Action bar issue?

Is there a fix to Action bars blanking out after you log out?

It’s a known issue, for some making a new talent build loadout (talent window, drop down, +New loadout) fixes it, this worked for me.

There’s also reports of setting up a new UI layout can fix it.


this worked for me, good timing on this thread! ty.


i respec’d into healing on my druid and the only thing that stays in marks of the wild on my action bar, i tried switching back and forth from balance to healing and no dice. At this point id delete the druid but i used a boost on it to get to 60 so i dont really want to delete my character to redo it again… any other fixes as the 2 offered up in this post dont fix my balance druids hotbars

Switching specs breaks my action bar now too.

If I switch back and forth my bars delete all non shared abilities. Example.

Set up DPS spec action bars with both class and spec abelites

Switch spec

Action bar for healer has only class abilities

Switch back to dps, action bar has only class abilities now too. All spec specific ones placed are gone.

Making new talent load outs, new UI builds, ect doesnt fix it.

I would not recommend deleting, this is on the docket for a fix soon™, loadouts were suggested as a work around only.


thank you Kozzae!

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