From the other 98%

d3 only appeals to braindead zombies


I have to agree with OP on this one. Since ladder-only content has largely been moved to non-ladder, about the only raison-d’etre for ladder was the race to the top.

However, Blizz organized groups of players to use extensive networks of players to boost a handful of streamers to see who would win that race. Then advertised this extensively to the entire player community.

So, the primary incentive to play ladder is to get to the top, but the company organized networks of select players who are guaranteed to win that race.

The entire concept is self-defeating, and disenfranchises that dramatically vast majority of players who play more or less SSF, with only some light trading.

This supramajority never stood a chance in the ladder race simply because someone at Blizz thought it would be a great idea to suck up to streamers, even at the expense of the normal player base who make their jobs possible…

Nice work, Blizz. Well done, you…

EDIT: just a clarification, I know that interacting with a fresh economy/larger player base are also reasons to play ladder, but looking over Blizz’ adverts on ladder don’t mention this at all. So, it’s a secondary, passive motivation to play ladder, and not something Blizz puts much/any effort into.

I also know that most people don’t expect to take the top spot. But, most of my motivation in playing ladder was to make it to the top 999 and appear in the ladder board. Back then, Blizz only displayed the top 999 players on ladder. To me, that was the race, and I usually made it with at least one character. The new ladder display is a click-fest that takes forever to scroll down, but at least it does display everyone on the ladder - or will when it works properly.

So, my bottom line is that there are many good reasons to play ladder. However, Blizz was only talking/advertising about the race to the top. Then they undermined that race by organizing vast networks of streamers and their toadies to fix that race. Bad planning, bad design, bad execution…

And don’t get me started about allowing bots to occupy 800 of the top 1000 spots on the ladder. Not instituting a massive ban wave the first days before/after ladder launch really makes most of the leader board utterly meaningless…


I just smoked some narlant weed with gheed, and even I’m not dumb enough to think D3 was more successful than D2. D3 flopped after a few years of contantly updating the game for anti-group play. D3 pvp is the most unbalanced nonsense in the entire history of gaming, which is hillariously sad. D1 had one of the most balanced systems in the entire history of gaming, which speaks volumes for simplicity. D1 had no trade system to speak of, which sucked. D2 is fairly balanced, just a small few tweaks to be made here n there(like change cold damage of spirit wolf into 50/50 split of magic and cold damage, or completely change to magic damage), so dont go spreading nonsense.

the entire reason any Dev gives streamers a headstart, is to promote their game as a whole for free. This hurts the game and helps it in equal measures, 1 step forward and 1 step back. They should make sure that Streamers dont get a headstart, to encourage the community as a whole to play together.


Large corporations measure success with $$$

I suspect D3 made more $ than D2 and D2:LoD even when accounting for inflation.

Hahahaha suuuure.
D3 is not even a shadow of D2 LoD.
And nice try with players8 again. No.

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Gheed forgot to tell you denial and delusions were side effects:

Nice try but still zero logical counter-argument. Proof D3 was more successful is above.

Facts don’t care about feelings.

D3 was sold well because of Diablo 1 and 2. D3 is a huge let down.

What is your point? There are really bad movies with tons of money. Fast n Furious series for instance.

So eveb if D3 made good money, what does it mean? Nothing. Only that its predecessors were amazing


Learn to read the link I gave. It’s not that hard.

Why did it sell more after 6 months if it was based on D2 hype when reviews were out? And even more after 1 year? And even more after second year?


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Dude, D3 flopped in like what…2 years? now it’s just a buncha circle jerking for people who are just pushing for the solo grift 1000 lol…meanwhile D2 was for for a minimum of 10 years before it gradually dropped off in 2013, now it’s back and hot again.

Proof the D2 is more successful than D3.

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Learn to read the link I posted.

D3 sold more after initial two years.

Give me source on your D2 sales and D2R. I know how much they sold and even both of them combined barely struggle against first month of D3.

This is absolutely correct. I would have ignored D3, if I hadnt been a D2 player. D3 sucks, there’s no multiplayer value to speak of. no pvp, no leveling system, loot drops everywhere so you find what you want and then the games over. D2 had pvp to look forward to after leveling up and getting gear, both games have pvm communities which is great, but simplicity is better than “big numbers means good game”

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D3 was succesful because of D2. get rolled lil eggy.

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Always have been this way, at least since 2005 (when I started playing DII LoD online).

Sorry, facts don’t care about your feelings. I posted with concrete evidence that you are wrong.

Told you, denial and delusions come with Gheed’s staff. Not a problem of mine if you ignore facts.

So did Roblox. Maybe that’s your your speed.

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Follow me around more with your wounds please. Too hilarious to even ignore at this point. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Better being a “braindead zombie” than being you.

Dont know where you got that from, for me it seems the other way around. For example, with the start of D3, how they deactivated the D2 battle net player numbers display :smiley:
Financially yes, D2 might not have been that huge, because it was free online play. But hey, EVERYBODY played it. You got it backwards.

And yet I see more people playing that than D2.
Womp womp womp. Cry more.

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Hi, I respect u as a fan of D3 or u prefer or like D3 or sales is better than D2 but can u pls stop coming to every post repeating the same thing over and over agin :pray:

I believe everyone heard what u wanna say.

Everyone has their own preference for games, like me.
I am a D2 fan as I like D2 art and syle of play over D3.

This wont do any good.

Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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