The flying issue

I am not saying that I think pathfinder should be banned entirely, but I do think there is an argument to make it accessible slightly earlier in an expansion, part of the issue is that it’s mid BFA, but lots of people haven’t yet got flying.

The problem with that, is that I am someone that enjoys the open world more outside of raiding but a lot of the people that haven’t bothered getting flying, are just doing mythic+. The reality is, I hate mythic+, as I just don’t like the time limits even with groups that say don’t worry about the time limit, the pressure just doesn’t work for me, so the outside world is my end-game outside of raids. I appreciate that Blizzard did dungeons a disservice back in WoD, but the issue is, as someone that uses the outside world to gear up toons outside of the raids, this creates a huge problem, as I can fly yet half the player base, rightly, hasn’t been stuffed getting flying.

I am not saying I am against Pathfinder, as I do remember it was an idea I had as a thought bubble way back in MOP, as I felt back then flying in Cata just made the world feel so much smaller…so I think when an expansion is new for about 2-3 months don’t allow flying, but then allow Pathfinder to unlock automatically, because people lagging behind others in the open world is getting frustrating for me.



That’s on those players. Part 2 has been in the game long enough for those who truly want flight can go and earn it.

If they want flight, they’ll do what needs to be done for the achieve. If they don’t do the content associated with the achieve, then they don’t fly. It’s pretty simple.


Didn’t see any reason to implement path finder tbh…why fix something that wasn’t broken.

I’d rather just buy it with gold at max level.


What part of the developers don’t want you skipping their hard work do you people not understand


People complained about the price just as much as they complain about Pathfinder now. It’s the same argument and pointless.

Also 200 threads about the topic is getting very old.


Exactly, why “fix” Pathfinder when many of us, including Blizzard, thinks it’s the right way to go?


Not skipping through it if been through the zone at least once on ground.

Also 200 threads about the topic is getting very old.

Only 200th? That’s smaller than I thought.

My thoughts are that you ramble, “blah blah I have flying blah hate m+ blah more m+ hate blah I thought of pathfinder first blah blah pathfinder unlocking automatically is frustrating blah”

I have WoD/Legion/BfA pathfinder and if Blizz were to just give flying away to everyone I would not care.

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Yeah she’s exaggerating but there was no reason for you to spam this topic.

These threads:

…are still at the top of the page.


Yeah same here.

Ok I’ll admit it, I gotta chuckle outta this


I paid to eat at a buffet and had some mid line items…the cook came out and slapped me around because i skipped all of his hard work and then he told me i can unlock access to shrimp after a year of grinding his hot food line.


Getting pathfinder is really a question of whether you’re playing the content. I just recently “got pathfinder” because I started playing more regularly after only picking at the game over the summer/fall, and I was mostly playing other things (Classic included).

My motivations for doing nazjatar and mechagon content are mostly for mounts and mechagnomes. Honestly, if there was some additional hoop you had to jump through so you didn’t automatically get flying after engaging with mechagon and nazjatar enough, I wouldn’t have flying. But the way pathfinder is designed, if you just play the content, it auto-unlocks.

There’s no reason part 1 shouldn’t award flying for the initial zones then part 2 gives flying for the new zones.


Because more people like flying than not.


This is the correct answer.

Blizz turned a non issue into the top polarizing issue that dominates topics well beyond even pruning, CRZ and HighElves discussion threads. The devs deserve some cookies for brainstorming a way to make a non issue into the biggest problem with WoW today. Congrats dear devs!


Yes, there is.

Citation, please.

Also , I like flying, but I also like the Pathfinder approach, including the delay.

What reason would that be?

Players forced Blizzard’s hand with the flying issue back during WoD.