How to become a DH:
Step 1: Cage Match to the Death with the demon you hate the most. If you win,
Step 2: Drink its blood and eat its heart.
Step 3: Visions of the atrocities of what the Legion has done flood your eyes to the point that you will pull them out yourself.
Step 4: reconsider your life choices and if the doubt (inner demon) doesn’t consume your soul:
Step 5: Learn how to see again
Step 6: Grats. You’ve earned your tattoos. Dont squirm too much, else you’ll ruin them, making it easier for the demon to take control.
Whats stopping them? Other than the above, the fact that (as stated in the Illidan book) only like 1 in 5 survive the ritual, and that the Legion is essentially “defeated.” It’s also a very permanent decision, unless you can find another Xe’ra or other equally powerful entity to purge it.
I mean, one elf and her squad of hunters doesn’t really constitute the Night Elves as a whole. I mean we have a DH in Outland that we worked with prior to DHs being playable as well as the one in Felwood. My Draenei helped them both out, they weren’t hostile or killable.
Yeah, the Wardens, not the Night Elf society as a whole. I mean hell, even look at the Highborne they kicked out. Homies brought them back into their society figuring it was wrong to hold grudges.
We even had a neutral “eredar” hanging out in the Sewers of Dalaran. If Eredar pitched that they were there to defeat the Legion, you bet the Draenei wouldn’t give a f.
They were literally ostracized and killed. That “one elf and her squad” were some of the most prominent in Kaldorei society, who specifically hunted them down on purpose, with a vengeance.
I know you want to justify every race and every class, but I very much disagree on this. When it comes to what demons have done and what the Draenei became with the Ma’nari, there’s a huge difference between the Nelfs and the Draenei. They aren’t warlocks for a reason and they aren’t DHs for a reason.
Agree to disagree, m’dear. You and I could keep going in circles forever and I understand you want this justified and that’s okay. I just will not ever agree when we’ve seen what the Legion has done to them and the Ma’nari. I respect you, but I won’t ever agree on this one. lol
You need to do some brushing up on the lore, because Necromancy isn’t the opposite of Light. Just like a gameplay mechanic isn’t lore. And still has nothing to do with demons and Fel. So let’s not strawman here.
buddy, There have been many things that we wanted to see in this expansion, that the real community of the forum thinks well of the game, that the oranges of the Community council are not really doing anything.
Once again we ignore the devs seen in other threads that we really needed better class detail and much of this thread confirms this.
now are 18 years.
no this evoker crap, that’s not true hype for this expansion.
Like your thread, we very much hope that more features are needed in this expansion.
which is actually that it is not the expansion that we wanted, it is not the new expansion that you see, and it is not my expansion, which I already said that I prefer to play the WotLK Classic.
I don’t think that’s accurate. I know they have their precious cosmology color wheel now, but last I checked paladins had quite the penchant for smiting undead, who almost exclusively do shadow damage, which in itself is the opposite of their naaru fluffing culture.
Implying that the acceptance of Demon Hunters in their society, even though it is anathema, is quite similar to the acceptance of Necromancy and Shadow worship, even though they are also anathema, is not a strawman argument. It is an analogy that clarifies an argument.
A strawman argument is something like saying
and pretending that because the magic color wheel says so the dranei would be cool with necromancy.
You need to learn what a strawman is. You bringing up Desth and Shadow when this is about the history of Ma’nari and demons and fel is completely irrelevant and you have yet to actually address the actual conversation.
It’s literally a freaking gameplay mechanic for Draene and has been said so.
If you cannot address the actual conversation, then we’re done here.
Their choices are Illidan, a council where Baine has some kind of say, or an alliance that was run by Anduin now Turalyon since Aduin is now being all complicated and torn.
A Psychotic elf infused with fel…is looking to be the better of those 3 options really for some.
Illidan does stuff. Baine…the last thing he did was tell us to go to the stone. the stone we could find anyway. Its right there. and obvious. It be like tolkien putting in a char who was important for telling frodo where to go 200 yards from mount doom.
Oh…thank you major character. the big, tall wide, volcano spewing magma. I’d have missed that if not for you.
A straw man fallacy occurs when someone takes another person’s argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making.
I say: If they take evil necromancers and shadow worshippers, Demon Hunters should be fine.
You say:
So yeah, you might benefit from looking up logical fallacies before you start throwing around terms you don’t seem to understand.
Knowledge is power.
Semantics aside: I would think Dranei that specialize in preventing demon threats would be a very VERY welcome addition to their little refugee camp. Their leader is either friends, or at least a respected ally to the DH class lead, and he even helps out the PC and his DH friend in the Kruul encounter.