Is there a logical reason anymore against personal loot?

hahahahaha… Talking D3 up. but dont now the game…
Like i told you. Zahramar is a big troll
Zahramar, uses purist all the time. But dont know what it means.

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I can tell he actually believes his own bs. Probably wasnt there day 1 for D3 when your Tal Rasha’s set pieces dropping with barb skill. Or the first week when you had to go through the final act and kill diablo without getting hit because your best chance of getting proper loot was to spend $250 on the RMAH. Game was and is an absolute meme. Been outdone several times since release.

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Jimmy finally finished building his basic character on D3, and is ready to join the higher level Torments and Greater Rifts.

Jimmy is excited, he has been playing solo for a while now, and is looking forward to the added loot and interaction of defeating demons with other players.

Jimmy joins a game, he was the final member of the party. Jimmy is psyched, he witnesses the prowess and ability of other teammates as they zip around the battlefield.

Jimmy is happy he’s part of something as cool as demon slaying in D3.

Jimmy pulls up the mini-map in an unobtrusive manner, and attempts to keep up with the group.

Jimmy is noticing a few of his party members are exceptionally powerful and are clearing things faster than Jimmy can ever hope to keep up. There are no demons around for Jimmy to kill.

What should Jimmy do? He has an epiphany, little gold and green asterisks on his map reveal loot he’s not yet retrieved! What could they be?

Unfortunately for Jimmy, these potentially fantastic bits of gear are all spread out and the leader is getting further and further from Jimmy. He’s not complaining but this is hardly the experience he was expecting.

It’s been 6 hours now…

Jimmy has given up on keeping pace with the more developed higher paragon/geared characters and mostly sticks to the backlines, picking up gear that no one else can interact with. He’s only partially paying attention to the game, as the odds of death are incredibly remote, all danger has been removed. It’s small consolation for no longer having demons to kill.

Jimmy looks longingly at the tiny player names zipping across his minimap, eager for the day where he too can keep up with the pack.

Jimmy is almost to the next rift level, but the rift is closing- oh no, too many uniques and set pieces remain on the ground. In a mad scramble Jimmy moves to collect everything he can before the rift closes.

It’s been 12 days now… Jimmy has given up on actively pushing his group, he’s always just slightly too slow to keep pace with the breakneck builds, he likes his <insert 4th worst build for a class here>. He solemnly trudges along, resigned to running towards unique/set asterisks on his map, in the hopes that one day he can kill demons again.

Jimmy thought about playing alone, so he could actually kill monsters again without developing early onset carpal tunnel. He shakes his head, the loot drops are terrible, the character experience is terrible, that would just be a waste of Jimmy’s time. There’s a problem, Jimmy doesn’t feel like he’s even playing the game.

Jimmy watches videos on high level greater rifts, eager to see the day when players can no longer one shot everything on the screen. Jimmy will one day pick up enough asterisks on the screen to get there, so he can keep up with people already 300 paragon levels ahead of him and kill some demons.

… but… Jimmy’s build will never keep up, Jimmy will never be as capable at clearing, Jimmy is now nothing more than a ploot peon, scurrying around like a rat retrieving bits of cheese. Jimmy realizes he doesn’t really need to keep up, he’s getting loot, he’s feeling accomplished.

Jimmy sees D2R coming out, he quits D3 and launches the game… He laughs, let those fools work their fingers to the bone killing monsters, I’ll just gather all this sweet loot at my leisure.

2 hours later…


I just went a researched this, I could be wrong but:

Diablo 2 Resurrected sold 5million units.

Diablo 2 sold 15 million units.

Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction sold 5 million units

Diablo 3 sold 30 million units.

Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls sold …3 million units(!!!).

Diablo 3 was a massive flop. People bought it yes, because Diablo 2 was so awesome - but it didn’t retain anyone…

Diablo 2 Resurrected sold more units than Reaper of Souls.

Diablo 2 Lord of Destruction sold more units than Reaper of Souls.

Which is absolutely crazy considering Diablo 3 sold a whopping 30 million units! It was a huge flop.

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Right after this is when they get on the forums and start every post with “as a 15-20 year Diablo 2 vet.”


Source please.

Source please. Also most have RoS sales combined with D3.

Show your sources. Also, note the date of the sales data.


I missed that part, good addition.

