This transfer is not currently available for your characters faction

I’ve noticed that most of the Horde players in this thread are that way. Not surprising though, as they want to have easy kills.


hey bud how clued do you have to be to realize that not everyone can be logged into the game to do the transfer in 2 hours or less. lol

They should just split the horde in two and dump all you alliance players on PVE servers where you belong.

All of this crying when you picked the minority faction on a PVP server. Don’t roll on PVP servers if you’re going to be little [Removed] about it.

So your complaining about missing out on a transfer because they added factional restrictions to them exactly as players have been demanding for weeks ?

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Right, because only the alliance is looking for 50:50 servers…


Is that so you can tell everybody that you’re on a pvp server without having to worry about encountering actual pvp?

Putting all alliance on pve servers would mean no alliance for you guys to kill.

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You apparently didn’t read what I wrote.

The fact that people disagree with you does not mean they didn’t read what you wrote.


they are allowing ally to go back. wash hands

Keep in mind the problem of being on a low Alliance pop server is not just that there’s a lot more Horde- it’s also low AH/trade chat participation, and difficulty forming groups outside of prime time hours. If the experience was poor, and an option for a better experience was provided, it would be dumb to not accept it.

Blizzard combined poor communication with poor execution. If they had said “Horde only” the guilds/friend groups would not have considered or attempted the switches, and if the servers still allowed for it, they would be able to infer this wasn’t intended and to attempt to do so would be risky. If they had implemented the code correctly, even if the guilds/groups had planned to move, they wouldn’t have been able to, and wouldn’t have had their guilds split. But because they did both poor communication and poor execution, guilds could plan to transfer, and they could start to transfer.

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This guy here gets it. this made it worse lol split up the remaining alliance folks on the servers and isolate others,

Not really. Taking a break from a character or characters is abandoning temporarily. I think what you mean is indefinitely which could only happen, if you delete the character.

You can, also, choose to take a break. It’s not a be all, end all.

Nah, I’m one of those people still questioning why people continue to roll on gankfest servers and still expecting them to be “fair”/“balanced”.

This has nothing to do with my question. Can you not Quest? Are Quest NPCs not popping out Quests? Are Vendors not accepting Trash Loot to Vendor? What is the objective “unplayable” cause here?

But it’s not gone forever. That’s what you keep missing. Servers go in and out of being “good” or “bad”, all the time. Why do you think I called it Server Hopping? Because it’s OK, for now, until it’s not, and people (generally speaking) begin Server Hopping, again. They’re not loyal to Servers, at all.


Contact Customer Support using the In-Game options to do so. If you are alliance on one of the Horde-restricted transfer realms that they updated 2 hours ago in their sticky post.

You might be able to get your transfers reversed in this specific situation due to the circumstances. Seemingly, transfers to these servers for alliance were not supposed to be activated at all and some people who jumped on them at first open inadvertently were allowed through - thus, creating the problem.

Honestly, who cares? Whiny Alliance GETTING WHAT THEY ASKED FOR.

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Great…so the next whines are going to be “why can’t i transfer just because im xxx faction, i wanted to last round but missed out because of work and now i can’t because its faction locked”

Nah. It will always be Alliance.

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LoL, you wine? You get a solutionagain.

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hey look his race matches his fourm post

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My guild was split as well, one guy left behind. Everyone else is now talking about quitting, you have got to be kidding Blizzard. Btw, thanks in advance for all the Horde troll responses about how dare I transfer to a balanced realm without queues, your garbage information and lack of empathy is critical in resolving customer service issues.