It turns out, D3 is more skilled game than D2

I already told you once, I cannot take your opinions as serious at all :smiley: enjoy your short stay in the D2R forums if you keep spamming here :smiley:

It’s fine buddy, no one is going to embarrass you. It’s fine to say you are incapable of discussing. It’s just you really tried hard with your “insults” and to be honest I didn’t even finish reading your post.

Logic and facts win again.

Well if its opinions u dont have to. Just like none has to take your opinions serious either. Not sure how that makes personal attacks legit though. If u want to discuss u need to provide objective thoughts or fact otherwise it hold no value.

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Diablo 3 hard? How? Maybe the combat is a tad bit more challenging due to the nature of the monster affixes, but itemization is basically spoon feeding you, unlike in diablo 2 where you actually have to decide on each gear piece (except very few such as enigma, for d3 fanboys out there I’ll concede that). Diablo 2 has a lot more moving parts than putting 10 items on you and calling it a day.

Also, the hypocrisy of OP saying diablo 3 sold more than diablo 2. The only reason diablo 3 sold so much is because of diablo 2. I don’t know if diablo 3 has a visible player count, but I’ve heard from multiple people that it feels like a ghost town. For over ten million people that bought the game, there aren’t a lot of people left, eh? I played all kinds of ARPGs and I will go back to diablo 2, grim dawn and path of exile before going back to diablo 3. It’s just that bad. Feels like an arcade game you would play 20 years ago and nothing more.

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Whats facts do you need?
This link that proves that D3 was marketed alongside WoW yearly subscription and that there are millions of WoW players even to this day?

The fact that cows were original content in diablo 1 that you could click them and they would “moo” as well?
That none of you think that without this “loser” original dev you would never have diablo or diablo sequels to begin with?
Your biasism shows how incredible real diablo fans you were from the start of the series.
Im not gonna waste my time with this clueless guy that throws everytime ad hominem attacks that you disagree with him with strawman “logic” or “facts” arguments, cries about being PKd in public games and wants to transform D2R into D3 which is by the way a ghost town.
Go play your precious D3, this is D2R.
Either you like it or dislike it.
We arent trolling D3 forums telling them to transform D3 into D2.
You can rejoice that they are going the same ways as D3 for D4, just darker palette but same gameplay and mechanics.

You just answered yourself. Grinding is not a challenge.

False. It would been the case with initial sales. How would you explain it sold even more after first year?

You hear from me it’s more active than Diablo II. Of course, that means nothing.

It’s over 65 million, over many platforms, and the game is still very active.

What does Diablo II feel like? Not even a video game, just a game for human robots, a labor.

Addressed in the other topic:

Only 1.2 million were from the bundle. Facts don’t care about feelings.

And the rainbow is also a secret level of the same nature, not to be taken seriously. It’s weak elitist talking point.

Which is true, he never made any semi-decent game after Blizzard’s Diablo II. He was just a sore loser.

This means absolutely nothing to anyone, no one cares if you think we are tru3 1337 f4nz or not. We are discussing here objectively.
(By the way, this is ad hominem you accuse me of)!

The irony. Saying I am the one who throws “strawman” and “ad hominem attacks”. The very irony. You know posts are public and people can read them, right? :rofl:

You don’t want to “waste” time because you are incapable of debating civilly and logically without emotional tantrums.

Also yes, facts and logic always win!

That never happened, but I thought I were the ad hominem attacker :thinking:.
Discussing a flaw in game design does not mean I am crying because something happened. If anything, I used to be a PKer in Hardcore before I grew out of it.
(Yep, another ad hominem they accuse me of)!

D2R is already more of a ghost town than Diablo III. The delusions man, the delusions!

This is dismissive childish talk, not even discussing. D2R is flawed and we will keep pointing its flaw until it reaches it full potential because we are people of logic and reason and we provide solid points you do not even attempt to refute.
(By the way, this is also ad hominem you accuse me of)!

D2R is NOT D2LoD. It’s a live service game. 2.4 already showed that.

And we aren’t doing it the other way around, and D2R is not D2LoD. You want to transform D2R into D2LoD.
(This is also, yet again, another ad hominem)!!

