Wrath Classic Feedback and Decisions

Ah, well I guess history entire days in the past is irrelevant if they’re being relatively calm today instead of jeering, taunting, and reveling in other people’s displeasure.

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Six months? They rose for a year and into Cata. Not a lot, but an increase is an increase. And it was during a huge content drought.

And it still has nothing to do with anything. No one will ever prove why subs go up or down. It’s just anti-lfd trolls trying to change the subject because they have no actual argument against lfd.


Every where we were discussing this we were talking about the velocity of growth, not “if it grew at all”

Absolutely incorrect it definitely has a little bit to do with everything

It quite literally came from me disagreeing with someone else whos anti LFD saying rdf made subs plummet.

This is not correct according to any graph I have seen. Numbers peaked end of Wrath / beginning of Cata, and the first quarter after Cata launch you start to see the decline.

I think there are trolls on both sides making the same bad faith arguments, using the same data to try and prove their point, and they are all wrong.

I don’t think that’s what was happening here at all, though.

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since theres alot to scroll through

The person you’re defending. I was going to quote all the highlights (from what, one or two weeks maybe? I haven’t been aware of him for that long), but the ability to search through one’s own posts is truly atrocious so I gave up and quoted one in easy reach due to someone having liked my response to it, and then literally just scrolled through a couple pages of his post history. Like seriously man, I went in blind with no doubt I’d be able to find a few examples very quickly. And I did. Very quickly.

These are furthermore exclusively the outright malicious ones and not even the constant stream of bad faith argumentation he’s been spewing.


I understand, all I came with originally was that I entered this conversation, and was able to interact with the person in a very civil manner. Others obviously haven’t been able to, and that’s an issue between those two parties. No bad faith arguments were presented to me in this specific case.

I’m not here to get into a debate about who’s a meany weany around here or anything, we all overreact sometimes, especially in forums. My interactions with the person have been just fine, that’s all I can attest to.

Big mistake. Huge. Should be there for 1-70 dungeons, and even WOTLK normals. Heroics are fine without.


Truly not trying to dog you, but if apparently you don’t care who’s a meany weany then your initial tone policing of me makes little sense. I have no problem with being called out and will always double-check myself if it happens, which I did when you pointed out I was operating under a misunderstanding of context for a couple posts. With regards to my tone I was just giving you context for my bluntness.

That being said I will leave you be however you respond, if at all.


Circling back to this thread and the recent queue issues.
What if you guys enabled Cross Server functionality for Phase 1 of Wrath due to the hype?

This would solve so many issues. We are long past the “no changes”

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im fully in support of #nomoreservers

Let everyone party/raid/guild with eachother


As long as they kept trading gold between servers disabled, it wouldn’t really hurt anything at this point.

All the people from the small servers would have a huge influx of groups, raids etc… It would make the new servers like Eranikus super viable and help a lot of people on the fence about transferring to probably decide to actually transfer

gDKPS would still be server bound due to not being able to trade cross server

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im def 100% okay with all of this lessss do it

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We good homie no worries.

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There we go. The reason being completely selfish. It is pretty easy to see what kind of person you are in real life. None of your argument is about what is best for the player base, what is best for the game, but only what is best for you. You are even like who cares after you get yours.

Get your toxic, selfish, gatekeeping out of here. Your opinion is now in the minority of the WotLK player base. People that act like you are acting are the kinds that hold back new and better learning methods, are cool to not allow others to have equal opportunities, and hold back progress as a whole. Most of the names used for these type of people are not very favorable now a days.

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Pretty clearly i play this game to enjoy it, i dont want it in phase 1 because i wont enjoy it. Pretty uh Selfish of you to want to RUIN MY EXPERIENCE by asking for it. lololol this is such a silly arguement

oh you mean the ones actively playing tbcc into wotlkc? or the enigmas who “may come back but wont without x feature” youre right i dont care about them.

I dont need to, blizzard is clearly making this game for me and people like me! :smiley:

Gonna need proof from actual people actively playing the game

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Why do you guys care who we talk to so badly.
What’s in it for you? Seriously don’t understand, why can’t you guys let us have ways to group easier lmao. If you aren’t
help me do dungeons then the dungeon finder will.


They are masochists who think because they play on a 400 person server with no queue they are entitled to sit on a pedestal and dictate how other people play.

Generally they have no friends, a half dead guild and haven’t done anything past Phase 1 content.

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I Play on Whitemane, have a ton of post content clears helping friends gear, cleared SWP prenerf on multiple toons, have a phase 5 World Rank 1 on Illidan (which is currently rank 8 i think)

I think your mixing me into a conversation I am not part of in this thread dog.