We shall have peace when the Horde answer for their crimes


We burn first, then we eat.

It’s a novel new concept invented by the Legion called “cooking” lol

Dreadlord Nomi confirmed.


That makes #5 come on bro. Please stop spamming please. We don’t need 5 threads about the same topic. Come on man.

“Non wow related thread”

You mean the things that are always complained about as well?

Yes people commonly point out the favoritism and hypocrisy around the flagging habits of forum posters.

Always. People that flagged this are currently talking the subject of dwarf rumps in another thread. Super productive conversation compared to Blom’s well-written novellas.

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Dwarfs and their rumps are members of the WoW community. Maybe if Blom add more rumps in their story less people would flag it it. Who doesn’t want to read a human male paladin talk about their rump?

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It’s spam he made 5 threads already on the same topic all saying the exact same thing. He is just spamming the same thing now. Flag it for spam and move on. Too bad we don’t have a spam folder on wow forums.

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Im sure theres no difference at all between a stupid thread that probably had flags already

And the same thread blom posted yet again, and again, and again

He is spamming and probably doesn’t realize that he is.

Horde always gives you Alliance pencil necks the same answer: “don’t sing it, bring it”.


He knows exactly what he’s doing and is probably tittering at all the drama he’s caused.

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Well since there is 5 threads on the exact same topic a moderator can condense it down into one mega thread instead of having a bunch of small threads about the same topic.

Another Bloming idiot thread

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Yes you’ve done a magnificent job of alienating everyone with a non-perorated cerebral cortex.

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Blom’s thread’s are about as well written as a klan speech.

It’s not even just that it’s spam; It’s literally him choosing to post in the wrong part of the forums about what a chad he is (despite apparently having abysmal PVP ratios).

Really the best solution for him is to have a time out from the forums since he apparently can’t go a couple of days without posting the exact same drekk.

Can you link me the threads in the general forums where I allegedly posted the “same thing”?

No, because they’ve either been moved to the story forums, where they belong, or have been deleted.

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Looks like if you stopped spamming false reports there would have only been one thread.

I follow the rules. There will continue to only be one thread, whether old or new.

Actually theres 2 threads and they’re right beside each other now that it’s been moved to the RP section, again

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