The WoW story would be better if Alliance actually got revenge

Justice for Theramore, Justice for Teldrassil, Justice for the slain.

It has been denied time and time again.

Anduin wishes for peace at any price, but Anduin is naive.

If our leaders will not give us justice, we will take it ourselves.

(Alliance should commit some atrocity against the Horde, either destroying a major city or some other type of attack. It should be some group who feel that they have never received justice for the countless horde atrocities. The story as it stands with Horde always being the bad guys and Alliance always being the good guys is extremely boring and stale, it’s time to switch things up and let the Alliance be the aggressors for once.)


“Justice for the place that was bombed because they wouldn’t stop bombing others”

Thermore sucked, and its bombing was cool and good. Maybe the Alliance can learn a lesson in morality from Garrosh and actually give civilians a window of time to escape :slight_smile:


Bloodthirsty Blom at it again… Sigh… Get new material!

Just flag and move on.


They will likely have to do something at some point to re-invigorate the Alliance/Horde war. I assume we’re all going to band together in the Saga to fight the next great evil, and if it keeps going the way it’s going there will be piece and it won’t be "War"craft anymore. Unless it’s always just war against the “next big threat.”

Are you just trying to become the alliance erevien?


I’d say blast them back to the stone age, but the horde wouldn’t notice.


Did I miss a storyline or a novel somewhere? When did Theramore bomb anyone unprovoked?

Do the Horde Barrens Cata questlines. Varian and Jaina invading through Theramore to establish Fort Triumph is explicitly stated to be before the Cataclysm, as were the Dwarves wiping out a town to build Bael Modan over it. And of course, Camp T also happened.


I have. But I don’t remember them just aimlessly bombing everyone. They didn’t just come out of nowhere to do it, either.

That’s… not Theramore, though?

Both sides did stuff in a war. Don’t really think that’s a good reason to promote using nukes on anyone. But you do you.

I should’ve stayed out of the “MUH WAR CRIMES” bs to begin with. I’ll just mute this dumpster fire with the rest of the story forum escapee threads.

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I am totally in favor of one side or the other wiping out their rival. I seriously don’t care anymore. Someone just win and absorb the other already!

Using a nuke on soldiers is still better than firebombing grandmothers and sending conscripted inmates to shank leatherworkers.

Dead is dead.

they literally did. The npc describing the attack said they did it out of nowhere. It was pre-cata, it was not in response to anything Garrosh did.


We sure that OP isn’t just a Scarlet in disguise?


Revenge, and avenged are entirely different from each other. Besides, how can you expect the Alliance to seek retribution against the Horde when most of their races willingly accept members of the Burning Legion to join their ranks. If they can forgive those that have conquered countless worlds, even decimating civilizations on this one, then the Horde has nothing to worry about.


Theramore had it coming, they had a deal

You get to exist this incredibly close to the heart of horde territory if you do not supply the alliance war effort

Huge amounts of soldiers and weapons started flooding from dustwallow swamp into the barrens because Jaina broke the agreement, so they got rid of the alliance’s port into their heartland


Man’ari really needed to be Horde.

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Eh… not as much so, having them fold back into the eredar as a whole (remember, draenei just referred to the subgroup, as did man’ari) felt more… healing?

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Healing is overrated. Festering. That’s where it’s at.



If Garrosh had nuked them out of the Vanilla era tit for tat small scale stuff, that would be one thing. Jaina chose to make her town the lynchpin of the Allaince’s war effort and aimed it at basically everyone but Garrosh. You’d have to be an absolute idiot to think she wouldn’t happily do so again.

She sowed the wind, thus she got to reap the whirlwind.


The WoW story would be better if the Alliance didn’t exist.


Now that’s the real answer.

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