Unfortunate Truth: Diablo 3 is/was more balanced and has better ladder

literally no one asked or cares, go Play diablo 3 then
Found the chud who writes PC Magazine articles about why d3 is better than d2 LOL


Sorry, I’m not going to argue with someone who is beneath me. I appreciate you typing up whatever you did, thank you kiddo!

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Totally disagree that D3 has a better ladder. Not to mention how well they knocked the class changes out of the park this ladder, D2 was still better. I do agree that you should have the option to increase the game diff online like singleplayer because I dont like having to deal with a bunch of people or holding them in a single game while I magic find. If you are that sore about teleport though, get an item with it or an enigma.

Group play always ruins these games. I bet half of these players are crap without their buddies.


Should we even mention the fact the public games list is still broken? Games that are 14 hours old are covering the entire list.

Edit: Did not mean to press reply to Braxus, his opinion was invalid

No one has cared about the leaderboard in Ladder on D2 in over a decade. The ladder reset is about the fresh economy and starting again from nothing. No one really cares about ranking and if you do well that ship sailed a long time ago.

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Diablo 3 doesn’t even have PvP so why are we talking about balance? Very confusing to me.

How dose PvP come to balance, and how the Ladder experience is better, in regards solo VS group, than this right now? Old D2 Ladder i’d say was better, but compareing D2R and D3… It’s hard to say but D3 takes the prize.

Then stay in Diablo 3, how hard is this? Me, I enjoy D2 Ladder more then I do 3. I can’t trade gear in 3, so in the end, once I get tired of the build im using, i’ve nothing else to do with it but leave and wait for next season. Maybe if 3 had a real endgame it’d be superior, but it doesn’t.

diablo 3 is a total failure to diablo 2 players. blizz focus on d3 dev rather than d2 is also total failure. no matter how good d3 ladder is, d2 players wont move to d3. We will just quit when we are frustrated by d2. get it?

if you didn’t care why even bother responding? that seems weird.

D3 also was way more successful than D2/D2R ever were (and will be if they keep pandering to “purist”):

Solution to fixing Ladder is also mentioned above, which is basically this:

But do expect vocal minority (purists) to just come with insults without even reading your topic. After all, there are still zero logical counter arguments against our proposed changes other than “change bad because change”.

This ladder may have very well killed the entire playerbase long term. Because monsters HP and defense pools are scaled way higher than ‘normal’ non season, it doesn’t make the game more exciting or challenging for 99.99% of players.

It just makes you sit sustaining vs monsters for 5x longer than normal for 0x extra loot. So they essentially took an ARPG (a game designed to be a fun slot machine), and removed any rewards.

The fact not one staff member plays the actual game and understands this, shows this game is just a 100% cash grab.

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No. Also you are wrong.

hahahahhaha no just no

Even casuals are ‘alert’ enough to realize 4 really bad runewords (The most exciting one giving a resist fire aura lmfao) is not exciting or something new.

Haven’t seen one positive thread or comment on a single site or game about the ladder. Not one person saying “hey I’m having lots of fun this ladder”.

“Oh wow thank you master activision for allowing me to upgrade set items to still useless set items! I’m going to invest 100 hours so I can have 40 more damage on a useless set weapon”.

Again, you can see from the dead trades on every major site, the endless wall of complaints, that this ladder season is a joke. They had a chance to truly improve the game, and failed miserably.


To be honest I am lowkey regretting my purchase. Got it for Ladder too and it’s so meh. A remaster should have way more done, not be a buggier version with shiny graphics.



As for ladder being rewarding, preferably ladder should not offer anything that non-ladder does not. It should not need to. It is about the fresh start.

But hopefully the D2R team keeps improving and changing the game overall.


smooth troll, smooth.

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Agreed! The graphics are ‘nice’ but what really locks me into any game is the gameplay itself and if it feels impactful. I would play Starcraft 2 on the lowest possible settings on purpose, so I could focus less on shiny little effects and more on the powerful feeling of meaningful gameplay.

The worst part about this ladder for me is I do a lot of trading softcore, and a lot of the people I traded with started ladder, got annoyed, and quit altogether. So it is killing the game essentially.

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