PVP Realms arnt worth it?

Title. I’ve always played on a PvP realm but i apparently people are its pointless to roll on a pvp server.

Very few pvp realms are actually faction balanced so yeah either you basically have a pve experience on the majority faction or you have an awful exeprience.


Classic pvp as a whole is just garbage. If I would’ve known how unfun it was, both world pvp and BG’s, I would’ve rolled on a pve server.


The enjoyment of a PvP realm this far in the life cycle comes from grouping up and satisfying your hate against the opposite faction.


nah they are fine.
There will be lots of ganking post 48 but on balanced servers (50/50 or 60/40) its not such a big deal and there are many ways to avoid a constant gank.

See above. Balanced servers dont exist

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there is a good amount of them.
Faerlina, incendius grobbulus and whitemane are ok.

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Faerlina is definitely not balanced lol…

i started on a pvp realm but transfered for a better pve experience.

It is 40/60. It is fine.
Obviously if you want to facesmash the same 10 hrodes around burning steeps thats also ok.

I play A and H Benediction, it’s pretty good for both imo

I also feel like there are a few words missing here, but I think you mean ‘but apparently people are saying it’s pointless to roll on a PvP server.’

Now you can transfer off, at least.


The thing about PVP realms that most people don’t understand is world PVP is NEVER fair. It isn’t supposed to be fair.

If you can come to truth with that realization and still want to opt for a PVP server, try to find a more balanced one so your experience is not always unpleasant.


I mean, 50% more horde than alliance seems like a big difference but ok…

It’s literally impossible to get into BRM without dying, and even dire maul scholo most days. Itd be awesome to be able to use the Ony buff to farm but apparently only Horde get to do that…

You won’t find wpvp experience like this anywhere in any game. Pve is a dime a dozen… Embrace it.

Wouldn’t be surprised if all the PvE servers are dead by AQ

You’ll be lucky to pick the maybe one that survives.

PvE servers on older content is shunned. You would never see so many people choosing PvP servers in a newly released theme park mmo or expansion.

So what do you consider acceptable? 50/50? Even then, players are active at different times. With BG queues many Ally aren’t in open world anyways, so that further adjusts perceived balance.

I’ve flight path and corpse camped players to full DR on a server as a 15% minority. Ive been camped on servers as a 58-60% majority.

This is and always will be part of PvP servers.


I will say that I’ve noticed life has improved considerably for the <60 level alliance on my server recently as the top horde rankers are in WSG premades and no longer camping the FPs and such to the extent they were during the AV ranking grind.

I’ve noticed way more <60 alliance safely questing (I stopped attacking them when BGs came out, though sometimes some attack me first and I respond) than at any point since phase 2 started.

So it really depends on the server, but I’d imagine things are better for minority faction players now on PVP servers based on what I’m seeing on mine.


This is simply not true, and is an extreme over simplification. Organic world pvp more often than not gives you chances to outplay, prepare and counter. Even if you get opened on, or even 2v1 or 3v1. Especially with itemrack where you can res and have MC helm set. Auto swap in.

Flying into a FP to 30-40 camping it for min/max honor is not world pvp. Trying to get into BRM vs 100 outside of raid times is not world pvp. But this is the double edge sword of freedom. You will get people destroying the game out of ignorance, like children left without any supervision, then defensive by their actions as OK because there are no immediate and obvious repercussions. They won’t have the intelligence to realise it was actually their own fault when their pvp server becomes pve.

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Yep, Correct.