D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

Okay, but that’s what folks assume when someone ask for personal loot, because Diablo 3 is the only Diablo game (for now) to have it. So again, if you or anyone else means otherwise, then you need to clarify or folks will assume that you’re asking for Diablo 3 variant of personal loot (where everyone gets their own loot).

If they’re talking about Diablo 3 version of personal loot, then no they’re not wrong as it means there’d be more items dropping in an 8 party personal loot game than in a solo game or 8 party shared loot game.

Read my post above you and also if they implement it… of course they will balance it…

They are devs and they are from VV , of course they will find a way…to balance it…

All their previous Remasters/Remakes were top-notch !

ps. Have some faith because if they implement Personal/Instanced loot perfectly in the game (balance wise), online will RISE hugely it will be a really fun experience with no more loot drama and pickit bots… and more people are gonna play online instead of solo.

and tbh… it’s more fun playing with others than alone… (at least imo)… cause after a while farming solo gets boring… farming with others will be more fun.

Imagine 8 player co-op runs… with no more fear of loot drama… much better experience overall…

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Except I’m not talking about D3 personal loot, and I’m never talking about D3 personal loot and I’ve explained multiple times (as have others) that we mean proper personal loot, it’s even been explained (repeatedly) in this very thread, and yet, people keep talking about 8x loot.

So, there’s a little frustration on my side when I see comments like that, but I do try and explain, but when said people continue to go on with the utterly false assertion that personal loot = 8 x shared loot, then my frustration grows.

It’s only because I want D2R to fix the D2 flaws.

Believe it or not, I have no issue with personal loot in general, and in fact I appreciate it in Diablo 3 and am glad that Diablo 4 will have it as well.

That’s understandable; however know that some of this started because someone didn’t realize that I was specifically talking about Diablo 3 version of personal loot. As I said before, since you’re talking about a different personal loot style, then that’s fine; just know that I was specifically talking about Diablo 3 version.

I know, and apologies if my frustrations have shown through a little excessively. I have to remember that thanks to Blizzards stupid move of not allowing D2/D2:LOD license holders to post in the D2R forums, I’m actually talking about D2R while being on the D3 forums…

As much as I want “assigned” loot (to differentiate it from D3’s system) in D2R, I would hate to see loot jacked up 800% - not only would it be entirely unnecessary, but would completely fail to get what I and many like me are arguing for.

He’s confusing what ‘personal loot’ is as well, probably because of all this talking back and forth. What you are confusing is the ‘drop rate’, which D3 is known to be over the top. ‘Personal loot’ has nothing to do with it. What was the max item that drops from RG? Was it 12? 14? RG suddenly doesn’t drop 20, 28 or 56 items just because you’re in a 2x or 4x group. You still get the same amount of drops.

In short, no, not even D3 personal loot works like what some people are confusing. They simply think of drop rate of D3 when they hear ‘personal loot’.

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The first one is most important. That’s what D2 is all about. It’s an unforgiving world and they shouldn’t cater to players with personal loot. If that’s a problem then play with people you trust.

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Because that’s how the game IS. That is what the game IS. If you don’t want to play THAT game play something else. Why is it that everyone has to change what already exists and is a proven successful game model to bend to the whim of people who cannot handle it?

Added (edit):
I suspect with personal loot if everyone doesn’t get a cool thing on a boss kill (not changing the drop rates), then people will freak out even more because they will more often than not get bad or NO items.

With shared loot they can at least see that a cool thing has been dropped, even if they aren’t fast enough to grab it and that somebody got it. They could try trading something else for it or whatever. If your party is friendly maybe even they give it to whoever could make the best out of it. (we used to do that all the time)

With personal loot, if they do not adjust the loot tables, then most people will get total crap drops and not even know what the good drop item was. I suspect it will have a daunting effect on the players thinking that the game never drops any good loot. It will definitely feel that way in large parties, which will lead people to just farm loot solo, (which many people do anyway).

So overall not only do I not like the idea of personal loot in D2:R but I think it would be a massive waste of development time, and again if you don’t redo the drop tables after adding a personal loot system, it’ll be a detriment to the game overall.

Edited Part 2:
Many of you don’t know that there are caps on how many items a Boss can drop in a multiplayer game of Diablo 2 and guess what it’s not 8. Somebody will always not get something with personal loot. With shared loot they can at least SEE that things have dropped, with personal loot, if you don’t see it than nothing drops. I suspect that’s pretty significant psychologically. If you SEE the loot on the floor you know that you just missed it. If you don’t see anything drop it just “feels bad man” all the time.

