GG. Unplayable. Done

So fun



There’s literally no point in posting on the forums because the same 10 morons are going to say the same moronic things in every topic like it’s their job.


Classic was not meant for you then. if that is what you feel is bad wait till BWL comes out when a priest will MC you and jump to your death at least in MC you had a chance to survive the lava dip.

If you gonna start crying for this shet as people say in my server “go back to retail”


Perhaps it is.

If it wasn’t for the people posting copy-paste spam threads there’d be little activity on the forums.


Damn nearly 4 Horde raids! Thats impressive you were able to see that many people and get a head count.


Come on Skeram and see how exaggerated it is lol…

Just trying to get into BRD takes about 30 - 45 min of dying over and over again. There is litterally a line of Horde from the entrance of the mountain (both sides) all the way to BRD… And that was prior to Raid reset day, I can only imagine how garbage it is today.


Really? I’m on Stalagg- having 200 Horde on my spy in SS or BRM is the norm, 150 actually sounds a little light to me.


I do have to agree with this i think.
Not that the OP was not numerically challenged, but 80 organized people, on comms, geared and buffed, could probably have made life questionable for 150 unorganized rabble.

I’d have at least tried.
And vid captured it too :slight_smile:


Literally all people are using “Spy” which tells you how many people are in range of you.


I play horde heartseeker so I mean, I get it but I highly doubt it was like this

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Heartseeker, while having the opposite faction balance issue. also has like 1/5th the total server population.


Horde. Heartseeker.

Still sounds exaggerated

Where did you get that number from?

Doesn’t matter man your point is moot since you aren’t crying right now. Cry about imbalance and they will have your back.

Honestly you’re probably right

Well its more like half the server population but, still imagine your problems on Heartseeker and then double that. Its pretty rough.

Nah, I’m on Whitemane and the same hilarity is going down in brm here.

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I’m not even going to attempt getting world buffs this week prior to raid… almost certain they will be lost in the mass swarm of horde camping in that mountain lol…

That actually was pretty commonly done by both factions back in the day.


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No it wasnt. Gaking squads in every lvl 35+ zone in heavy pop but heavy unbalanced servers were never a thing.

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