Shopping from Vendors - refresh screen

This is my 2nd Post in my series of posts relating to D2r PTR.

Without Further Ado, This post relates to Shopping Items from Vendors.

A new feature, a quality of life improvement from D2 LOD and D2 R - was the ability to refresh the gamble screen from vendors.

I am suggesting a further quality of life improvement from D2 LOD and D2 R - the ability to refresh the shop screen from the vendors.

This would save players alot of time when looking to buy items from the vendors (note: not alot of people may know this but some of the best items can be “shopped” in this way, if a player is patiant enough).

An add on: Consider enabling Sorceress Orbs to be bought “shopped” or gambled from vendors.
a further add on: Consider enabling some exceptional/elite versions of items to be shopped, depending on difficulty, depending on vendor (but with lower “roll rate” compared to normal>exceptional versions.


My first post was for the consideration of an entrance level runeword granting teleport, on the basis that it would be a “class balance fix” enabling more classes to be viable (played) from Day1 of ladder. i got a 404 when revisiting the topic so i made a new topic here: Please consider a new Mid-Level Runeword Granting +Teleport

My second Topic related to “shopping” items from vendors - refresh tool and possible ability to shop and/or gamble sorceress orbs - Shopping from Vendors - refresh screen

My third Topic related to the buffs to Necro’s and Paladins where i suggested that the buffs only be for PvM and not for PvP and that FoH should not have its casting delay reduced/removed: Bone Spirit, Aura’s and FoH do not need these buffs

My fourth topic related to the MDR Bug where having multiple elements of damage would actually REDUCED your damage where your opponent had items that grant the ability “magic damage reduced” (mdr) : The Magic Damage Reduced (MDR) bug in PvP

My Fifth topic related to a bug where if you used jewels with enhanced damage + min/max, in anything other then a weapon, it would bug the item and not grant the correct damage modifier as specific on the jewel: The Jewel Bug - how damage from jewels does not work properly

My sixth topic related to charge bug, how a fix has caused a problem, and the ww bug how something has changed with how it works resulting in less damage for the iconic build: Please fix “Charge Bug” and Barbarian WW Bugs

My seventh topic reviewed the new runewords and provided feedback relating to them. Basically, they are an addition to the game, slightly underpowered but they filled a gap. More needed, slightly better mods required. i.e. with some minor tweaks some of these runewords will be great while still not being overpowered. The New Runewords - Observations

My eight topic related to the Shaper Nerf in the PTR where Increased Attack Speed (IAS) in shaper forms was made to make more weapons viable but as a side effect appears to have unintentionally crippled Shapers. Shape attack speeds issue - Not working as intended