Diablo III first 24 hours sales are almost as much as D2R's 6+ month sales

D2R sold only 5 million in a period of 6+ months.

We brought this to Blizzard’s attention before and foreshadowed it; that if they keep listening to “purists” and not do more changes to the game it would be a failed return of investment.

Diablo III totally dominated it, selling over 3.5 millions sales in only the first 24 hours (almost as much as D2R 6+ months!!!). Sold 6.3 million copies after only its first week (out of which only 1.2 million got it from the WoW bundle) and then continued to dominate selling wise reaching over 30 million copies as of August 2015.

Need I remind you that Diablo III released on PC only in which gaming was not very popular on it back then AND it costed $60. In comparison, D2R released both on PC and every other major platform and benefited from COVID-19 momentum which made gaming at its peak today. It costed only $40.

Figures and facts don’t care about feelings, the truth is clear. Now how would Blizzard rectify that situation in order to get more sales? Well 2.4 is a step in the right direction but we still need:

  1. First just about everything CharlesJT wrote here: Comprehensive Wishlist for Future Patch 2.5
  2. Personal loot that works this way: any damaging characters get loot dividedly allotted to them for 5-10 seconds before being free-for-all. Leechers don’t reap all rewards unless damaging/killing characters allow them to.
  3. Classic shared stash for God’s sake.
  4. Hostile feature is toxic and is there for griefing mostly, let me PvP when I want to, with whoever I want to. Make it initiative much like Trading prompt.
  5. Get rid of “Glitched Rush”. I thought people hated The Evil D3 because of low effort high reward? It’s also unhealthy to the game and group play that they also preach while being anti-social because their real ulterior motive is abusing fillers with pay-to-win crap.
  6. Charm inventory because all it does is time reduction and making it less tedious. Pure epitome of QoL.
  7. Fix the damned chat, bring back old lobbies with private channels, make friendlist work similar to D2LoD (friend joined game), make game list show all games not just Limit X. Also yes give consoles their damned lobbies same as PC.

D3 only sold well because of D2 LOD love and fans.

Players quickly saw that D3 vanilla was a really bad designed game.

All my friends (hardcore Diablo fans) stopped after some weeks.


Did you read OP?

Makes total sense dude, releasing on multiple platforms, releasing after D3, releasing with COVID-19 momentum, releasing at a lower price tag yet selling less why? Because D3 had D2LoD hype!

24 hours sales almost as much as 6+ months sales even after all mentioned advantages. Let that sink in.

Delusion is a hell of a drug, like I said.


What does it change?
D3 only had one selling point: Diablo 1 and Diablo 2


The selling point for D3 did not get more sales than D3. Not first iteration neither Resurrected. Makes absolute total sense.

Also, D2LoD hype would explain initial D3 sales but why did it sell much much much MUCH more within its life span then? Yeah, good luck selling that BS you spew to people.

None of what you are saying is logical or makes any sense. Like I said, delusion is hell of a drug.

Now the best course of action is adding listed changes to D2R as starting point.

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This is exactly what i was going to type, and it is freaken 100% true.


It dosen’t mean anything. I buyed games before because I was hypend, had big hopes, and when it failed to deliver, I never played it again. It was money lost, and a lesson learned. Many many many many many many and many more was exatly in this situation whit D3’s launch. Millions bought the game yes, and millions threw it in the corner the same day, not looking at it ever again.


The only reason D3 sold millions of copies was because gaming started going mainstream around 2013 and there was literally nothing else to play on PC at the time.

League of legends and counterstrike, that’s it. What else? Rocket League? World Of Warcraft?

Now there’s plenty of titles to choose from. 5 million of D2R sold in 2022 is impressive.

That’s my opinion on D3.


Then why did the sales only increment tremendously after initial sales? How come it sold more because of hype than D2 itself?

Then why did D2R fail even with more platforms going on and PC more popular than ever?

Sorry, already debunked. It’s not true but delusional fans would think so.

Different titles and shifted around posts that all say the same thing amounts to spam. Reported


Awesome contribution to the topic. Funnily enough the only spam here is your post.

D3 sold well in international sales. But who cares? It’s not what the majority of Diablo players wanted. I own D3 and I never touch it. Doesn’t mean it’s better than D2R, it’s just a matter of one’s own opinion. Do you have any clue how much back lash that game got after it came out? It was probably one of the most negatively criticized games of its time.

It probably continued to do well after they improved it over the years. And it is a good competitive game for some.


Because they lost faith in the studio.

Back lash? Like I said, sold tremendously more after initial sales. I even put out the figures and facts.

You mean what the purist minority wanted, there are people who enjoyed both D2 and D3 and love change. Now D2R should change too.

Awesome. Then why the initial sales of D2LoD don’t even reach fraction of D3’s sales? Not even D3’s first year which grew tremendously?

How is faith lost, when like I said 3 times now the sales only grew tremendously? No sense.

Blizzard, please stop listening to purists living in denial, they have no clue how things should be ran and how video games evolve and change. Time for more changes.

So what? It should sell more since it was D2’s sequel. People were excited for the new game and many people bought it because there aren’t any other games like it. Never said it was bad but many did not like the direction it went. It’s been out since like 2010. So what a decade?

You’re arguing it’s better than D2R? Or only better because it made more money?


Imagine if D4 will sell less than D2R.


D2 was never even 25% as big as D3. This is why what you are saying makes no sense lol.
I am arguing it was more success because obviously they did things right, and they should make more changes to D2R because of its miserable fail due to catering to “purists”.

One thing to note on that number IF I remember how D3’s presale was sold timing ways. On the launch of D3’s preorder I believe you could “purchase” the game w/ 12-month WoW subscription and those sales were included in official numbers (investor calls is how I know there were). I know MANY people from WoW at the time in my guild who purchased the 12-month as they saw it as a bonus.

Now, in fairness, it shouldn’t be of shock that D3 outsold D2R even this far out. While D2R is, I think, a better game it is also a remake of the game so many individuals (I know of a few) passed on the game just because they had already played it for 10 years. Again, anecdotally, I know one bought it after hearing about the Druid changes.


My argument makes no sense? I’m not really saying anything to oppose your point. You’re just acting like a fool chanting about D3 in D2R forum. There are many reasons it did well also there are D3 forums awaiting you.

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Because gaming was not trendy back then. You are comparing a game that was allready old, to a new, where the generations that grew up whit PCs consoles and games allaround them, plus the generations that played D2 and thought it’s going to be a successor. A game is good when it hase big sales 10 years past their inital launch. Looking at launch sales dosen’t show the truth. And there are more aspects why a game is successfull, not just the game itself. Minecraft imo is a trash, but had big sales, still does, and became a cult classic.