Proper reaction to the Reddit Survey (mrllamasc)

Anyone who believes that doesn’t understand the game to start with.

No one who knows anything about drop rates would ever advocate for this.
It would completely change the economy of the game, and make solo farming worthless.

Everyone I’ve talked to on this forum here, understands that it wouldn’t be 8x the loot, as has been repeated over and over.


In FFA 8 player game, Baal drops 5 total items. What the vast majority of personal loot advocates want is Baal still drops 5 total items (not 40). in personal loot, loot is allocated by RNG. In both systems at least 3 characters are guaranteed not to have any loot whatsoever from the Baal drop.

The reason that people think it is 40 and almost everyone who says that is against personal loot in part because they do not know what is being asked for.

The personal loot option with a tradeoff was directed at the idea that people would not need to be competitive to get drops (the total drops stay the same in FFA and personal loot). As such, personal loot would be ok but with a penalty.

If you think about it. If people click equally fast, there is no difference in loot distribution between FFA and personal nor is there any difference in the total drops in game nor is there any difference in total drops collected on a per player basis on average within the variance of a binomial distribution.

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i seen more people ask for items drop, so all in party get one. so if 8 players 8 items will drop.

Could you please link a few of these posts where it is not someone arguing against personal loot and misunderstanding the 8X drops?

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dont wanner look true alot of post. one from this morning is

Let’s look at this.

  1. Small increase with the personal loot with the qualifier if it would even be an increase at all.

First he doesn’t know if personal loot would affect total loot at all in a personal loot game. If it did, it would be a small increase and not this 8X nonsense being quoted.

In reality, personal loot functionally decreases the number of in game high-tier items.

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so agian . if people what this and that and the 3rd. when does it stop? if we can keep adding changes forever. what game is it then? not diablo2. imo lets keep it simpel and dont mess with it to much, or els the game is ruind befor it it goes live.

It stops where Blizzard decides. The slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy. Making a change does not mean making a ton of changes. Often keeping the status quo is bad, especially when no options are available to make things better.

Making optional changes ruins nothing if you can select the change you prefer. You love Popeye’s spicy fried chicken. Popeye’s adding their chicken sandwich has no impact on your ability to still order the spicy Popeye’s fried chicken.


This isn’t always true, but I think it is true in this case, because the game economy is not an issue.

There’s posts of shady things being done on those private servers to make money.

At the very least they accept donations to cover the server costs.

If any private server grew to the size that they were making significant money, that’s probably when Blizzard starts to take notice.

but if blizzard decides, then they already told they wont change the core. so why doo people keep going on and on?


Because “Core changes” is a subjective term.

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At it’s core we want this to still be the same. So right away things the balance, the monsters you see, spawn rates, item drops and things like that are the same.

And what we’re doing is trying to take any of the rough edges you see: compatibility issues, resolution issues, and obviously the art - improving the art as well… all these kind of things you come to know from a remaster but still very much maintaining what the game is.

Andre Abrahamian - Lead Designer

I read the survey that Blizzard sent out last week which presumably is seeking feedback (as they previously said at Blizzconline and immediately thereafter) about what additional game changes that could be implemented.

Personal loot instead of FFA loot at D2R launch was explicitly asked about by Blizzard.

i read that to. you put to much in it i think. just like when the goverment ask what u want, it never happen anyway :slight_smile: just to keep the crowd happy

It may never happen.

If I were Blizzard and personal loot was not under consideration, I would never ask about it nor especially ask if players wanted it at launch. It opens up a whole can of worms.

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Great reactions, from someone who clearly knows and understands this game.

I agree completely with everything MrLlama said. I’m glad he made that video!


So you agree with nerfs to items, new items and runeswords, content that can completely change the core of the game?

almost no matter what they doo, it could open up a while can of worms.

Based on that survey, seems most people are open to changes. I just don’t think we should have major content changes until after the first season at least.