Blizzard created its own server problems without Dungeon Finder

RDF definitely has place in Wrath Classic considering it was released in Wrath. Stop confusing Wrath and Vanilla


0.00005% would probably quit over it and WOW would probably gain 5% more subs if it were added.

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You cant quit unless youre an active player, and noone actively playing TBCC will quit over its disinclusion.

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Because blizzard hasn’t polled the player base on rdf. We all know why. The vast majority disagrees with their decision


Fixed for you, for better clarification

I personally have NEVER reserved an item in a run i have done, i feel people should have an equal right to the loot within reason. I wouldnt invite a person to the group that needed the same item and not let them rolll on it. I wasn’t raised selfish. Not a fan at all of reserved loot. If i wanted to have the loot i am after specifically i would simply make a group that that wouldnt need it but me.

Edit: to be clear this would be a guild group i dont make groups and gatekeep out classes.

This is a statement I would expect from someone who is incapable of evolving with a game. Get with the times grandpa, not everything needs to be done the hard way.

Modern mmos are thataway. thankfully you can stay stuck in the past for the time being, because the desicions have come down in my favor.

to remind you

It is indeed bizarre some people don’t understand Vanilla Classic is over and Wrath Classic is here now.

But if they want Vanilla, Classic Era is that way ——>


Same but i love saying i will lol.

I do enjoy antagonizing people who are legitimately only here to try to make people feel bad for having preferences on a system in game

Fixed for you, your statement was a hypothetical (how you feel it should be), this amended statement is Reality. Sorry hunny <3

I have generally accepted that RDF is gone, but the small hope that it’s added later still persists in the back of my mind. I do hope its added but I’m in a guild and should be fine. Still will miss the instant return on wanting to do a dungeon at 2am and being able to get one easily.

Im good with a phase 3 rdf. or an immediate rdf, but only for normals.

I understand the frustration around RDF, but like i said, Im fine with it for normals because really that is by far the largest area it is needed. I don’t understand the problem people have with it not being with heroics. Its a compromised i would have thought both sides could have lived with. The only reasons i can think of is anti for gatekeeping and pros for easy high ilvl gear with 0 interaction with other players.

If we could get a compromise like this ill grab a damn flag and go march with the pro people til blizzard caves lol.

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100% agree.

my main want is for it for all levels besides the current content heroics. I wouldn’t be sad if it did cover heroics as well but after doing some pre-patch TBC heroics I feel confident that there wont be people “scared” of LK heroics in the same way they were towards TBC ones.

Mainly 1-60 content as the questing is not really linear enough to have a super clear path for returning and new players. Plus it helps players learn dungeon roles more efficiently than just rooting around in the open world.

*notice the use of WANT over NEED. I took basic economics and understand the differences unlike some here.

Sounds like a solution to long queues to me then

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Some people don’t understand blizzard has a design philosophy / pillars they’re trying to adhere to which are the same ones that people MAJORATIVELY gave for wanting these old expansions released. Just saying.

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You didn’t “fix” anything. You’re so desperate to tell lies that you even write fiction and use it as a quote from other people

Id absolutely stand behind this 100%

Id have an issue if rdf existed as the clear ONLY way (because of daily badges and circumventing the lockout AND the added convenience) to do phase 1 progression through heroics. As a catchup its fine, but i dont want to be forced to do it.

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