosmetic Shop Overhaul Thread 👕

Cosmetic shop needs a complete overhaul. Here are some ideas.

1] Alternate skill effects. Each skill would gain a cosmetic token slot in its base version inside skill tree and is free to change out cosmetic tokens. Five examples:
A) Dark Shards - Your ice shards are now black.
B) Flying Skull - Your bone spear is a laughing skull.
C) Dire Shred - Your shred is a brilliant purple colored vampire werewolf.
D) Shimmering Shot - Your rapid shot shimmers.
E) Whimsywind - Your whirlwinds are random colors.

2] Player Renaming. Players desperately want this. Make it around $1.99 to $4.99.

3] Dyes in shop. Should be able to color any armor any color. Brilliant should cost a bit more than standard dyes. Purchasing a dye allows you to use it infinite times. Very nice!

4] Health and resource globe skins.

5] Mount changes. Mounts gain 3 cosmetic slots. One for hoof, charge skill, and attack skill. 3 Examples: Snowy Hoof Prints, Nightmare Training, (horse burns while charging), and Natures Might (attack glows bright green). 2nd part of this is more mount types are added instead of a horse. All mounts would move at the same speed so there is no in game bonus for choosing a different mount. Its just for looks but some of these could really be premium. Some examples:
A] Gobtaur (Centaur but head is goblin)
B] Dire Bear
C] Flying Carpet
D] Undead Molerat

6] Pets = Already made this thread → Get a Pet save your mouse clickies! :rabbit2: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (

7] Avoid the portal per char design. Just dont do this. Having these nice portals but 80% of them you cant use on each character is bad design. I like that blue one but I cant use it on my druid so guess I will skip this purchase. Why limit your customers for no reason??

8] Clear cosmetic themes. The best sets will be the ones with a clear theme like fire, ice, lightning FX for sorcs. They are starting to do better on this but the flame one for sorc looks awful for males.

9] More sales. Prices are too high. Consumers want sales. Buy 1 get 1 free is a proven winner. These are digital assets. Getting more purchases at 10-50% off is still making you tons of money.

10] Add shoulder and earring slots into the game. This opens up ideas for new cosmetics and gearing options.

Shoulder Gear Slot = NEW Shoulder Slot = 😍
Earring Gear Slot = New 👂 ring Slot = Hear me Roar with approval

11] Allow previews with different dyes. Some sets look good but have the wrong desired color but I cant preview it in a different color so I just dont buy it.



Stop putting cosmetics behind a paywall and stop asking for that. Let us find them in-game. They pump out new cosmetics weekly but can’t add anything to the game we can earn normally? For every cosmetic set they stick behind a $25 pay wall, they should add another set in-game to make up for it that we can find.

  1. I could see this. I wouldn’t pay for it myself, but it would be cool to see.
  2. Are people really asking for this? Seems kind of pointless in this game. Maybe for Eternal Realm characters? Definitely not for Seasonal characters, wouldn’t make much sense.
  3. If they add dyes we need more dying options, not just the color of the dye, but perhaps a pattern, also each piece should have 2 or 3 dye options itself in my opinion. Meaning chest piece can be colored with 2 or 3 different dye colors for specific parts.
  4. I could see this being like the portraits in D3, nothing game changing just a little flair.
  5. Confused by the Attack Skill part of your description could you give an example?
  6. Sure why not.
  7. Completely agree, this makes no sense what so ever.
  8. I get the feeling we’ll see more of this over the years.
  9. Sales are always good.
  10. We already have the earring cosmetics without the earring slot. I’ll pass on the shoulders, there’s only so much you can do with shoulder pads before they just start looking hilarious.
  11. Yes please, how is this not a thing?
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I want to be able to hide weapons that aren’t being used, e.g., Crossbow when using Twisting Blades etc.


Interesting idea.

Go rainbow whirlwind! It does not have to be June. :laughing:

As an assassin, we are definitely not telling people that we are here.

Add the following:
HotA: The effect after the hammer hits the ground is full of golden stars!
Shadow Clone: Your shadow clone now looks exactly like you!
Wolf pets: Now your wolf pets are dogs. After all these years of being a druid, you are still a human at heart!

Each of those portals are designed with a class theme. That is why.

