We shall have peace when the Horde answer for their crimes

If it was a false report it wouldn’t have been moved or deleted. Like this one was.

My RP ones get moved.
My Non-RP ones get deleted.

I don’t flag posts. I let others flag posts because I’m too lazy to go through the effort.

The RP ones get moved because they’re you writing fan fiction.

You’re non rp ones are effectively trolling.

Either way the mods deal with them in an appropriate manner.

And here’s the other thing kid: There is going to come a point where the Mods get tired of this and just decide to give you a forum vacation.

Do you not understand you are spamming the same stuff over and over and over again?

I’m confused, I see one thread in the story forums, one thread about Dalaran, and a different thread about Orgrimmar. Where did I post the same thing twice?

Your have 5 threads saying. “kill horde horde must die.”

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Oh dang it looks like those two threads don’t say that though.
Can you link the 5 threads where I say that?

Like Julaalu said: you are spamming the same topic over and over again.

All three of the topics are “we need to destroy a horde city!”

This one and the 4 others I linked. You keep saying death to horde horde must die and horde must be punished. Why not keep it in one thread instead of spamming a bunch of new ones?

I only ever have a single thread in general discussion.

They are all unique from eachother.

Cause the moderators keep moving them cause you are spamming. You are missing the point. I’m not talking about thread location i’m talking about you being a broken record saying the same thing on repeat.

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I disagree with that assessment.

You do not agree the moderators move your threads? Oh look this thread just got moved to Taverns End from General Discussions just now. Look at you’re reports.

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They’re really not.

Whether you agree or not is functionally irrelevant the fact is that you are spamming the same topic over and over again and can’t decide whether you want to present it as self adulating hero worship or whether to just be open troll content.

I disagree with the assessment that all authorities are infallible and never make mistakes.

Maybe take off that bulky helmet so you can see the reports.

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So it’s not that you screwed up and are incapable of correcting your behavior but rather that the mods as a whole are flawed?

I’m not going to make blanket statements like that I think the mods as a whole do a fantastic job. However, the nature of the current forums and the oversight of overworked and underpaid humans can sometimes lead to mistakes, humans arent infallible.

We can agree to disagree, just as you are free to ignore any future threads of mine.

So they’re only flawed when it comes to assessing your behavior?

It’s not possible that what you are doing is inflammatory and a deliberate pattern of behavior and that the Mods have tried to accommodate you by notifying you of this behavior and moving your threads to a more appropriate forum?