We shall have peace when the Horde answer for their crimes

Sir this is the RP forums, I don’t think an extended discussion of moderator actions is appropriate here. I’ve made my statement and you are free to disagree with that. If you would like to make a thread in General Discussion to discuss it further I would be happy to.

Thank you.

No, I think it’s worthwhile to discuss it here since this is your thread and you chose to make a big 'ol stink about how you feel that you are being mistreated by the mod team because they won’t just let you go on screeds in GD.

But then again, the fact that you aren’t answering this question is able to tell me all I need to know via inferrance.

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Okay you are clearly trolling and a spammer nice work. This was in General Discussions the forum MODERATORS moved it here. Cause you are SPAMMING. And i’m not talking about SPAM in a can.

If nothing else I gotta give him some credit for his dedication to the bit. Like it’s worthless since he has no credibility but Like… imagine he was able to dedicate that effort towards something actually productive.

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He goes to General discussions spams horde must be punished then the moderators move those threads here then he claims it was in the rp forums all along.

Don’t forget insisting that the moderators only seem to make mistakes where he’s involved.