If you had come up with an example that didn’t totally suck I would have been impressed. Instead, you only managed to reinforce my opinion that every attempt that Blizzard makes to force players into activities they don’t want and never asked for is an epic fail.
i was responding to the gnome.
and as far as the “warning” went, there was no chance to escape at all.
by the time you saw him coming, you were gonna die.
ok, how about portals opening up in cities and spewing mobs?
or high level mobs and/or bosses spawning in lowbie questing zones?
it doesn’t matter what sort of example i give, you’re just going to use it as OMG SEE I TOLD YOU SO!!
…when in fact, most people are quite willing to accept that limited time events are just that.
limited time.
something which happens for a very short period, once every couple of years.
the entire rest of the time, people are constantly complaining that they’re bored, and there’s nothing to do.
…but as soon as something fun comes along, people feel the need to try and put a stop to it… because how dare people have fun.
Your interpretation of ‘fun’ is strictly your own here. It’s not ‘fun’ for me to get ganked.
Try again, with a more neutral approach this time. Oh, and make sure it doesn’t make players that don’t want to PvP into helpless victims, if you could.
it’s dinner time, and some people refuse to see reason.
Reason in being a helpless victim. Yup. Very healthy.
They’re probably going to just do it again when they eventually release Wrath of the Lich King: Classic in a few years.
why are you so set on making yourself out to be a victim?
it’s a short term event, which hundreds of thousands of people are looking forward to.
the stuff you want to do isn’t going anywhere.
it will still be there when the event is over.
Why we are getting recycled pre-Patch event ? With ghouls? There are so many other Types of undeath
It matters in an RPG.
They’ll be player controlled.
Abandoning a quest is the same as not doing the quest, the opt out is always not do the thing, but the opt out being requested is to experience the event but in an isolated way from others, and that defeats the purpose of an event. Doing that just makes it a scenario.
I understand the worry for other malicious players ruining the experience, but there’s dozens of other solutions that don’t involve segregation.
But no one cares about that, the selfishness of “i want it my way” is too strong.
an mmo can’t be an mmo like that, what players want is a single player game.
And to answer your question, not a single quest, none, in the entire game has the abandon button disabled.
Well said.
they do, actually.
(this was already pointed out earlier)
…but everything else you said was spot on.
Yup exactly, maybe one day you are just not into it, had a bad day and don’t want to deal with the ghouls. Go to Trainer, poof no ghouls for you! Next day ya want to poof tada!
Time to update the comment. New Zealand has a new outbreak.
Thanks for pointing this out. I know not everyone plays classic, so a lot of people here haven’t experienced world pvp in quite some time. Pvp is only fun when both sides choose to engage in pvp. Nothing feels worse that minding your own business farming herbs and getting camped, or having to die multiple times getting to a raid just because someone thinks it’s fun to waste your time. The general playerbase doesn’t enjoy forced pvp. I remember the complaining about the BG quest for the MoP legendary cloak as well.
That’s…that’s…exactly what pvp servers are and what WM is…
And this is exactly why they need to bribe alliance to use WM, and every pvp server ended up 99/1 and they introduced WM in the first place.
If the general playerbase actually enjoyed world pvp we’d have had balanced pvp servers all along. Instead everyone ran to what were essentially single faction pve servers, and thought it was better because, you know, the implication.
In what event did that happen?
In what event did that happen? If you’re talking about Stitches, that’s different because he’s perfectly avoidable once you know to look for him. There is no avoiding these ghouls, no matter how hard you try.
That was a proposed compromise, but the original opt-out, which I would prefer, is to simply let me play the freaking game about a war between the Horde and Alliance without interjecting a stupid and temporary zombie apocalypse into it. Let me talk to Chromie so she can send me to any zone as it existed prior to the latest zombie plague. I’ll forego the stupid mount or whatever it is they’re offering.
What does a zombie apocalypse or even PvP have to do with a PvE-centric MMO? Players trying to force others into PvP against their will remind me of toddlers pulling on their parent’s leg and demanding to be played with while the parent’s just trying to get dinner on the table.