What's stopping other races from joining the Illidari?

They’ve all seen firsthand how unpleasant Demons are. To many players, their character’s backstory would be that their families or relatives died at the hand of the Legion. It is completely within the realm of believability that regardless of whether or not a race would look silly as a Demon Hunter, the Legion’s invasion of Azeroth probably served as the greatest recruitment campaign for joining the Illidari.

Post-Legion, I’m sure a lot of denizens of Azeroth still harbor a burning hatred for the demons, and having witnessed the power of the Illidari first hand, and how that power can be used to protect and enact vengeance, It’s completely within the realm of possibility that they’d pretty much have a pretty regular intake of new recruits to fight future threats, or if the Legion itself were to ever return under new leadership.

Solution as to how to bring them all into WoW:

  1. Create male/female metamorphosis forms for every race. Maybe give 1 or 2 additional race-specific horn styles to thematically match the race in question.

  2. For new DH’s that aren’t the two current elves, the second you create a new DH, it opens with you on the Fel Hammer speaking to Kayn/Altruis (or whoever, doesn’t matter). A short in-game cutscene (the cheap kind) plays out with them beginning to tell the origins of the Illidari, it then fades into a flashback which then plays out the actual DH starting zone like as if you picked nelf/belf.

  3. After it’s finished, all progress/loot/etc is kept, and the “flashback” ends with them telling your character that your rigorous training is finished, and then they undergo the ceremony (also a cheap cutscene). Get your eyes zapped, all of your DH starting zone loot/tatts/horns that you chose in the character creation screen now appear on your character.

  4. Go off and adventure like every other Race/Class combo gets to

  5. ???

  6. profit (actually tho)

(gimme dark iron demon hunter)


If any race could be demon hunters, it should be Orcs and Draenai given their history with the Burning Legion.


Maybe people just don’t want to gouge their eyes out now that the Burning Legion is cooled off. Once the Legion returns I’m sure everyone will want to commit to body mutilation.


Dreanei will never become worlocks or DHs after the they have been hunted across the universe by their own people that betrayed them and join the legion using fel magic would be the most evil and disgusting thing to them


do you understand how much art this is?
art isn’t cheap or easy, you’re asking A LOT


They don’t like pie. How could any sane person join a group that doesn’t like pie.

In related news: I like pie.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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Lorewise becoming a demon hunter isn’t just picking up a war glaive and deciding to kill demons, its rigorous amounts of training coupled with copious amounts of magic and literally taking a demon into your body, those tattoos are not just for show they’re one of the things that’s keeping the demon in check and even then it’s not guaranteed. There’s also the fact that you know you kind of gouge out your eyes and literally start turning into a demon because you have a literal demon soul inside you fighting you for control of your own body. Now you could justify maybe some other races being able to become demon hunters but you’re not gonna start seeing Goblins, gnomes, or vulpera Being demon hunters and humans should not have access to all classes I’m sorry humans get way too much and most fantasy settings they need to be tempered you could take that human potential and put it back in the box. If he asked me the only other races that could potentially be opened up would be the nightborne and the void elves considering the strong Elven sentiments of Illidan and the illidari as a whole.

There’s also the fact that there’s no real need for more demon hunters right now as the Legion is very much in absence and demonic activity is very low to nonexistent, fel the only reason they opened up the death knights to everybody was because they did eventually come to a lore justification, And the fact that the forces of death them selves were the threat here kind of helped contribute to that. The only way I see them doing something similar for demon hunters is if the burning Legion or just some other massive army of demons becomes a major threat and there needs to be more individuals specialized in hunting demons.

Edit: Sorry for the wall of text I just get a little peeved whenever people want classes to open up as a whole simply on the grounds that “it would be really cool”


The elves were the ones that had the highest success rate.

The other races had a habit of dying


Right now? Storyline, 3 out of 5 initiates die while trying to finish the rituals, some races will never accept this, like Draenei and Lightforged, some can’t like Velfs or they’ll just explode.

Later on? If they create some shoehorned storyline like they did with AR DKs, then you’re good to go. But it’s not going to happen in Dragonflight. There needs to be storyline for it.

Draenei would outright kill any of their race who would try to become a DH.

Is the exact reason they won’t get demon hunters.

We’ve met the Eredar. We’ve met Archimonde. We’ve met Kil’jaeden. Draenei are famously not good at getting a lil’ fel upgrade.


They ain’t killin’ their NE DH or Warlock comrades. So…nah.


They aren’t Draenei. History of the Ma’nari doesn’t go over well.

OP heres a simple reason why they aren’t:

The Burning Legion threat is over, the purpose of the Illidari was to stop Sargeras and The Burning Legion

that threat is neutralized and they have served their purpose

There is no reason why they will recruit any more DHs when their main enemy is dealt with

and before you give me the “but death knights and allied races” debate I’ll stop you there too:

A war happened, dead bodies happened, Bolvar with Helm of Domination went grocery shopping


10.1 Illidan comes back and makes a 3rd faction…because both factions suck.

Why join the Illidari when they could just become Paladins and not have to consume a demon and gouge out their eyes? Both are just as effective fighting the legion/demons.

Eredar are Eredar tho and Draenei are Eredar. In this case NEs should be killing their DHs at first sight as well because they have a very bad history with the Legion and demons as well.

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[looks at Dranei Deathknights and shadow priests] huh?

Why would anyone do this considering the legion is no more?

The sourge didnt hunt the Dreanei, the legion did, near wiped them out, rurned their own people into souless evil monster hell bent on destroying them, you are darn right any person from the exodar that started using fel would be excuted or at least banished forever

There’s a reason why I pointed out the Ma’nari.

Yeah. And they were.

Literally has nothing to do with Fel and demons. :woman_facepalming: