Peace can only be achieved through strength of arms. The Horde must die

In the heart of Stormwind City, amidst the towering spires and bustling streets, Blom, Lord of War, stood before his guildmates in the grand hall of the Alliance Vanguard. Clad in gleaming armor adorned with the sigil of a lion, he exuded an aura of unwavering determination. The air was heavy with tension as Blom addressed his fellow warriors, their faces etched with a mix of resolve and concern.

“Brothers and sisters,” Blom’s voice boomed with conviction, “the time has come for action. The Horde’s aggression cannot go unanswered. King Wrynn’s desire for peace is noble, but we cannot stand idly by while our lands are threatened.”

A murmur of agreement rippled through the hall. Blom continued, recounting tales of Horde incursions across the Eastern Kingdoms, of villages razed and innocent lives lost. Each word stoked the flames of righteous fury in the hearts of his comrades.

“Today, we march not as aggressors, but as defenders of our homes and our people,” Blom declared, raising his sword high. “The Alliance Vanguard will lead the charge to secure our borders and bring justice to those who seek to sow chaos.”

Under Blom’s command, the guild prepared for battle with meticulous detail. Armor was polished to a shine, weapons honed to deadly perfection, and strategies forged with the precision of a master craftsman. Despite the King’s orders for restraint, Blom believed that the time for diplomacy had passed – action was the only language the Horde understood now.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the Alliance Vanguard assembled at the edge of the forest, their numbers a testament to unity and strength. With Blom at the forefront, they advanced toward the contested borders where Horde scouts had been sighted. The air crackled with tension as they moved through the dense woods, every sense attuned to the slightest sign of danger.

At the borderlands, the clash was inevitable. The Horde, sensing the Alliance’s approach, emerged from the shadows of Ashenvale. War cries echoed through the forest as the two forces collided in a storm of steel and magic. Blom’s abilities shone brightly amidst the chaos – his shield a bastion against enemy blades, his holy magic a beacon of hope amidst the fray.

The battle raged on through the night, neither side yielding ground easily. Blom fought with valor, rallying his guildmates with every swing of his sword and every word of encouragement. The Horde, fierce and relentless, matched the Alliance blow for blow, neither side gaining a decisive advantage.

In the midst of the chaos, a figure emerged – a lone orc warrior, towering and formidable. Blom locked eyes with his adversary, their gazes reflecting the weight of their convictions. With a resounding clash, they engaged in a duel that echoed through the forest, each combatant fueled by a sense of duty to their respective factions.

In the end, it was Blom’s unwavering resolve that proved decisive. With a final strike imbued with the light’s blessing, he disarmed the orc, who knelt before him in defeat. As dawn broke over the battlefield, the remnants of the Horde retreated, acknowledging the Alliance’s steadfast defense of their lands.

Victory came at a cost – both sides counted their losses, mourning fallen comrades and pondering the toll of war. Yet, amidst the somber aftermath, Blom stood with pride, knowing that the Alliance Vanguard had upheld their oath to protect the realm.

In the days that followed, news of their valor spread throughout Stormwind. King Wrynn, though conflicted, recognized the necessity of their actions in the face of Horde aggression. Blom and the Alliance Vanguard were hailed as heroes, their courage celebrated even as whispers of an uncertain peace lingered in the wind.


Do you ever get bored with posting stuff against the horde?


You need some new material because the stuff you keep regurgitating is old and stale.


He does. Sometimes Notblom posts the opposite to mix it up.


This isn’t the RP section

Thought you’d figure that out by now


I think playing an MHP has rotted his brain.


Okay, that’s hilarious.

Keep doing what you’re doing, Blom.


Oh right, how could I forget? I thought I was in the story forum section at first. But nope.

Maybe he actually wants to be a MHP on the horde so to cope he’s posting he wants to kill all horde to over compensate or something.

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This isn’t RP it’s a true story.

King Anduin is currently deliberating officially declaring war on the Horde, light willing he sees it through.

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Bloodthirsty Blom strikes once again into the territory of General Discussion… unbeknownst to him, it is very off-topic for this forum.


I’m just waiting for you talk about how people should get off your lawn while you retell stories about sandbags and walls made from bodies.


Hey blizzard, the ignore function is broken. I can still see posts made by ignored users.


Did you actually ignore him or did you misspell ignorant? :smiley:


Ignored. Button says it should hide threads as well as posts. Clearly, it’s not working on the thread part.


His spam is on a whole other level. Not even Blizzard can stop him now.


“Force, my friends, is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived. Naked force has resolved more conflicts throughout history than any other factor. The contrary opinion, that violence doesn’t solve anything, is wishful thinking at its worst. People who forget that always die.”

Actually it should be Alliance who should die since they seek power and control whoever disagrees with them.

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I’m from Camp Taraujo and I say kill em all!

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The Horde keeps trying but for all their talk about what great warriors they are they don’t seem to ever be able to win against the Alliance.

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