D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Could be lower, but not too low. It would be quite terrible if loot turned free for all while a battle was still ongoing. And the player need to be able to get to town, to make room for the items, and back again, too.

I dont think anyone want to change the existing system. Just offer two different systems. People would still be able to choose the old system if they wanted to.

But this is part of how the game works. If you are full then you should be TPing back to town and dumping the stuff you need to dump. The overall game flow would stay the same while giving that slight handicap for players who need the extra time to pick up things.

From what I have read in this most people who are proposing these changes indeed do want to change the existing system. Setting up different systems retracts from the way the game is played.

Indeed. And the timer before the item turns free for all, allow players to do that.

This argument is for/against charm inventory, not in personal loot vs shared loot debate. His point was simply window being not too short.

In this thread alone more people are asking for ‘option/toggle-able checkbox’ system. I don’t expect you to read 750+ posts in it, but you’re just wrong here.

And no, it doesn’t change the existing system nor the game play. Lot of people don’t seemed to fully grasp that D2 is not an open world game, but closed one (if there is such a word) with 8 players max per room. You can choose to enter only room with shared loot system on, or make one yourself.

If personal loot is added to Diablo 2 Resurrected, then first it should be optional, pretty much a checkbox option that’s available when a person creates a room; and second if it’s active, then for each player in a game, there should be fewer drops overall in compared to a game with shared loot active.

Why less drops? I can see keeping the total drops constant. “Functionally”, personal loot has less drops than FFA already. The reason for my apparent contradiction in that keeping total drops the same means “functionally” less in personal result is due to player stratification.

A well-geared player or a selective player may only be interested in a small fraction of the drops. Consequently, they do not pick these drops up. In a FFA environment, B-tier items that dropped would likely be picked up by less geared party members. In a personal loot game. if the B-tier item was assigned to the well-geared/selective player, they would not pick up the item. Consequently, the total items are functionally already less in personal loot games in comparison to FFA even though total drops are constant.

Why not? As it currently stands in Diablo 2, you’re not guaranteed to getting all the items that drop, so even if a lot of loot drops, you have to compete with other people to get the items. If they bring personal loot in Diablo 2 Resurrected, while keeping the drop rate the exact same, it would mean that more items drop while playing with personal loot as compared to having shared loot active, especially if you’re playing with friends.

Getting 5-6 items with shared loot and getting 5-6 items with personal loot seems to be the exact same amount of loot. No matter if you pick those items up or not.
Only difference might be who get those items. But the amount is unchanged.

If you playing with friend cooperatively the loot drop system is largely irrelevant.

Lets assume Baal drops 5 items currently in an FFA 8 player game game. Three players get nothing. In a personal loot 8 player game game, Baal still drops 5 total items and 3 players still get nothing. It is the same in that regard.

FFA drop game currently yields X total item drops and has Y players.
The equivalent personal loot game with the same Y players, drops X/Y drops per player, resulting in X drops.

The overall drop rate does not change.

If you’re playing with friends in a personal loot game, you effectively get anywhere from 2-8 times the amount of loot that you would’ve gotten when compared to playing in a shared loot game.

If Baal drops 5 items in an 8 player shared loot game, and 5 items in an 8 player personal loot game, it isn’t 5 items (shared loot) vs 5 items (personal loot) that Baal dropped. Instead, it’s about 5 items vs 40 items (5 items dropping for each player).

The amount of items is still the same. Only way 1 player gets 2-8 times as much loot is is the other people are just there to carry and trade all their loot to one player. As you can also do with shared loot.

It is still just 5 items being dropped. Not 40.
Doesn’t seem like anyone are arguing for higher droprates. It is basically just how WoW and other games handle personal loot.

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Now I understand. This is not what the personal loot people mean. The total drops stay absolutely the same between FFA and personal loot games.

For clarity, if Baal drops 5 items in a FFA 8 person game, then Baal still drops 5 items total in an 8 player personal loot game. It is NOT 40 items.

I hope that this clarification helps you understand. I thought wahtI wrote was clear earlier, but I guess not.

Not nearly to the same amount as 5 loot dropped and shared in an 8 player shared loot game is still only 5 loot when given to another player. While 5 loot for each player gained and shared in an 8 party personal loot game is about 40 loots. There’s hardly a comparison.

5 items individually, but for the party as a whole, it’s 40 items.

I didn’t assume anyone was, however having personal loot active would naturally involve more droprate, unless that droprate was as I had suggested before altered to dropping fewer items in an personal loot game.

I’m pretty sure most folks mean something similar to Diablo 3 when they say personal loot; as in everyone gets their own item when loot drops. So again, if Baal drops 5 items, that would be about 40 items dropped all together in an 8 player game.

Now honestly, you could say that it doesn’t matter, however in terms of progress, reward, and efficiency, this would make personal loot far more rewarding than shared loot, when instead shared loot should be more rewarding but carry the risk of not actually being able to gain the item.

That is not what I or many others mean as Shadout noted. I was exceptionally clear in my response about what I was discussing. In my example, I clearly stated that Baal dropped 5 items total for both FFA and personal loot. You are arguing against something that I and almost everyone who has talked about the personal loot option do not want (the whole 8X loot nonsense).

Also, do not confuse personal loot and drop rates. D3 has always bee personal loot. In the early days of D3, the drop rates were very low. Currently the drop rates are very high. As this illustrates, personal loot is a distinct concept from loot drop rate.

Like I said, that’s what I see most folks mean when they’re talking about personal loot. Now if that’s not what you mean, then fine. However, my earlier post was based on that idea of personal loot.

Never did.

The only forum posters I have seen say that are people who are adverse to the idea of personal loot and do not know what the advocates of personal loot wanted in that total drops remain constant. It is easy to shoot down an idea that is I want 8X drop rate.

Looking at some of the threads over in Diablo 2 Resurrected says otherwise. Also If all you say is “I want personal loot”, then it’s easy to surmise that the person saying that is wanting loot for each individual player, because that’s how Diablo 3 does it. Even the OP of this thread gave the implication of personal loot similar to Diablo 3 (where every player gets their own loot), hence why they suggested that the droprates should be altered to avoid inflation.

of course drops would need to be altered for PL. But it shouldn’t be cut too much if it would be worse than what you’d get by soloing as people would just solo the bosses.

As someone else who has argued for personal loot, I also do not mean inflating it eight times over!

I don’t know why this keeps coming up. As has been pointed out before (Repeatedly) if (for example) Baal were to drop 5 times in a free for all loot game, then he would continue to drop 5 times in a personal loot game, it just means that, some people will miss out on any loot at all - just as is the case today.

No, they do not need to be adjusted one little bit. This is just flat out wrong, and a misconception of what personal loot is.