The reason why higher drop rates will follow after personal loot

Items are going to drop all over the game with every monster killed. But working for that drop by having to go the extra mile is another game altogether. You’re basically playing a mini-game every time you dive for the loot that everyone wants and everyone can see. It’s not just about the drops, it’s also about the mini-game for the drops. It’s complicated. It’s messy. It’s fun.

I am not disputing that the drop spread will theoretically be the same in each system. The topic of the issue is how it will feel not seeing ANY loot drop on the ground 50% of the time will feel. Will that bring people saying the game feels dry and requires more loot, so that my Baal runs do not feel like a waste of time?

What’s wrong with people who like the “feel” of one system getting to play it, and people who like the “feel” of the other system, playing that?

If the drops are the same, why do you need to gatekeep the way someone else wants to play?


It’s fine when they’re separate communities.
Amature League vs Professional League

I would support separate communities.

Because no matter what system there is, I do not want increased chances of loot drops. Which is more inclined to happen if personal loot is implemented. Items should feel extremely rare and GG to possess.

Plus I dont want to feel like Sh-- 50% of the time when I dont see anything drop at all.

Me too. The argument that personal loot is easy mode is simply untrue and it goes to something DoperDennis alluded to. Personal loot will be more difficult.

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Agreed, it would make the game feel completely different, therefore should not be in the game.

The only way personal loot drops are okay if its on a completely separate server.

Also, for the record I did not allude to it being easy mode. You have ignored the very core of the OP this entire time. I will continue stating it until you at least have the decency to address it. Which is, the feeling of see zero loot drop 50% of the time.

You have yet to refute my argument that personal loot may result in increasing the loot chances on drop to avoid the crappy feeling of what I continue stating.

The amatures could be just as good as professionals. But you wouldn’t take the score of the amature league and post them with the professional league. The amature would have to join the professional league to get their achievements recognized by that league. And vise versa.

Example : Street Basketball vs Professional Basketball

I’m going to assume “Easy” implies to the mini-game being taken out. He probably feels the achievement seems easier, because you took out the mini-game to get the loot. The mini-game would be the struggle against other players.

It does not make the game feel “completely different”. You still are killing the same monsters in the same areas and in a party getting the same number of total drops. Even David Brevik said that personal loot instead of FFA does not fundamentally change D2.

Exactly. Pros will be playing the harder game.

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Will they though? Street Hockey could be harder.
It’s hard to compare them. They’re just different.

When in doubt go to the Brevik says okay. The same number of drops sure, your visibility to the drops drops by 7/8 in full group on screen… that is a loss of drops… you can not argue against that so you redirect.

I can’t tell what your arguing you shift depending on what I say… so it’s more difficult but doesn’t change the game play somehow, has the same drops but can’t based on what I said, like you just shift from one to another and not actually acknowledge what people say.

Sorry I’ll shut up, it’s just frustrating because it’s impossible to move on when nothing is acknowledged.

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I actually made that argument to demonstrate why personal loot was more difficult.


The reason why higher drop rates will follow after personal loot - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

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Can you please respond to the core of my argument properly, this is getting tiring man, honestly. To be frank, it is starting to get kind of sad…

You’re just talking about “chance” for drops. Pulling the lever on the slot machine doesn’t make anything harder, that’s a variance in chance to get something. Two old ladies fighting for the coins that dropped from the machine, now that’s both hilarious and a higher difficultly rating,

Thank you, someone else that is getting frustrated of arguing with a wall that doesn’t acknowledge what you are actually saying. Man, oh man…

Wish someone who actually acknowledged the real topic at hand here.

What do you want me to say? I disagree with the core of your argument and have explained why.

In terms of players wanting increased drop rates that will happen irrespective of the loot system since total drops do not change.

I have left out a discussion about variance but have discussed that already.

I think you should see the counterarguments to your idea in this thread
I cant belive i have to explain this, people dont mf alone becuase they dont “want to share” - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

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It’s called “Moving The Goal Post”. It’s a logical fallacy.

I’m pretty sure he muted me so don’t know how much enters the echochamber anymore. I just think of this, okay you open a baal portal in throne room, people rush in, each person who enters, stays within screen distance, especially with the new res, so anyone regardless of movement or participation is leeching drops.

Doesn’t sound too bad they are there too. However they could do nothing. You suddenly just start seeing your drops stop coming, each new person slicing your visibility. Now anyone not helping becomes the ire of looks… you don’t keep up why are you even here. At least before you could hostile, or they just couldn’t stay close enough to get the drops.

These things will happen, they can still leech, it’s about who you play with.

EDIT: I feel this will promote 8 man games, sure, but each man will always want to go separate, it just feels better seeing tons of things hitting the ground.

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I am glad to see you understand the concern. I do not even have a problem with people not contributing if they are increasing the chances of better gear and I get to see everything that dropped. Like, thanks for the Xp bonus and % to drop chance increase, for that, you also get a chance to grab the loot even though you did not contribute.

On the contrary, with personal loot, it just cuts into your visibility of the drops with 0% chance of picking it up.

You get it, no need to explain.

I am confused, did you read the thread you linked? That person is clearly for keeping loot the same without personal loot if I am not mistaken.

Correct. You should read the wealth of counterargument replies.

Personally, I want the option to select either FFA or personal loot. I do not want to force my preference on anyone else.