Please show me a current in-game quest that has the “Abandon” button disabled. What quest in the game prevents you from opting out of it? Literally nothing that is currently in the game works the way you think it should.
Um, every invasion quest like EVER.
They just pop that bad boy on your quest log every time you’re in the zone, and if you drop it you better not return until the invasion is over.
Funny, but the Gates of Ahn’Qiraj event in Classic doesn’t teleport me into the zone or pull resources out of my bank. Please show me a single event in WoW’s history outside of the plague-related ones that force player participation.
A couple more examples of voluntary events that I can think of offhand:
- I don’t recall the Destruction of Theramore pulling me into an instance. I distinctly remember having to queue for it.
- I don’t recall any holiday events that forced quests into my log. I had to pick up those quests myself, queue for the bosses, and/or talk to NPCs to get dailies.
Did the Legion pre-patch have War Mode toggles?
I was responding to the gnome’s comment that there are no forced quests in game. Not really about warmode.
The majority of the players in the game have no idea this event, let alone this thread, even exists. As soon as they experience the event, you can be sure that they will be posting here in droves. Here’s a small preview of the type of feedback that you can expect then. Just substitute Classic WPvP with Zombie Plague:
It turns out that even PvPers don’t like PvP when they’re constantly forced into it.
This is why things like War Mode are critical to preserve player agency and allow a player to decide what content they get exposed to.
And there are powers in this world beyond our characters abilities. Just like the Cataclysm, destruction of Theramore, Teldrassil, the Vale, and Lordaeron. This is one too.
This is a world where there is a new world ending threat every couple of months. We should be affected by at least some of them and deal with it like the rest of Azeroth.
The near complete lack of the Iron Horde doing anything in the pre patch for WoD certainly did not help fight the idea that they were a weak enemy in WoW.
If it’s a PvE event, like you’re making it sound, then it should reflect that. No player-controlled zombies.
EDIT: I have no problem with PvE disruptions. I have problems with events solely geared with letting players bypass War Mode and grief/gank to their heart’s content. If I wanted to have to fight other players, I’d have turned on War Mode.
The less disruptive it is, the less dangerous the scourge feel (even if it is players controlling them). It’s also not that disruptive. You are completely safe while flying. And there are other AHs to use.
If I want to level an Exile’s Reach character, I have few options.
There’s a difference between ‘disruptive’ and ‘unplayable’.
That part imo i think a compromise could be reached somehow where they are immune but idk what details exactly would need to work out for that.
A War Mode upgrade that excludes non-factional PvP solves the problem straight away. Just make toggling off War Mode mean ‘no player can interact with me in a way I don’t agree to’.
Ghouls/Zombies shouldn’t be player controlled. Player level Coordination Breaks the Fantasy of a Mindless Zombie Horde. allowing players to become Ghouls means player coordinated ghouls are going to gank newbie players trying to get to chromie to level after just having left exiles reach.
Deathwing says hi.
Deathwing’s deal was problematic, they needed to extend his warning buffer and give players more time to escape because some zones were huge to the point of being inescapable when the warning came up. Or they needed more subdivisions of zones.
That said: Deathwing didn’t lock down a zone for however long ghouls can.
I would hardly call that an event. You were randomly killed. There was no interaction there whatsoever. When you resurrected, the game went on as if nothing happened. How many players have you met that clamored for the return of random ganking by Deathwing? Is that really the standard you want to hold the game to?
so… you ask someone to show you something, they show you, and then you’re like:
I’m agreeing with you that Deathwing was bad?
EDIT: He’s nowhere near as disruptive as a flock of ghouls holding down critical leveling points for hours on end but he’s still needlessly disruptive. It really should have been a flyby and maybe an explosion in the background to make you go ‘whoa’.