" as of August 2015, the number of sales had grown to over 30 million ."

Quick google search. But im totally sure they sold another 50 million after that HAHAHAHA

Quick Google search is valid source I guess, wow :roll_eyes: . Stop it, I already feel like a genius daily here.

Look bud, i dont doubt that your terrible game is really popular. It happens every year, but your game is going to die when D4 comes out and be forgotten forever. It will never be resurrected because it was a meme of a game, especially a year later when a small company developed a f2p game that was more diablo than any talent at blizz could ever reproduce. D3 is on its deathbed, D2/LoD/D2R going to be at its funeral.

insert d2r over d3


still perfect

insert d2r


here jimmy decides to check his setting and realizes he forgot to check the box to have players near the same level as him in his game and should either exit and join/create one with setting more appropriate for his level/skill

totally avoidable situation by utilizing proper filters in game creation same as you already do

a situation that would never happen in timed loots and utilizing the already existing filters for joining and creating games.

additional loot options for multiplayer in the current year!?

Personal loot already exist, create a private game.


A situation that happens / happened / and continues to happen in D3. Source: Did it, seen it, experienced it.

Unrealistic, why would he play with slower players? He’s getting more loot and xp more quickly here. C’mon, duh.

Jimmy got apathetic and realized too late that there was a loot system in place that he didn’t like when he spent his money, and now whines on the forums incessantly to provide an alternative so he can collect loot without doing crap.

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  • 1996 – Diablo ([30 million]
  • 1997 – Diablo: Hellfire (na)
  • 2000 – Diablo II ([17 million]
  • 2001 – Diablo II: Lord of Destruction ([17.5 million]
  • 2012 – Diablo III ([30 million]
  • 2014 – Diablo III: Reaper of Souls (na)
  • 2017 – Diablo III: Rise of the Necromancer (na)
  • 2021 – Diablo II: Resurrected ([5 million]

According to video game stats DOT com

yes and a easily preventable situation through good planning and execution of optional loot settings such as timed loots.

if he wanted to play with “faster players” he would have to keep up to have access to the timed loots they become FFA after like 5 secs.

jimmy couldn’t take advantage of active loot system in that way and realized he needed to get faster use different settings or other methods that already exist in the game and would be unchanged such as stacking movement speed charms.

Wonderful story, epic, thrilling until the end. I’d buy the sequel. However, while it does highlight some issues in D3, those issues are not quite the same as in D2. While these things can still happen (and do without a personal loot system, especially in Baal runs due to teleport-drop portal in throne room), there are a number of differering reasons why this happens in D3.

  1. Itemization. There are no runes in D3, and in D2, runes mostly come off of regular ole mobs as opposed to elites, which primarily drop magic gear. Killing more regular mobs at higher no drop levels is worthwhile.

  2. Tying into point 1, elites are the primary item drop targets in D3, thus leading to a focus on farming elite packs and leaving trash behind, creating a zoom zoom rush from elite to elite, with a lot of item based bonuses geared towards elite farming.

  3. Further tying into the above two points, Greater Rifts drop no loot until boss is killed, and time bonuses awarded to elites creates a further conditioning that trash mobs are not worth killing.

Look not to split hairs, but every point of contention you’ve made is already countered in the example story.

Jimmy is not going to handicap himself playing with slower players, this will just delay the time needed to get to the “big leagues” which is where Jimmy envisions himself.

I’m sorry but your “check box to slow your progress” failsafe argument is a joke. It doesn’t really happen.

Yes, and this is a middle ground solution, that’s still ploot at the gate, so I don’t care for it, but it is better than the blanket all ploot solution pushed by others.

Nah, Jimmy just got on the forums instead of changing his playstyle and complains habitually to fundamentally alter the state of the game to suit him.


People still play the original. In fact, they released a functional diablo plus its expansion on GoG before D2R.

Since I played the original diablo at release that defines tbe franchise in my mind. There was a reason the original was named the game of tbe year and ushered in a new genre of online aRPGs.

Ms. PacMan may be better than the original but PacMan defined the franchise.

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I can officially retire from game design. My hardest critic roundaboutly admitted my idea was “ok”

the rest of that is more of the usual. but this highlighted gem, it is eternal :joy:

It’s an inconsequential point. Rifts are farmed to get keys for greater rifts, the point is correct but moot to the point.