Diablo III first 24 hours sales are almost as much as D2R's 6+ month sales

Already included bundled sales figure, it doesn’t amount to much.

You missed the point this is about why D2R needs changes. This is D2 related. Sorry facts hurt your feelings.

PC gaming was not trendy when D3 was released either lol. Also gaming is more trendy than ever today especially with covid-19 and releasing on all platforms yet D2R failed?
It does not add up sorry, D2LoD hype is a lie.

Also like I said before, D3 only continued to grow enormously. FFS, OP has figures. Last figure was 2015 and it is huge, it only grows from there.

I bought that crap out of hype and than burned it on pillar fire here :slight_smile: it was even on twitter pillars of D3 copies burned!


What type of changes? All you talk about in this thread is money. I don’t care if you think D2R sux. What do you want to change in it other getting rid of Grushes?

That does not mean D2R should not have many changes people ask for and that purist-vision of D2R is correct. Its miserable sales shows people want changes, the purist made it fail.

Still the fact remains, lauch sales mean nothing.

It’s good I covered sales even after launch, and this is the fifth time I iterate that to you. You’re not even reading what people say -just arguing for the sake of arguing- and you accuse me of being a brick-wall to talk to. Amazing.

I’m a big fan of Diablo, played since Diablo 1. After I heard the News about D3 I felt existed so I bought it. But got bored after a few months of playing it,didn’t feel like I played Diablo. The end of storry, I didn’t like D3 cause of bad design.

It’s the way I liked to play Monkey Island but after the original creators left the game died little by little. And the latest games without the original creators sucked.
But now the original creators announced the new Monkey Island. They are back in business!! Return to Monkey Island

I think sales of both Diablo 1 and Diablo 2 don’t even contribute to 25% of D3 sales. Maybe even if you add D2R sales. This is why I think this is a flawed point.

But I do know some people bought it out of D2LoD hype but those are the very minority. Same with purists who are against change and evolving of D2R and are causing its failure are the absolute minority.

You are comparing D3’s first 24 hour sales, which is a day, so LAUNCH DAY SALES, to D2R sales after 5 months. Which again, means NOTHING.

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D2R is for those that played d2 original. D3 is for modern players aka millenials and younger.


I also wrote in OP about post sale data. D2R 6+ months data are also post launch. I also told you directly 5 times before that it did well even after launch. Don’t know how else to communicate with you.

This is false, citation needed. D3 appealed to mostly everyone; while purist vision of D2R appeal only to purists.
Also LOL, most of D2 players are millennials. How old do you think millennials are today?

Op does that alot. Reported obv

Also not true

The original version of the game, simply called Diablo sold over 30 million copies as of May of 2018. Diablo II sold 17 million copies and the Lord of Destruction expansion pack sold for Diablo II sold an amazing 17.5 million. Diablo III sold 30 million copies of the game.

op just make up lies on the go


because it rode on the shoulders of D1 and D2.

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Yet both sales combined -even maybe with addition of D2R- barely total 25% of D3’s total sales.

Denial is hell of a drug.

What the hell are you on?

D3 owes that success to D1 and D2. It wouldn’t have sold nearly as well if it weren’t for the existence and success of the other two.


Yet both sales combined -even maybe with addition of D2R- barely total 25% of D3’s total sales.

Yet D2R sold less with less price tag, gaming more popular today, all platforms and COVID-19 momentum (in OP).

One post above you dude, not hard to see.

Math hard? lets just take D2, cause i know its hard for you…
Diablo 2 17 mill
Lord of Destruction expansion pack sold for Diablo II sold 17.5
D3 30mill

D3 30mill


what lie will op make up next

Original diablo sold as much. 30mill

D3 30mill


Doesn’t matter what we say. All he cares about is mentioning ‘D3’ and using his big ‘purist’ word. I don’t think he knows anything beyond that.


Facts and figures don’t care about your feelings sorry. I am the only one who is being logical with citations behind me.

For the record only documented D2 sales figure with source is lifetime of 4 million only.

I saw that post.

But I wasn’t talking to you or arguing the point of your OP.

I was responding to Nickie’s point, which had nothing to do with you. Sure, he’s right about the state of gaming at the time, but D3 hype and subsequent financial success was predicated on the success and name of the previous titles in the franchise.

But, nope… can’t talk about the reason WHY D3 has been so successful, we just have to praise Zahramar for being able to add his numbers.

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