Dalaran destroyed? What's the count now?

Why is it only Alliance cities ever destroyed?

Theramore, Southshore, Auberdide, Nethergarde Keep, Lor’danel, Teldrassil, Dalaran.

VS Lordaeron (Which was technically Alliance anyways)


The Alliance playerbase wouldn’t allow it.


Sure. As long as you can still have cross faction grouping, I don’t care what they do with the story.

Separating a dwindling player base in a pve based GROUP end game because of lore reasons is dumb.


Yeah, no, I want all player base pool for runs and guilding.


World of Gnomes. All player races are converted to Gnomes.


(FFXIV Omnicrafter enters chat)

Okay, what needs fixing and how many scrips will you give me?

I owe Rowena a bill bigger than Gerolt’s bar tab, so let’s get craftin’!


If we could just kill a few Alliance leaders, make room for new characters, like the writers and devs have been doing with the Horde for the last 20 years… maybe that’d make them more interesting?

The Alliance doesn’t have to be evil, they can have several civil wars… just like the Horde. And then the writers can kill off beloved characters, just like they did with the Horde.

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Hard pass, the faction war was overdone and poorly done. There’s still war, just not squabbling like children between the Horde and Alliance.


I would also like for the faction wars to return :pensive:


This would, of course, involve the Horde losing one or perhaps several territories. These territories will be won back in books, but the game will never be updated to show these gains.

The Horde would also be completely impotent to stop the Alliance, with the only way they are capable of doing so is the Alliance turning on itself from within.

Sounds like a good trade!


World of Witchcraft and let the Scarlet Crusade be the good guys for once.

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Now people are starting to understand how poorly the Horde have been treated.

Horde players have been crapped on by the writers for 20 long years, and it’s about time the Alliance got some of their hate.

Lose a territory? We’ve lost plenty… it’s time that the Alliance pays in blood.

Remember in BfA when Horde leaders were being killed off left and right, but Alliance leaders were being magicked away to safety because of macguffin plot armor, amazingly? Yeah, let’s fix some of those mistakes.

Pick a territory, because I want half of your leaders gone.

You want Orgrimmar? You want a dirt road connected to other dirt roads? TAKE IT. I’ll have 3 of your leaders for it.

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Citation extremely needed.

The horde lost one leader, and she was omnipresent the next expansion anyway.


You don’t pay attention to the story, eh?

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I’m sure all the alliance leaders will get away Scott free like they always do

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Why would alliance be the bad guys when horde was evil from day 1?

Sorry, with all the stuff the forsaken was up to and being ignored by the horde, they were not grey. They’ve been straight up evil since the beginning.

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They can’t even kill off neutral-Alliance characters because Alliance players would throw a fit.

You mean when Humans were trying to exterminate them, after causing their deaths in the first place? While simultaneously at war with the Wargen who also wanted to exterminate the Forsaken?

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I can’t argue with that, mainly because I have no idea what this word means.

That is called a portmanteau.

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