There won't be any new content or expansion

Wrong. If you do not move a finger, you will be in town and get no loot whatsoever in an instanced loot game. Moreover, this leecher can not teleport after the fact to get leftover gear unlike FFA where they can do exactly that.


Because you said:

If you do not lift a finger, you will be in town. To move out of town, you need to lift a finger.

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Why would they be in town? They will be in same room where kills are getting done. Thats what leeching is about lol. You will not get anything by standing in town.

Your soluetion works just for few individuals like you, others pretty much dislike the ploot. Just make Ploot clan and play together guys, easy fix :slight_smile:

Its not exactly nostalgie, its something which works and made game harder so it should stay.

The only survey we have access to says that your statement is innacurate. More people favoured Personal loot than FFA, though the question could have been asked in a more informative way.

FFA does not make the game harder, I would argue it makes the game easier to gear, for players like me. I play 3 meta builds, primarily, so FFA loot is actually a lot easier for me.

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More people could not even decided what they really want. as they werent unified. People who said no were unified :slight_smile:

Yes it absolulely does game harder! If zod drops in middle of cows on hardcore game, its game of chance, will you run to get it and risk death or do you want to risk anyone else taking it before you? All these situations where you are forced to make hard decisions will go away with making it more easy with guaranteed ploot. No thank you, I dont want to make game easier.

As I said, for me FFA is easier to gear, as I play meta builds. P loot would make it take quite a bit longer, as currently and for the last 20 years, I take much more than 1/8 of the loot in public legit games.

FFA loot is an easier game, for people that only play a couple really strong, tanky builds. I’m rarely at any risk in SC or HC, unless I specifically want to rush through content to make it more of a challenge.

Personal loot will likely take me a lot more effort to get the items I want. This makes FFA loot easier/less time consuming.


There was one category for FFA only (39%) and two categories for personal loot options (36% and 13%). If your claim is that 36% represent a few, by corollary 39% is a also a few.

Actually, FFA loot makes the game easier to gear up. See:

If you really wanted the game to be harder to gear up, you should be advocating for personal loot.

Then why do you want ploot if you can get items easier with FFA loot?

No, I want to make my own decisions, not let RNG system to decide what it will get for me.

It is not about game difficulty. I do not mind playing a harder game. I want a fairer game where ninja looters and cheaters do not get a disproportionate amount of gear.

And I dont want loot system where people will get guaranteed gear for not doing anything. And system which will generaly speaking making make game more easy.

That is why I am for a choice. Blizzard should offer both FFA or personal loot. This optional selection does not remove anything from you and you make your own decision about the loot system in games that you choose to play.

Adding an option does not remove the original.


Nothing is stopping you from making friends with people in the games you go into. You don’t need lightening fast reflexes to trade with other people. You can plan things out. Ask people for help, etc. There are plenty of people who help when you make a please help game. I take time and specifically look for them and I know I am not the only one.

There is also nothing stopping you from joining baal, chaos, cow, leveling games and magic finding elsewhere in the game. You still get all the benefits and none of the risks of losing the items. There are plenty of ways to adapt and overcome. As someone who has chronic issues myself sometimes you just need to change your approach and look at things a different way.

We’ve all done way worse than cheat in a game :wink: some random schtuff reply out of left field…

You and I oughta grab a beer, take a shot… snort a little something and air guitar to The Unforgiven by Metallica.

At the end of the day I think we’ll all get what we want and I kinda like the current mosh pit on the forum. Bruh the passion is real.

The good guy doesn’t win… f I hope that’s where they go with D4

I mean really though, if you think about what I just said and consider the Diablo lore… and listen to the lyrics, kinda like Inarius and Lilith.

Deep s*** right there mate

In the last minutes of the track, “You labeled me, I’ll label you… so I dub thee unforgiven” :yum:

what part of “Remastered” did you not understand? LMAO

I’m all for personal loot only if two conditions are met.

  1. Your chance for an item is based directly on the percent of damage you are doing against the rest of the group.

  2. The item level of the items you can get directly relates to your current level.

This way Baal/Chaos/Cow runs by a high level player guarantees they get almost all of the loot, and what the leechers get is no better than what they would have gotten solo.

You want it fair? This is fair.

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Oh wow it’s Plasmagun , the world famous forum poster , can i have you autograph plox?

I had alpha access and to me D2:R is exactly what ive expected, even a little bit better, though. I’ve have played a lot of Diablo 2 back in the day and to me it had the exact same feeling, plus some very slight changes that were just perfectly put in, but not too much, like gold pick up for example.
In terms of Diablo 4 i think that D2:R will be a nice alternative if D4 will cool down after its initial hype.


There will be, in the form of community mods :smiley:

But I do think the official d2:r servers should stay 1.14e (some desync bugs have been fixed, that alone warrants a new build version :slight_smile: )

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People are failing to realize that this game is basically just a graphics upgrade with minor QoL changes. Download and install Diablo II. Now, imagine it had some updated graphics. Thats what D2R is and is going to be. Suggesting or recommending major changes or game altering content isn’t going to happen. It’s a mask over the original.