Quit trolling. Bud d2 is running underneath a graphics layer. Its the same exact game.

Glad you see the light. paragon Grinding is Bad.

Proff or just another Lie from you.

Wher is all this solid points?
Another Lie from you…

At launch D2R had 23 changes relative to D2:LoD. Afterwards, we had various patches including patch 2.4 that introduced balance changes and new ladder runewords. I would simply say D2R is no longer an exact replica of D2 with better graphics.

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Not enough cancer in here.
I was hoping this would reach the level of chaos that the amazon thread did. :sleepy:

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Well it’s just one guy trolling for attention here (just read the clickbait title, says enough).

The Amazon thread is a full-blown emotional and moral spitstorm that could essentially serve as a free online course in politics.


Ironic. Says the guy that makes weak troll posts (who he admits to them being trolling) for, well, attention. Awesome projection there, just like when you tell people who are asking for player x command that they have no one to play with and how they are lonely when you spend most of your time “socializing” (insulting, ad hominem) here.

Wait, weren’t you also the guy complaining the Community Manager has an actual life and goes to the gym? Yeah…

Ever thought of self improvement instead of insults and projections? In any case I am not going to follow your ways and insult you or put you down. It’s not what I do, I lift people up. I will stick to discussing the game and not respond to your ad hominem anymore.

I do not know why some people forcefully bury themselves in denial so much. D2R is not D2LoD, Blizzard said even before release that this will be live-service game and will have many changes. They said they are focusing on stability first then changes next, so everyone guess what happens next? Luckily, D2LoD servers are still up for them.

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sure you will.

You should base your arguments on objective fact rather than emotions when u try to prove a point. If u dont then its purely a opinion which doesnt hold any value. Some ppl believe d3 is a great continue of the franchise others dont. U saying none asked for whimsydale while there are plenty of ppl who loves it.

In which way they didnt care at all? Emotional reasoning.

Emotional reasoning.

Emotional reasoning. Do u see a pattern? U treat some individuals opinions as fact.

Another emotional respons.

They earn more now than they did back then?

Because they dont fit your taste? Again you treating your own opinion as fact. Emotional reasoning.

It was a joke. U get upset cause of it? Why is cow any better? It all started as a joke. Blizzard used to have jokes implented in their games. U see it in wc and sc aswell.

Whats a real diablo fan? Emotional reasoning.

Who wants to transform d2 into d3?

According to Rod fergus d3 has more tha 65 mil players.

Who are “we”? There are plenty of d2 fanboys who infested d3 forum. Throwing insults etc.

Again emotional reasoning. D4 is a new game and very different from d3. Your view is like everything which isnt like d2 is d3. Black and white thinking and is considered a cognitive disortion.

Bias is when someone let their emotions control their mind and affect their conclusions. In this case its very clear that u being bias.


OG D2 is still running underneath the graphics. Weather theres changes or not. D2 IS D2R. Which is my point.

That is fine. However, the game itself has changed even if you use legacy graphics. D2:Lod =/= D2R.

That still doesnt change the fact the OG game is running underneath these graphics.

how is this any different than if blizzard did the same changes OG. Its no different here. D2R is not a new game.

So how can I create the runeword Mist or obsession in D2:lod?

Are the synergies in the skill trees the same between D2:lod and D2R?

Are the mercs the same in D2:lod and D2R?

Can I make insight in a bow in D2:lod?

Can I up set items in D2:lod?

Can I use TCP/IP to play D2R?

Can I play with 21:9 screen dimensions in D2:lod? This change in screen dimensions affects monster AI and gameplay.

Ur missing my point. U just want to point out changes. In no way does any patch change the fact D2 is running in the Background.

OG had patches and changes as well did that stop the game from being diablo 2 no it doesnt.

Perhaps read what i said. Here.

D2R also started where D2 left off which was patch 1.14D. All the changes being made are being made to D2 which D2R is running.

The “D2” running underneath D2R is not the same as D2/D2:lod that you can play on US East/West as an example.

Lets just say that “D2 underneath” is now D2R*.