User Interface Action Bar Issues

We have a couple of known issues with Action Bars that we’re working to quickly fix.

  • For some players, upon login, action bars 2-8 are unintentionally disabled on all characters. Players in this state will have to manually re-enable any of your extra action bars through Options > Gameplay > Action Bars. Pre-existing keybinds and spells should display with the re-enabled action bars.

  • New characters’ (level 10 and below) spells on the Action Bars may not save on logout. The same issue may cause some existing characters to have all spells wiped from their Action Bar on logout if they do not create a new loadout.

We intend to fix these issues as soon as possible.





Any word on backpack issues? Can’t open my inventory and see all items without LUA Errors everytime

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keybinds still appear to be active, even without the bars being visible.

get rid of your addons.


I hope the triage order is:

  1. Fix broken action bars, wiping, user interfaces changing unexpectedly

  2. Fix warband banks.

As clearly one of these is more severe while the other is merely a delayed feature, the lack of existence of which has hurt no one up until this point.


Fix broken action bars, wiping, user interfaces changing unexpectedly


Some of my achievement progress has been reset, lost progress on Burning Ascent Fishing Hole Net in Taking From Nature and Treasures of Thaldraszus fully reset for me when the last item I needed for it was Sandy Wooden Duck.

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Huh Blizz, it’s almost like you should actually open bug reports on the beta. You would have seen more than a few for this specific bug, and could of dealt with it before it went live.


Next time ignore the whiners on the forums and let the stupid patch cook longer.

No warbank, messed up action bars, I’d rather just go anotther day with the servers down.

Multi dollar company.


Multi billion dollar company dishing out multi cents quality patch.


I can fix the action bars but…is anyone else having trouble getting stuff out of the mailbox? I cannot take anything out, either from “Open All” (the button just goes greyed out and stuck on “Opening”) or from clicking on each item individually.

Oh, and I absolutely hate the new character screen. What a mess.


FFS, again, why I’m not going to try to login again until next week. Good God people.



…but this is an issue which happens with almost every major patch.

when in doubt, UI reset.

might as well just bite the bullet and do it.

start fresh


Thanks for the updates kaivax
Don’t let them keep you up all night.


I hopped on my banker toon and open all worked for me, but it was very sluggish. Most of it was gold from sold auctions with a couple of things from a couple characters whose inventory I cleaned out.

Im also having this issue on a 57 Druid. (Read somewhere that it was sub level 10).
Every time I log out and in my bars wipe completely. It started when I was randomly disconnected.

I thought it might be some addon conflict, so I disabled everything except Bartender, but still lost all my action bar placements on logout.

I figured it was a problem with my Bartender profile, so I made a new one… but nope, lost everything again. Tried once more, same result. Then, I went ahead and disabled everything, and created a fresh profile in the Blizz Edit mode, and guess what? Yup, lost it all again.

The silver lining here is that I am now excellent at placing my skills but I dont want to do that anymore. Looking forward to a solution. Also mailbox and bank is broken.


Well all you really need is Moonfire!


This comment is only here for more info;
Yeah I have been having the issue of the action bar just clearing over and over every time I re-log or log out, doesn’t matter what character and what level. This happened last xpac pre-patch too. It was was only fixed 3 weeks later when the pre-patch was about to be done.

I ran into this one unexpectedly upon initial login last night. Thought the layout had changed but it didn’t - they just for some reason turned off (not wiped) bars 2-7. The spells/abilities/skills previously assigned to the slots were still there.
That was easy to overcome, especially after playing Remix on so many different characters it became second nature to rebuild the UI every so often. What isn’t - the in-game menu is exceptionally large now and I haven’t run across a means to reduce the size of that element alone. UI scaling would affect everything. Checked and the resolution didn’t change so it is yet another unanncounced change.

I literally can’t play my level 70 main because of this. ALL of my action bars reset every time I log out, and bars 2-8 are disabled on logout. Even my skyriding bar is reset. No addons running or even installed.