Meh re-hashed content…how many people LOVING THIS!! complained about the Dark Lady being Garry 2.0?
this is the 3rd zombie uprising isnt it? 3 time event. truth in advertising. If it was rabid vulpera it would be a 1 time event.
OP is probably also against wearing masks.
It’s the world of Warcraft … they found war. They will survive
Never in this way. The Lich King has no control of the dead anymore. This hasn’t happened…ever so yea unique event.
The original plague event was a blast… you couldn’t “opt-out” and most people who didn’t like it just avoided major towns. So sorry if you can’t afk in SW / Org anymore, but that is what happens with a plague.
It’s not like they can’t anymore, they actually just can’t for a couple weeks. I’d understand all the anger if it was a permanent feature of shadowlands but it’s not.
Exactly - it is temporary, easily avoidable, and a ton of fun for those who want to actually participate in it.
If it is exactly like the LK pre-patch, I will absolutely be one of those who deliberately brings it into populated areas and pops it in order to infect as many people as possible. That is the point…
minor detail. still a zombie swarm, I really dont care about their motivation
If we’re going with the logistics of a plague, we go with the logistics of being mindless; your character becomes AI-controlled until slain or you release for revival.
No coordination, because these ghouls have no leadership or direction. Just feral and mindless.
Then the zombies are AI controlled, because they have no master and thus no direction.
It just makes sense logistically.
Masking up is, in fact, one of the best things I can do in addition to self-isolating so I can opt out of the Rona fever this entire nation has decided to embrace.
Why the hell do you think I want to spread ANY disease?
Just so ya know, last time they had this event, during the Wrath pre, you eventually couldn’t even quest effectively.
The NPCs were not immune, so eventually the vendors, quest NPCs, flightmasters, etc. were inaccessible. I was able to hang out in remote areas questing for awhile, but ultimately had to just give up and quit playing. It was super special.
just so ya know, the event has been changed this time around.
but for some reason, you’ve convinced yourself that you’re unable to isolate from the zombie apocalypse.
Because the Zombie Plague should carry as much weight as a real life crisis.
Again, if we’re gonna treat the plague with ‘realism’, then the zombies should be fully AI-controlled. No master coordinating them this time. They’re wild and feral.
how does that even make sense?
in all the zombie movies i’ve seen, the zombies still move under their own power
Randomly. Erratically. They have no mind.
You want to coordinate zombies. Which is a no-no.
I think in the context of this discussion, the zombies lack the brainpower to essentially coordinate the way that players can, and will do.
Zombies are driven (generally speaking in media) on sheer instinct, and have limited abilities to gather and ‘plot’, so to speak.
You’re confusing the majority of posters with the majority of players. The two are in no way, shape, or form the same.
If this happens that means the event was bad. If you’re upset by people leaving a bad event that only a minority will enjoy, then you’re spoiled. What? Gonna ask for a moderator next, Karen?