No, I want a human follower so bad now! A human follower with extra inventory, please! Make the appearance customizable.

No, we are already after enough gears, so no more.

One of my suggestions in an old post. I fully support this one. They should also let us try just one piece at a time before we buy. It would be great if they allow us to plan with what we already have in the store to see if we can create something interesting before purchase.

I know I know, I can rant about people wanting WoW in their Diablo but…

Weapon visual enchants would be cool, just saying.

Mongoose on your rather bland looking mage staff?

Oh hell yes with blood coated cherries on top!


Full box price, beta release, practically 0 cool cosmetics to grind for. No.

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LE and PoE has no cosmetics either, all paid.

that’s just gaming in 2024 tho

I vote to axe it entirely and put all the cosmetics developed in the Battlepass or earnable in the game. Seriously, screw the cosmetic shop. Overpriced garbage.


You’re comparing a full box price game… with an indie arpg packed with QoL and content for half the price, and another arpg that is free to play, but ok!

Reported. Spam. Twenty characters


What a cool idea! Its obvious Blizzard focus just on gameplay improvements and they don´t care about ingame shop at all.

Yeah they releasing tons of skins constantly but like you mentioned there are still things in game that aren´t properly monetized. I mean who need some minor changes in gameplay every 3 months. We desperatly need more things to buy.

Here is my list and Blizzard should focus only for MTXs bcs I feel like there is no point to play game whatever quality if I can´t spent at least 100e every week. That is what I am looking for in games.

  1. Underwear
    There should be slot for this, its annoying to see just basic when you are playing wordrobe, you should be able to enjoy view for diff colors, effects etc. Considering its minor MTX I would price it really cheap, somethinh like 10-15e.

  2. Jewelry overall
    I really love your earning suggestion, but I think we can push it even futher. I would kill for tongue piercing. Considering how exclusive it can be, bcs you can never seen it and you would just have that good inner feeling from it, it should be priced at least for 50e.

  3. Mobs skins
    There is like no reasson to add more monster (don´t even mention skills for them) if we can simply buy new skins for them and customize looks of enemies as we like.
    skins for mobs should be around 15-25e depending how big they are… if mob is elite, skins for it should be sell seperately .

  4. UI colors
    I mean aren´t we all tired of red UI? Cmon just sell us option to change that. Its big change so anything above 40e is ok.

  5. Spending titles.
    I think players should be rewarded for their ingame achievements. We should be able to use some titles to show others our exclusive status. According to your monthly spending you would be able to use some special title, to prolong it, you need to spend same amount next month.
    Considering you already spent some money this should be almost with no charge. So lets say 5-10e extra.

  6. Fart in jar.
    Well this is really just my personal wish, not sure anyone else would like it, but I asssume yes.
    This would be really special. It would works like skin for your weapon + you will get special emote with this (free!). You will be able to smell it also color of fart can be customize (for friendly charge of 1e per change). Also you would be able to offer smell to others.

Lets face it guys, economy is not great. Life standards go down and private jets are not free. We should support garage studios like Macrosoft and buying mounts for just 60 feels like stealing.

I demand more expensive MTXs so this beloved company can survive.


Hopefully they bring up all the new cosmetics coming at the campfire chat.

This post, is absolutely hilarious. Thank you.

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I also hope the cosmetics can change how druid looks in different forms, maybe, let us dye backpack, horse, and weapon (it kills me when you change the set color and the weapon color then does not match).


A+ for high effort troll post :joy:

Please add Pay to Win.
When Barbarian teases Druid with sausage emote. Give Druid +150% Overpower for 6 seconds. When in Wolf form, 12 seconds.

I wouldn’t pay for it, but being able to change the visual effect of my bone spear would be nice.

Weapon Effects are poor in DIV. Best example:

  • Rogue uses a flaming dagger (optical weapon skin)
  • Rogue throws dagger
  • you see rogue throwing 3 white stripes
  • what you should see: rogue throwing 3 flaming daggers (making swoosh woosh sound)

I’ve gotten free cosmetics in PoE for just showing up to the league or participating in end of league events.

Like, these are cosmetics that normally cost money but were gifted to me as a reward for playing through a challenge. One was the new map device for affliction league which hyped me up quite a bit.