That is what we are asking for. You play D2R where you pick the most D2-like experience that is similar to a proven successful game. Others choose D2R options resulting in an updated, modern experience. We are in agreement.

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Crap. Pure and simple crap.

D2 is not “all about” shared loot - not even slightly, and not you, nor Lenny have yet stated one single good reason that for preventing other people from having the option for personal loot.

Don’t want personal loot - fine, I get it, make your games in D2R use shared loot, and let me make mine using personal loot.

You have zero good reasons for telling other people how to play.


Ok LennyGhoul - first up thank you!!

At least you’re offering reasons for disliking personal loot, so let’s discuss those:

  1. People won’t see loot, so they’ll think there was none:

Answer: Easy - the personal loot system I propose would work nearly identically to how PoE’s system works - all loot drops to the ground, everyone sees all said loot, but for a short time (5 seconds, maybe 10 at the most) it is “reserved” for the player who “won” it. If the player doesn’t pick it up in that time, it reverts to free for all loot - a change in the color of the text signifying this.

  1. Need to adjust tables?

Answer: No, they won’t. People will still see loot dropping, they’ll still know that Baal did drop a Zod rune, just it was “won” by Playerx1234yz, and not themselves.

  1. Waste of developer time?

A: It’s a use of developer time, I can’t argue that, but I would argue it’s not a waste because it will make the game appeal to a wider audience, making it more likely to be more successful, making it more likely to be further developed, and as a D2 fan, I want that for sure!

I just added to my post some more. hah

People are asking for a lot of changes. There’s no good reason to include this specific request in the game. Or really most of them. This is supposed to be a remaster and like I said removing it takes a lot from the game, even if it’s optional.

Also Blizzard is incapable of nuance. If they implement personal loot they will 100% change the drop rates, but if they didn’t it still doesn’t belong in the game.

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Again, have a look at the system I’ve outlined in my post 2 above this one. It addresses any concerns, anyone could have, about any need for even the slightest adjustment of loot drop rates.

Well you are arguing that the developers need to make these drastic changes to the game to cater to the fact that you can’t handle the game the way it is with regards to loot.

All we are saying is, it’s good the way it is, and as I have argued above, you cannot make a personal loot system feel good without massively overhauling the drop rates.

Your PEO example is quite complex (for D2 standards) and would probably require a rework of the game engine. One of the features of the game is a toggle between the visuals of the NEW version and the visuals of the old because it’s running the game, slightly moded, over the top of the real actual game.

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  1. I don’t believe this is a drastic change. Especially since shared loot is a very flawed design, used in virtually no other game nowadays. It’s also not a drastic change in terms of development and design.

  2. You do not need to adjust loot drop rates. That’s just flat out wrong. If all loot still drops to the ground, just as it does now, then all people will still see all loot dropping, it will merely be temporarily reserved - for a few seconds only - to the player who won the hidden dice roll for it.

Absolutely incorrect - no re-work of the entire engine is needed, or even a tiny little part of it in fact.

The game already does massive numbers of hidden dice rolls the player can’t see - it’s how loot is generated after all - all that this system would require is the ability to temporarily prevent players from picking up loot that was “reserved”.

Hardly a major code rewrite that. And again, this would be an optional system, it’s use or not, set by the game maker a game creation time.

That is awfully presumptuous. I played D2 thousands of hours. I can handle the loot system perfectly fine. I still want an option for personal loot.

And you get to keep it in D2R.

I feel good knowing that the total drop rate is the same and I am not having some ninja looter getting the gear or some pickit cheater.

Nope. The game already does all the loot calculations in multiplayer. The only extra calculation would be to assign the drop to one of the players in physical proximity to the killed monster. The game already keeps track of physical proximity as it uses that information in the drop/no drop calculation.

Sure you can. D3’s loot system felt fine after the 1st year anniversary buff for Reaper - and that was without most of the massive drop rate spikes that have come in, OR any desire for anything except legendary gear, OR any real supplemental gearing systems like crafting/questing/factions/vendors.

How is that going to work? Players are going to keep fumbling around trying to pick up crap that isn’t theirs? You’ll need to implement a new loot notification system into a game that doesn’t have one. You think you can just slap that on no problem? That’s crazy dude. It would require way more work than I’m sure they are willing to put into this thing. And for what end? To tick off a lot of veteran players to appease the few forum goers who didn’t really seem to like the game in the first place?

Diablo 3’s loot system is absolutely nothing like diablo 2’s loot system.