All Action Bars Resetting to Blank / The War Within Pre-patch

I’m also experiencing this bug, but for only one build of one talent spec.

I imported an M+ resto build and was sorting stuff out when I DC’ed. Upon logging back in, all of my bars for that build were empty/cleared.

Switching to guardian spec, swapping to a raid resto build, exiting the game and relogging, and those bars are fine. It’s just the M+ resto build that’s giving me trouble.

I’ve redone my M+ bars about 3 times now (making sure to reload ui once I’m done). Tried logging out as guardian, then logging in and swapping to M+. Tried logging out in M+ build – the bars are always cleared after relogging.

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This is happening to my mage.

This is also happening to my Warlock.
Gonenuts - Aman’Thul (OCE)
I’ve disabled all addons, tried changing specs, but it keeps happening.
As I am logging in I hear the swish sound made from moving abilities and all my bars are blank except when mounted 4 default dragonflight abilities are there in default position.

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This is happening to two of my toons. Right now I have logged on with my mage 4 times and each time it has wiped my action bars. C’mon Blizz… at least acknowledge that this is happening… in fact it was happening in the pre-patch in DragonFlight… can we at LEAST get a blue post that shows you understand it is happening. This makes the game UNPLAYABLE when your first 45 mins of play is looking at screen shots and re-mapping your buttons. Ridiculous!

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This is exactly how mine happened. Imported a new build and got DC’d a few mins later, when I can back my bars were empty. After checking, other talent builds are ok (bars are full) but it’s just the new one that cannot keep its action bars from being erased.

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Looks like they are tracking it…

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POSSIBLE FIX: This comes from the Blizzard post linked above. After populating your bars create a new load out. You can test it by dragging a few spells, creating anew load out and logging out. The action bars kept their buttons for me, hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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Have my children.

But no really, thanks. I’ve been logging in and out trying different things for three hours and its caused me a lot of stress, so thank you very much for the fix.

Hopefully OP sees this and quotes you. Ty. Alot. Like I know I said that already.
But still.

I’m happy others are experiencing this.

Mine only happens on this warrior and only if I spec to fury. Arms/prot the hotbars stay intact and the spells never disappear. But fury… everything goes blank.

I’ve tried deleting WTF, INTERFACE, and CACHE… they do nothing. removed mods, nope. This is on blizz’s end, not ours.

What is considered a “new load out”

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This was happening with my DK. Deleting the talent loadout I was using and recreating it resolved the issue for me

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None of my action bars have been disabled as per the blizz post, theyre just getting wiped every time I log out. I tried deleting the talent loadout and recreating it and that didn’t work either. Game’s pretty much unplayable with this bug because Im not going to reset my bars every time I go to play.

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FYI - Somewhat similar to the other solution, what I found worked for my Subtlety Rogue was to just CHANGE ONE TALENT in the tree and then resave - I updated the Action Bars after doing that, logged out, and when I logged back in everything was still still there in the Action Bars (the new build), problem solved.

In other words, it seems like there are some specific builds that are causing this, so it may not work to just delete and reload the exact same loadout. Change something in it and see if that works.

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My shadow priest is having the same issue, spellbook spells are wiped from my action bars. Annoying, why is this an issue??? How old is this game?? And you still haven’t figured this out???

Also happening on my Druid, but only for a single specialization.

The loadout creation suggestion fixed this issue for me as well. I didn’t have to change anything about my spec, I just created a New Loadout with a different name and relogged and all my action bars are right now.

Didn’t work for me…

On my level 52 Druid on the Dalaran server every time I log out and back in, my action bars also revert to being completely wiped. All of my abilities are removed from my action bars. This is with add-ons active and it happens with add-ons deactivated.

It doesn’t happen for all of my characters, so far it’s only been this one.

It’s the same bug that I experienced in Beta when I was testing it out awhile back.

I can confirm that this is a good workaround temporarily, thanks for the heads up.

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Fix worked for me too! Thanks!

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Yep - New Loadout worked for me.

Step by step guide…

  1. Go to talents (default key is “N” to open talents)
  2. Click the lower left dropdown box that says “Default Loadout”
  3. Select “+ New Loadout”
  4. Enter a name (I used “Def” for default but it doesn’t matter as any text will do)
  5. Click “Save”

You will have what they are referring to as a new loadout