From a Veteran Diablo 2 player, played 16 years

If anything, personal loot will reduce the number of items in the trade economy due to cheating.

In FFA multiplayer game, there is a lower “no drop chance” resulting in more drops. The bot is set to pickup the good/tradeable gear with inhuman reaction times. In an 8 player game lets say the bot gets half of all “good” drops.

In a similar instanced loot 8 player game that bot on average only get 12.5% of all good drops (with a binomial variance). Therefore, instanced loot is far better in keeping the economy free of botted items.

You are incorrect in your assertion.

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Some of the changes LoD introduced were bad. I wouldn’t mind if they nerfed a few of the runewords and some of the strongest uniques. But no more power creep like a charm inventory.

Ideally they should focus on the remaster aspect.

Depending on the implementation, a charm inventory can be a nerf to player power. Currently, some players will have their entire inventory almost completely full with charms plus a couple books and the cube.

If charms only work in the charm inventory and its now half the size of the current inventory, this is the antithesis of power creep.


Not a bad idea. I actually support it. But players can already choose to do this with their charms so it isn’t really needed.

Wait this can’t be true… you never even potion-duped, not once?
You’ve got to be a damned :unicorn:!

Never. I have not cheated in any diablo game ever.

Incorrect. This is what I wrote about personal loot versus FFA loot for gearing up for legit players.

If we extend this to cheaters, FFA loot will result in all A-tier gear collected but the distribution of the best gear will accumulate with cheaters and less for legitimate players.

Exactly in personal loot and not the cheater/bot who gets way more of the good gear (and legit players proportionally less) in a multiplayer FFA than what would be expected by RNG with personal loot.

This is not accurate. I have explained repeatedly my motivations for preferring personal loot and it is focused on valuing integriy.

Are you sure? The two D2R surveys that Blizzard e-mailed its players looking for feedback had 19 and 7 changes, respectively., including questions about dedicated charm inventory, balance changes to skills/items, and personal loot. The post-technical alpha interview where Blizzard was explicitly asked about personal loot, the answer was now now, but depending on player feedback it may change before launch. The quote you ae thinking about was in a paragraph answering a question about item duping where parataxis raises question since Rob was soulbound.

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I disagree with your post in general.
Lots of veteran gamers here are asking for QoL improvements, myself included. Have you been to 99 multiple times before bots? I have and personally I’d love to see QoL improvements!!! Best of luck to you. Hope you have a nice day.


That’s so crazy. You should honestly do an AMA on Reddit lol.

You never had godly plate of the whale, a staff with 255 charges, etc?

That stuff was so much fun…
Don’t get me wrong I had legit chars too but man, I couldn’t say no to oculus rings when they were around hahah.

I live a pretty ethical life. I got sick of all the tom foolery in D2 public games. Consequently, I played primarily solo and earned all my gear. That is why it is so laughable to me that some claim I want free loot where almost all of the D2 loot that I had was almost exclusively due o my efforts and no one else.

In D2R, it would be nice to play more co-op games.

For all of D3’s faults, D3 multiplayer co-op is much more pleasant/less cheating than in D2.


I will admit I always got bored of being overpowered with any cheats in d2, or d1 eventually joined a legit-only duel forum for D1, and got bored of occy rings maybe a month into their existence.

It is much more fun playing games as intended, but I couldn’t help but throw dreamflange rings on at least once In public bnet. All the power to ya.

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Ehh so many feelings. Not a single fact. FFA stays no matter how hard you trying to twist reality. Ofc after release also nothing is going to change on the forum. We going to see the same post like: “Devs you going to destroy D2R if you not give ploot” or “We need ploot cus everybody is stealing my loot”. Childs just stay childish. Meanwhile in the game we are going to enjoy the nostalgia of the best arpg what exsisted (ofc together with the improved graphics and the needed qol changes).

I don’t know why people are so confident they won’t add a personal loot option. They’ve asked the community about it, Blizzard has acknowledged in the past the limitations of FFA loot, and majority of new games have personal loot to combat server side cheats. It’s not set in stone, at all.

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Well maybe there are players who still understand the meaning of Remaster.

Majority. Not all. And FFA is part of d2.

