What's stopping other races from joining the Illidari?

Yeah, Elves do have a habit of having their population almost being wiped out.

You’re no Nomi.

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You don’t know me

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I’m calling the police. Your rein of terror ends here Pandaren scum.

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reading off the Fake Demon Hunter guidebook
It says here I’m just supposed to make everything emotional…

Sure go ahead. That’s what they all do after all that I have sacrificed…


Get this panda a blindfold.


Just Blizz not wanting to put in the effort.

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Why do the Illdiari need to induct more members into their ranks? There is a general lack of demons to slay after the Legion expansion ended.

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As far as we know Illidan is required to do the ritual to create a DH and he is no longer available. Also, the Burning Legion is defeated, so there is no longer a need to create more. So please don’t turn the Fel Hammer into Disneyland like Acherus was.

No more Legion to worry about.

No more Illidan to induct them.

How can they choose illidan when he’s in the Pantheon with sargeras and the Titans?

What’s stopping other races from joining the Illidari?

The Illidari

They are not prepared.


Some DHs didn’t need to join the Illidari to become what they are:

And eredar joined the Illidari:

So right there we have the backgroud we need to give us two new races of DH.

The only individuals who could “create” demon hunters were the burning legion and Illidan himself, both have been extinguished/locked away. Aside from that Illadin would have never trained any non Night Elf/Blood Elf

There is no way for demon hunters to be empowered now, not to mention the immense sacrifice and requirements to survive such a transition. The only way that new ones appear, the ones players creates, are from stasis just waking up.

Aside from that, there’s no reason to create demon hunters or expand to new races, the legion is gone.

Lore, as it should be.

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Nope, the Zandalari did it.

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Show me where I can read this information, cause from just a quick google I sure don’t see it. And don’t sit here and try to tell me that if they could, they would be in any way comparable to actual demon hunters that the legion and illadin himself created and empowered.

Not once have seen a troll demon hunter. Ever

I linked it just before you posted. They were part of the lore for the ZG Warlock questline.

Those were demoniacs, not demon hunters. Granted they’re similar in certain respects, but no where near the same mechanics as a demon hunter. They were also written out basically.

They’re warlocks before they lost metamorph essentially, they did not perform in any way the same as Demon Hunters do, they were casters, not to mention the even lower survival rate.

Vulpera Metamorphosis form would 100% be mega furry bait… in other words hell yeah Blizzard should totally do this

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