User Interface Action Bar Issues

does not work on my monk. i have saved multiple ui and talent load outs and the problem still persists. every time i relog, they are all reset with all my buttons gone. i don’t use any ui addons: i use stock.


Heres an idea. How about testing it properly before rushing it to live servers to impress your investors with numbers


I have tried resetting, went into the action bars and manually turned them on. still no , action bars, cant look at my talent tree. I guess I am stuck sitting here looking at this bald inn keeper because all my other stuff is broke on the interface. Why does Blizz ALWAYS fix something that isnt broke until they break it? Got 26 days left in remix and will probably miss half of that waiting for Blizz to FIX what wasnt broke until they tried fix it to where it was broke so they could try to fix it back to where it was.

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My main it seems to be fixed at the moment.


/59characters (44 max level)

Though I don’t have that many more Achievement points than you.


Updating any current and future visitors. tldr: none of this worked and its a Blizz problem.

The problem continues to persist, effectively starting during prepatch for War Within: my action bars wipe and delete all placed skills items and macros placed upon logout. This happens on Action bars 1-8 (including cat stealth) and does not reset keybindings or dragonriding skills.

I have tried to submit two tickets. Both and been closed and I’ve been referred to come to the forums for customer support, this is disheartening. They said devs would read this. Hello devs!

“Please post on the forums so the dev’s have more information to work off of” - Blizz Customer Support

I have been playing and subscribing on and off since vanilla and this is the first time I think I have ever encountered a problem like this. Effectively my Druid is bricked because I do not wish to place down skills every login.

What I have done:

  1. Changed, copied, then finally deleted profiles on Bartender(addon) and then finally removed the Bartender addon.
  2. Disabled and removed all addons
  3. Reset edit mode interface options
  4. Created new profile in edit mode
  5. Uninstalled Curse Forge addon manager
  6. Deleted character’s WTF folder in the retail folder within program files
  7. Deleted all WTF, interface and cache folders
  8. As per a post I found in the forums: typed /console cvar_default
    Possible Fix 1 - Wow Forum User Recommendation
  9. Thinking it may been some corruption of my toon name somewhere, I had an existing name change token which I used.
  10. Per a 9 year old post on Reddit in a private server subreddit, someone recommending to delete all macros. RIP old macros. This didn’t work.
  11. Uninstalled THEN deleted all remaining files inside WoW within Program files. Then completed a fresh install. This didn’t work.

No I will not reformat, do cartwheels or eat green eggs and ham.

Considering these steps I can rest on a peaceful universe it is a Blizz-side bug. If you’re in the same boat as me, maybe don’t go down this rabbit hole of trying to fix it.

See you in Azeroth, actionless.



I got annoyed with the popups nonstop while doing any group content so…
to disable LUA error popup
Type /console scriptErrors 0
then /reload

on a side note, it makes no sense to me why they coded the error window to completely block out the entire screen space, even with max resize, it’s only half as big.

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All the action bars on all my characters were wiped out. They’re all empty, as if I started a new character. Plus I don’t recall which items I selected in my talent tree, which was also wiped clean. Not cool, Blizz.


For the accounts whose characters have all had Action Bar 2-N disappear, is there a macro or console command to turn them all back on? I have gone through clicking the Options interface on about three chars and I’m not gonna do it on the rest of the chars. Googling shows various pre-Edit Mode for loops that might have worked at some point. I assume none of that works anymore with the modern UI. Can someone who speaks lua figure it out so we can all press one button on all our chars instead of, you know, 90 clicks to turn the bars back on?

(This is super duper annoying because in my layout the Objective Tracker and other elements are anchored to Action Bar 5, and when that’s not displayed all those elements just stack on top of each other in the top left of the screen, which is a terrible default behavior, separate from this new issue.)

Is there an ETA on when this will be fixed? Returning player and this is infuriating that I have to spend time setting up all the bars.


Would really be awesome to have an update Blizz this is absolutely ridiculous. Ive waited a day and dealt with two dick head GMs with some copy paste responses. But nah keep posting on twitter its live and jokes about war bands


Same issues on my lv 70 priest.
Was logged out due to a server disconnect and now every time i log in all my spells are wiped.
Would love a resolution.
Tried all the same options you did + fresh installs, clearing cache and WFT folders. Still nothing.

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This was the response to my ticket I sent Tuesday evening.

We are aware of the current issue causing action bars to reset or be wiped completely following the latest patch update. Our team is actively investigating this problem and working towards a fix. At this time, we do not have an estimated timeframe for when this issue will be resolved.

We understand the inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to address it. Thank you for your continued support and dedication to World of Warcraft.

Sounds exactly like what happened to me.

Ok here’s how I fixed mine. Create a new talent loadout (copied existing). Went to the loadout settings for that new loadout and checked the “Use Shared Action Bars” box.

So far spells are saving :crossed_fingers:


If anyone is interested an addon ‘MySlot’ saves all the stuff that the layout doesn’t (button assignments and positions etc).

So with MySlot - I can log in and just tell myslot to load my stuff and I’m back and running.

Still a bug … but that might help those that want to keep playing.

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I want to add, its not transfering UI settings across all characters on an account
its saving the name of your sets, and the order, but after the patch wiped all my action bars and their locations, I put them back.
Then when I switched chars from my priest to my shaman, and the shaman’s bars were like how the first one’s I logged into were before I fixed them.
I switched back to my priest to check and the UI was the fixed version.
Make a character only setting just to see if maybe all the account ones have been changed to character only, and also found out, I cant delete the character only test UI I made

I didnt even try to see if my custom button settings were still working since I cant even get the UI working without having to fix it on every char.

These are all lvl 70 characters

To fix my issue (relogging wiped all action bars), I went to my talents and created some new loadouts, swapped between the loadouts, and relogged. No longer have the issue.


honestly…that’s your job.
the game is supposed to
‘work as intended’…isn’t that
the phrase developers smirkingly
proffer when things go south!

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I just got this on a newly created Demon Hunter on remix.

I set them back up and relogged, though wiped again, cleared bars.

Next, I set the bars up then opened the talent window and created a new loadout (As new char, didn’t have one, and wasn’t using the starter load out) with the :heavy_plus_sign:New Loadout option…

Relogged, this time my action bars persisted.

Might be worth a try for people, even if you have builds already, don’t import one, try create a brand new one as a test, maybe I just got lucky and only tried it due to the hint…

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