You know what's not fun

Wanting to play but having to remake all your bars ALL the time. It has become really annoying


I’m not having this issue on any toon. Are you using ElvUI or something?

No, not all but my spells keep disappearing from my bars, so I have to keep redoing them; only thing that stays the same is the keybindings and the bars position.

Alright so, what I did is that I deleted every previous build saved on my talent trees as soon as I the prepatch launched. Had to redo all over but had screenshots of my pvp bars, m+ and raid bars so it didn’t take long to do it all over. Thus never had this issue a lot ppl have been complaining about

Did this too, no luck, believe me I get the bugs that come from any pre-patch and not complaining about the new expansion but man, this has gotten on my nerves.

Damn, that sucks. Also, I’m currently not using a single addon other than Details! (Been updating this one regularly).

To my knowledge, add-ons have been bringing most of the latest issues.

I suggest you do the same (delete all add-ons but save the profile) since we’re getting yet another big upgrade on Tuesday and I’m confident everything will break again lol

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Yeah, it seems I just have to bite the bullet and just stick to one character.

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This is a known issue, a work around of creating a talent load might work until a full term fix is sent.

When I first log on to any 'toon in 11.0.0, I only have one or two action bars. I follow the advice above and reactivate bars 2 (if needed), 3, 4 and 5 and stuff reappears.

The order is initially all messed up but once I unscrambled it and picked my talents it seems OK. I have not seen one get scrambled after resetting it.

The only addon I have is the simple one I wrote and it is not active.