Nope. They have ploot cus game developers knows that the gaming community is a joke. Why are more Fortnite players than Counter Strike players? Or why more players bought d3 than d2. Cus most of the players like low effort high reward games. D2 was never that type of game. And still it is advertised as “Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.” The last thing what Blizz need that everybody is claiming that they have done again false advertising. I can imaginge some law suit also in that case.

you know what i was going to support you until u started with this BS

yes we love the original game… i also continue to play diablo 2 to this day, that doesn’t mean its freaking perfect.

If people are calling you “elitist” its because you ARE.

there is a difference between suggestion something that would be a massive balance or gameplay change something that could effect a million things and would take time and hundred of hours of testing and would completely upend years of how the game was played… aka stuff like “personal loot”
yeah when people suggest stuff like THAT, or “rifts” yeah obviously I’m against it.

what made d2 great and last for 20 years was you were able to play your way, and with enough time and currency u could play any build u wanted to (even if it was objectively terrible) in hell.

and then there are simple changes that just make the game better… remove restrictions like “killing cow king”.

d2 is a masterpiece yes, but its not “perfect”.

if people want quality of life changes… and those changes don’t affect balance they are perfect entitled to ask for them.

shared stash is great, being able to open cow after killing king, loot filters would be great, charm inventory would be fantastic.
and how do i know this… i have played with and without them… IN DIABLO 2 and there isn’t even a comparison as to which is more fun.

diablo 2 is a masterpiece… its not perfect though… obviously some ideas are going to be trash.

But I’m sorry if u have a problem with player asking for basic quality of life changes, then you’re the minority here… and this forum IS filled with mostly d2 veterans, and u act like we haven’t literally tested some of the stuff we are asking for in mods for multiple years

d2:R is the perfect time to be fixing issues the original game had.

QOL for QOL sake is fine as long it it doesn’t negatively impact the game.

there is no harm in having a bigger inventory as long as charms don’t work in the expanded space.


being able to pick up items without a hassle.

i hear people crying like " oh no they cant get rid of ladder only stuff" its how the game was meant to be played?

really was it? because id dint see any freaking ladder only items in 1.09.
who the hell does this benefit? are u so entitled that u think we should have access to the full game because wont don’t want to remake our character every 3 months?

oh these people are playing in the most efficient way possible min maxing their character with 40 life skillers" they don’t deserve to have QOL?
the heck is wrong with you? because i play the game in the most efficient way i don’t deserve to have simple quality of life.

if u have to choose between POWER AND QUALITY OF LIFE

because the CORRECT answer is “power”
and you are PUNISHING people who choose CORRECTLY

and because you say " oh its intended and show me that BS david brevik quote"
i shouldn’t need to remind you that the first thing he said was " we didn’t consider that"

i dont need to hear another single post about " im choosing being power and quality of life"

and that’s why the game is MORE FUN without it.

" choosing between power and quality of life" what the hell is wrong with you people that u think that’s a “good” choice that should be in a video game.


Gaming developers have repeatedly talked about personal loot being much easier to combat cheats. I’ll take the numerous interviews they’ve given over the years as having more merit than your opinion on the matter.

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Of course, my experience as well as others in relation to video games are about feelings. I play video games for fun and a challenge. My idea of fun is not having to deal with toxic players.

They even have reiterated this an a post-alpha technical interview.

Thee is a reason why games transitioned to instanced loot. If FFA was the end all, be all, then games would have stayed FFA.

Although I want a instanced loot option in D2R, I want to keep FFA loot as an option for others who do not share my view. This is where there is a fundamental difference. I want you to have the choice you want while also providing a choice that I prefer.

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Lawsuits, really ? That’s some pretty serious hyperbole.

They could add every change proposed on this forum and there would be no lawsuits, come on man.

Yes i also writed in the same post what you ignored. The reason is that most players like low effort high reward games.

Starcraft2 is immensely popular, and it is high effort, low reward.

Your ideas on gaming are…curious.

This is not the reason why instanced loot games became the gold standard. FFA promotes a wealth of player toxicity and misbehavior that can be reduced by instanced loot. Even David Brevik with the clarity of hindsight has stated repeatedly that he wished that the original D2 had instanced loot instead of FFA loot.

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