"Honor" Farming

Whether you are horde or alliance at this point you have probably been frustrated at some point now that the honor system is out. And its gotten completely out of hand. In vanilla there was world pvp but you could still get your daily tasks and farming done. I dunno if its the community, the population, or both that are the cause but it has gotten to the point where u cannot go anywhere outside your faction controlled areas and farm materials in peace.

Every town has 5 rogues camping the flight master and rez ganking.

Wild packs of players actively go around targeting solo players and camp them repeatably.

Terms of Service are constantly violated with factions taunting each other using pre-translated yells to taunt them in their language.

Stream Sniping is rampant and then publicized with 0 repercussions.

My point is there is no Honor in Toxicity and thats whats been happening to players on both sides. I really hope BG’s bring some relief to the players.

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its literally been 7 days since it dropped… people are still having fun.


i’m just worried all the alliance will quit. Who will the horde face then? How boring.

It’s extremely dangerous out there, don’t go alone.

I made some suggestions as well.

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I support this

I couldn’t agree more.
This is actually just stupid.
Winterspring is a constant warzone with both factions sitting atop the buildings exploiting the lack of guards when you’re on the roof. Entire raid groups are dismounting to kill 1 player and corpse camping them until they take rez sickness, despite being worth no honor anymore. Constant “okboomer” “analthisanalthat” “gotoretail” fills up the chat box anywhere you go. Each side has forgotten how to win a 1v1 and instead cc’s until their 16 friends show up and tea bag and /spit on you.

This goes for both sides. I’ve been camped, and I’ve seen a poor level 48 gnome get camped by 10+ people for 15 minutes at least. People say “oh blizz is making me do this for the honor points!” and then they spend an hour camping the same 5 players at the flight path who just landed and are trying to leave.

It’s like the introduction of honor has given everyone a legitimate excuse to just be as absolutely toxic as they can.


World of Warcraft shows you the real evil in humanity. It’s hilarious. I just want to hit 60 now to say I did it during phase two. That’s a gaming accolade to be proud of for the rest of your life

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Phase 2 feels like a bizarre social experiment to me at this point. I feel like a lab rat when i play the game right now. What fun. PVP was actually a good time before phase 2.

It’s a fact that BGs will remove most of this ganking mess from the game due to honor being much easier to farm there, although there will always be some open world ganking on PvP servers. However, I don’t see this problem being permanently dealt with until people move en-masse to servers that require more individuals of their faction. Herod and Stalagg NEED Alliance players, Heartseeker NEEDS Horde players. Those servers are going to wither away into PvE wastelands unless something is organized to relieve the faction imbalances they are suffering from.

Of all the things that they changed, the one I hate the most is the fact I cannot MC an Alliance member and then chat with them through /me like in vanilla.


Man that was so much fun :smiley:

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I dont think heartseeker will wither away. The horde that are transferring knew what they were getting into.

Both Horde and Alliance have already moved to the “2nd phase” of Phase 2. The part where active PvPers realize that massive raids are not the way to gain honor and that BRM is basically the grinder to get honor in groups of 3-10. Even then most PvPers are pretty bored of slaughtering people and want the BGs to get here just as much.

Logging on one of the most populated realms as the Minority Faction, I can tell you from continuous first hand experience that early times of the day are almost dead in most farm spots and is probably a good 1-5 player gank squad time for either faction.

Some Flight Point Stuff for Alliance
Alliance landing at WPL, stop that. Instead go Aerie Peak, head north through the backroad to get to Scholo/WPL. If EPL is camped, this method is a safer way to get to Strat too…
If you wanna go to Steppes, head north through Redridge
If you wanna go to Gorge, head west through Badlands.

These strategies don’t take that much extra time and result in much fewer corpse runs even if the goal areas are optimally camped.

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Guys can we just agree getting roflstomped by 50 horde and then teabagged by a fat Tauren Warrior is everybodies idea of fun and move on please.


I remember that! you could also have 2 locks of opposite factions put curse of tongues on each other and they could talk to each other in Demonic

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Just be glad that if they killed you 6 times you’ve donated them 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 and 0 honor. I’m sure that will help them on their quest to get 100,000 honor+ in a week. Meanwhile if you kill just ONE of those 50…you’ll get 200+ honor. That’s hype.

Going through badlands isn’t a great idea, a lot of horde have their hearth to the town there because its easy access to Molten Core. Its better to do the quest for the Key to Searing Gorge and take the tunnel from south Loch Modan into Searing Gorge. Only alliance players and horde rogues can access that tunnel

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Not many people do that quest and that path is a little longer. But it is still a good strat for the most part.

True but its a lot safer

The first few DAYS of any major rule change cause a huge imbalance. I’ve seen this dozens of times in MMOs. It is pure nonsense to imagine that those DAYS represent weeks or months or years.

Don’t pretend that the very first week of “honor” ON A PVP SERVER is “normal” or “the way it will always be”. That is just nonsense. Thousands of PVP players have waited MONTHS to get some honor.

Everyone just assumes the worst in humanity. I find it strange.
Players want to play their game. All they have in the game to do right now is PvP and get honor for gear. There are too many players on the servers, and therefore everywhere has players so it seems like you can’t do anything without bumping into a bunch of ppl. It won’t last forever. Classic will.

What are you doing a month from now? I’m going to work and coming home. Same thing I’ve done for the last 9yrs. Relax, there’s no rush. Save yourself the high blood pressure and early end.