WoW Trader Post Intro Currency

Correct. Those were the ones that Community decided to post about. That doesn’t mean that we’re not aware of the others. As you said, there is a post with over 100 replies to it.

We’re aware.


responding to big bugs like that to show that your listening goes a long way. obviously its not your fault that the bug exists but its also frustrating to the players when they don’t hear things about a huge issue causing them to not even be able to interact with a new system. and all we get in response through a ticket is, yep should be fixed! when its clearly not fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

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but thank you for mentioning you are aware of this bug :slight_smile:

They’ve been aware, as per the blue post above that.


im talking about this specific bug that wasnt mentioned in your blue post linked n.n

I understand the confusion. There really shouldn’t be any tickets submit on these issues at the moment as there isn’t anything a Game Master can do, but I understand the confusion the responses can cause.

When you mark the ticket as resolved you should receive an option to submit a survey.


ok mom :crazy_face:

I completed both the intro quest and did some of the challenges and I haven’t gotten ANY tender at all. Is there an ETA on when this will be fixed?

No ETA, they’re only able to fix it when they fix it. They can’t give a general idea as things could change at any moment to take longer or shorter.

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do you think they could update the known issues post to show that they are aware and working on whatever this issue is? I get that CS can’t do anything directly to help, but good lord it feels awful to see no update or acknowledgment in known issues thread about the issues of people not being able to loot the traveler’s tender at all after completing the quest.

i completed the 50 quests. there was a bug too. it didn’t give me the 200 travel points. there is an error for that.

You need to file a bug report.

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i will. they made a mistake.

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Is this the same issue that was happening in the EU that caused the mainteneces If so why is TP still open when it was shut down for that? Just curious.

No. It was shut down for EU because they had not yet developed and implemented a patch for that particular issue at the time. We were able to do that during NA’s maintenance, which allowed us to resolve the issue prior to realms coming back up here.

The issues currently being experienced, the mount not showing up immediately for some, the Trader’s Tenders not always adding to your total, the visual loss of progress on the Traveler’s Log, etc… those are other issues that didn’t really have anything to do with that.


The ‘tender’ was also reset today somehow. I had to redo the /love to the 4 at the trading post, and also had to re-purchase the cake and pie at the darkmoon faire a second time, just so the tracking would give me the points towards the mount. Even the 50 items caught fishing in the dragon isles, but at least all I had to do was cast once, and that one updated.

An update, this issue has still not been resolved for players in this position.

You need to file a Bug Report. There is nothing Customer Support can do to help with this.


Most of us have put in a bug report, there’s been no actual acknowledgement of this specific issue as being worked on so…

There is a blue post in this very thread saying there working on it the bug forums are a one way street u wont get a blue post unless they need more info.