Any plans? Any demand? How shaky is the lore? Any worse than some of what we already see with warlocks, paladins, and death knights?
Here’s hoping–my $15 or whatever waiting to race change if given the chance. Want to roll Nightborne but all my alts have proven I’m not willing to drop the DH anytime soon.
Void Elf DHs would literally explode, or figuratively having the voice of a Legion member and The Void going on in their head at both times. Nightborne could be a slight possibility, but I highly doubt any new DHs will be made/trained with the Legion gone.
Well if they did plan on adding additional options for demon hunter down the line, they may have to make a different starter zone for them. The blood elves and night elves who are the playable demon hunters were the ones that joined Illidan during Outlands and Black Temple.
I think I would be okay with a generic start zone for all new class/race options. Something simple for new players to get their bearings. It could be scaled so all new/class race options could start in the same location. Like a training area for new recruits. There could be an npc there explaining some flavor lore text for why they are there and then poof… off you go on your adventure in Warcraft.