D2R: Personal/Instanced Loot is a MUST for this game!

I’m not 100% sure yet that it would stop me from buying it, but it’d come really, really, close.

Shared loot was a massive flaw in D2/LOD, by far and away the thing I most disliked about the entire game, and one of it’s few genuine failings. If Blizzard/VV chose not to even offer the option for people to play personal loot, I’d find it really difficult to support that stance by buying the game.

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I’ve played Diablo 2 for years, and even played the original back in the day of dial up internet. All the changes they are suggesting would be for the better, especially personal loot. You know, in the early days of WoW, if you grabbed loot you didn’t need, it was called ninjaing. This shared loot encourages ninjaing without consequences.

Honestly, if people like that stuff, keep playing Diablo 2 in its current incarnation. You don’t need to get the remade better version. Many of us former D2 players would love those changes.


Problem with this is he is saying he would have made it this way in retrospect but that would also mean drops would have been adjusted accordingly as well at the time of inception. The way D2 works when it comes to loot is the more players, the more loot that drops.
Lets assume you are adjusting this to drop evenly among all players. We have 8 people in a Baal game. On average 5-6 items drop from Baal so 2-3 people are not getting an item in this scenario with personal loot anyways. Then there is the chance the system chooses 2 or 3 people to receive more than the others as well.
There is no way to adjust this fairly without massively inflating the market. The game needs to stay the same when it comes to massive changes to the systems core like this otherwise a remaster does not make sense. The only things that should happen if anything is skill adjustments, QoL changes and additional non game breaking content.

no one mf’s in groups ever, mfing has always been a solo thing, join 8 player game and go your own way you get all the loot, people want free loot for doing nothing.

i can already see the people running around in full mf in 8 players game doing nothing sucking up all the loot, how is that any worse then using pickit…

That is what evil people do in the movie and in real life. Teaming up against the common foe and then stab their so-called allies immediately after the common foe dies.

One example:

Your typical betraying allies mission from Starcraft 1.


So you are telling me Diablo is connected to the SC universe.

I am telling you some people think it is cool to betray his party/friends in a video game. :slight_smile:


Oh I know that. We have witness the heels outing themselves like crazy since the reveal.

There isnt anything to adjust though.
The potential of someone winning all 6 items is fair. Same with the potential of winning nothing.
The exact same amount of items will be introduced to the economy as with shared loot.

I strongly agree that D2R should remain very faithful to D2.
Personal loot just isn’t a significant change to the game. Just a sensible option.

The assumption that looting would be different is the issue.

I’d see personal loot as if everyone was playing at the solo rate. So if soloing means you’d get 2-3 items off Andariel, then everyone gets 2-3 items off Andariel, + maybe 1-2 more per person. So if everyone pooled their loot, theyd have more drops in total than with shared.

I played Diablo 2 enough times with Shared loot to know that it doesn’t work. Even if you get to the loot first, if you dont have space in your backpack, then you won’t grab it.

That would lead to way more items overall. Doing Andarial in a group is easier than solo.
Personal loot should only result in the same amount of items the group would have gained with shared loot.

Blizzard 19th Feb 2021

At it’s core we want this to still be the same. So right away things the balance, the monsters you see, spawn rates, item drops and things like that are the same.

And what we’re doing is trying to take any of the rough edges you see: compatibility issues, resolution issues, and obviously the art - improving the art as well… all these kind of things you come to know from a remaster but still very much maintaining what the game is.

Andre Abrahamian - Lead Designer

I would have to disagree. It is not sensible at all. There have been so many times people leave a lot of good items behind because they have no idea what they are worth. It would be stupid that one person who has no idea what things are worth gets 6 items and sells the ones he doesnt think are worth it when one of those items or more could have been used by someone else. Examples would be a lot of socketables, rares, magic items, crafting bases, gems, low runes… These all being personal where one person can see them and does not even pick them up damages the core of the loot system in the game.

That also happens with shared loot. Might even happen more there.

Btw, one way to handle the personal loot is: Only the winner can pick up the loot when it drops, but everyone can still see what dropped. If you have not picked up the item after ~5 minutes, it becomes free for all. So if someone do not want the item, someone else can grab it.

5 minutes? So I have to wait in a game for 5 minutes then backtrack to where all the loot dropped before essentially putting myself behind? I am afraid that also doesnt make sense although I could see this being okay if it was 5 seconds otherwise it is interrupting game flow. There is way too many detriments to changing the current loot system.

Could be lower, but not too low. It would be quite terrible if loot turned free for all while a battle was still ongoing. And the player need to be able to get to town, to make room for the items, and back again, too.

I dont think anyone want to change the existing system. Just offer two different systems. People would still be able to choose the old system if they wanted to.

But this is part of how the game works. If you are full then you should be TPing back to town and dumping the stuff you need to dump. The overall game flow would stay the same while giving that slight handicap for players who need the extra time to pick up things.

From what I have read in this most people who are proposing these changes indeed do want to change the existing system. Setting up different systems retracts from the way the game is played.

Indeed. And the timer before the item turns free for all, allow players to do that.

This argument is for/against charm inventory, not in personal loot vs shared loot debate. His point was simply window being not too short.

In this thread alone more people are asking for ‘option/toggle-able checkbox’ system. I don’t expect you to read 750+ posts in it, but you’re just wrong here.

And no, it doesn’t change the existing system nor the game play. Lot of people don’t seemed to fully grasp that D2 is not an open world game, but closed one (if there is such a word) with 8 players max per room. You can choose to enter only room with shared loot system on, or make one yourself.

If personal loot is added to Diablo 2 Resurrected, then first it should be optional, pretty much a checkbox option that’s available when a person creates a room; and second if it’s active, then for each player in a game, there should be fewer drops overall in compared to a game with shared loot active.