Trading Post Completion No Mount

Completed monthly 1000 points no mount given just 400 coins?


Did you look in your mounts? I’m pretty sure it just goes right to your collection.

And when you go back to the Adventure Journal, does it say that you’ve done everything that you can do for the month?


same here, I have completed it all and now it is not giving me my reward. I have looked in my collections, cannot open the chest. Tab says I have collected all rewards for this month. Where is my mount? I thought the 6+ hour maintenance was supposed to help this kind of issue not happen…


Looking at your collection, Voldon, I can see it there. Make sure you don’t have any filter options on.


Took some time but it finally showed up in the chest.


Having the same issue. 400 tender, no mount, and about 5 minutes later the bar reset itself to appear as if I’ve done nothing toward the monthly bonus reward.

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Having the same issue. Tried logging in and out, also waited a reset, nope. Opened a ticket, hopefully that helps…

If you are having an issue with the Trading Post, or the bar is resetting, or the mount isn’t showing, you need to file a Bug Report. Posting in Customer Support is not reporting the bug. Customer Support is a player-helping-player forum with Blizzard oversight and moderation. As fellow players we are unable to fix bugs. The SFAs who post here are not liaisons with QA who handle bugs.


Finished 1000 for the mount, got no mount. Did a couple more objectives on the list, no mount.

Can’t interact with the chest at all in Org or SW, so no more coins either.

Logged out for several hours, cleared the cache, disabled all addons, tried different alts, reset the UI, and still no mount.

I’m at my wits end. Just want the flippin’ mount that I earned already.

I submitted a ticket ingame that apparently didn’t go through just now. Tried twice. Also, the problem is on my other account, but for some reason, I can’t log in to the forums on that account. HELP please.


Tickets cannot help because the issue is a known and active one. Until the Devs fix it, GMs can do nothing on their end. You will have to wait and keep an eye on this thread. So please don’t get upset when they mark your ticket as resolved with the issue still standing - Devs don’t answer tickets and GMs do not fix bugs.


Same here took me all week to get this done and now no mount this is why i worked hard and I want my mount

You have a month to complete the event so there was no need to rush, but if you look at my post above yours, you’ll see it’s a known issue and they’re working on it.


It’s a bug. You need to file a bug report, not a ticket. A GM can not fix a bug. A GM is unable to award something without the Devs authorizing it. That is done through Bug Reports. As noted, Blizzard is working on a resolution.


Specifically, we do not have the functionality to award Trader Tenders, or any progress or rewards associated with that feature. Even if we did, it is unlikely we’d be able to help here, as that could impact any resolution that our QA and Game Developers are able to implement to help address the issue.

For now, it’s a waiting game. We have received all the reports about the various things that folks are experiencing and even if it isn’t specifically acknowledged in the thread that Bornakk posted, if you’ve seen it posted several times in the Bug Report forums I can pretty much guarantee that it is already being worked on.


Trading Post Completion No Mount same here what is the deal


Read the post right above your reply and you can see for yourself that they’re working on “the deal” :wink:


Could someone check on my collections and tell me if it is in mine as i cant find it anywhere and i cannot click on the chest to even collect the extra traders tender.

Not really. If it’s part of your collection you would see it or /cast the mount to use it. If it hasn’t yet been awarded, it won’t be displayed there.

One of the issues we’re seeing is that the mount isn’t immediately awarded as it should be. That is being worked on.

If you qualified for the mount by completing the Traveler’s Log, then you should receive it once the issue is resolved.


so you tell OP that you looked at his collection and it was there but telling me you cant look at my collection?