Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

It really has. the reason i play this game and not ffxiv is because i prefer to play games without it, like many people here do.

I have btw voiced my support for realm locked rdf. for rdf only for normals. for crossrealm LFG, AND for phase 3 rdf. ways that it could exist and impact those who dont want it less. Nerfed implementations as well.

GW2 would be the perfect game actually, if it had gear progression and the trinity of roles. (which is alot)

Classic wow would be perfect if it had #nomoreservers

Again, it’s your preference, but how does that tool effect you if you don’t use it?


Because pretty much everybody else would use it, and you need other players to do content with.

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If it was implemented with the buff, the extra badges AND all the added convenience yes it would make any other method of grouping non-viable.

I literally had a dude leave my group because it was “too far” for them and we couldn’t summon so another hour wasted as we speak.
No one cares about traveling, or talking.
Just RDF and all it’s glory.

Edit: It was Maul and he was like in UC or something.


In Retail WoW (and I’ve been playing since original Vanilla, btw), there is Dungeon Finder for everything but Mythics and N, H, M Raids. It works out fine. The only difference is you don’t have to spam the chat channel. There is minimal benefit to looking for a group on a chat channel. Most of the people still don’t talk much and there are still your hostile hardcores who need everything to go perfect or they throw fits like a 2 year old. THE ONLY difference, is that I don’t have to reach to them myself…it just happens.

So does this go both ways or just for the group of people arguing against RDF?

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I support a similar system, rdf for all normals and leveling dungeons.

Then we’re on the same page :slight_smile:

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100%! im glad and i hope blizzard and community organizers see us agreeing!

Rdf for normals is the most common sense solution with the easiest implementation tbh

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Nothing like free server transfers to abandon your community all in support of the “Nurture and Protect Social Experiences” pillar!

I think this makes 100% sense. Lets all the past 5 mans still be available to people. Lets you do 5 man quests in 5 mans as you level. But once you get to end game you got to buckle up and get into that (terrible) LFD tool (hopefully they make it a bit better with time) and make groups the old fashion way.


100% definitely agree!

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HAHAHA. Good joke. Really hope you’re not serious.


I’m quitting and I know two people in real life who didn’t even play because of RDF being removed. And online friends…maybe a dozen or so lost all interest because if it.

Blizz really has no idea how many players they’re driving away.


wheres youre main? not convinced you play

This isnt quitting btw, no loss. the would have left like a month in anyways like the initial classic rush

my dude, RDF was part of the original wotlk.

an argument can be made that it should be released at a later phase, but saying it doesn’t belong at all is disingenuous.


this ultimately doesnt matter classic wow has a very real active player base that exists and enjoys the current game and they trump any #nochanges plea people feel like theyre owed or entitled to.

I fixed it for him, he’s being hyperbolic and abraisive to get a rise out of you.

Now that miregrim and zaalg are gone we can have real conversations without goading eachother lol

or for normals and not heroics, that schema is something that works just fine for retail btw.

for clarification, im in support of either of these btw.

considering the same people who wanted #nochanges in classic vanilla are also the same people saying to remove RDF from classic wrath, it seems to just scream of hypocrisy, imo.

rdf absolutely belongs in classic wrath, if they are going to keep following their original plans of making the game as true to the original as they can.