Why do people defend pathfinder?

Like back in the day when you could just buy it did you used to say to yourself

“man this is too easy i wish i had to wait a year and grind 10 factions to revered before i could fly, that sure would be fun”


Yeah, but you don’t have to grind out factions. You just kind of get them from doing the content anyway.


Being able to fly while others cannot is some people’s Ahead of the Curve.

They’re desperate for anything to lord over other players.


The only thing I like is the period of time that there is no flying at all. Once available, I’d like to have the option of earning it and unlocking on all my characters, or paying to unlock it on each individual character.


Thats untrue, you can still play the game without flying, you have to go out of your way for it. Now for example in past expansions like BC, you needed flying to get to certain zones.


Pathfinder has nothing to do with the 10 month wait.

Don’t look at the wait and pathfinder as 1 unit. If they removed pathfinder, they’d still make you wait.


I defend it because World PvP and actually doing the content is the best when no one flies. Once the content is no longer relevant, not being able to fly sucks. Pathfinder is a good way of forcing that line. I would be okay if they always added flying to a zone when the next zone is released, but either way something needs to gate it. I like do the content before you can fly in it as a gate better then just spend money.


oaeu eoueo u


I defend Pathfinder because I know how little effort went into achieving it, how good the game is without flying and because the anti-pathfinder crowd, invariably, wants stuff handed to them.


NO one would have complained without PF. There was no reason to complain before it was forced on the playerbase.
MANY DO complain because of PF.
If anything PF should have have been offered in ADDITION TO the existing method of getting flight so that players who like the grinds could get flight free ‘once for all’, while NOT screwing with those of us who dont play our games that way.

PF STOLE MY game as I ENJOYED playing it.


I like the idea of Pathfinder. I just don’t like the execution of the idea. It’s great to have a non-monetary way to unlock flying for your whole account. But I think they made the time between tiers too damned long, and some of the requirements unnecessary. Why do we need to have a certain rep? Why do we need to do the whooooole story? Why do we need to explore every single little corner? Take away the rep and the exploration. Keep in the story questlines. Don’t make it a 10+ month wait between parts 1 and 2. If we can hit max level while doing the requirements, why must we then wait so long?


I sort of defend it because I do feel like we should experience all the content at least once before being able to fly over it.


I think it took waaay too long to give us flying in BfA. Far as I’m concerned, we should get flying in a zone when we complete that zone (though I’m not sure how it would work for other faction zones if you have no desire to play that faction). I think once we’ve experienced the content we should be able to fly in it, or Pathfinder needs to be something we can complete much earlier in an expansion.

Also, Pathfinder needs to go away for past expansions. It’s ridiculous to expect players to grind content from two expansions ago, three when Shadowlands drops, to be able to fly there.


What a stupid and childish thing to say.


I think some people actually like grinding reps and achievements, for them that’s the game and they’re rewarded for playing that way. Also, there will always be a population that defends Blizzard no matter what.


Without Pathfinder, flight would probably not exist in newer expansions at all. I guess it all depends on how you look at things.

Would people rather pay for it? Most likely.
Would they rather give it up completely? Probably not.


I’ve never once grinded any of the reps. They just come naturally as I do stuff out in the world.

Doing content in the game that’s available is not grinding. Doing something more than once isn’t grinding. Calling something you don’t want to do grinding just to cast it in a pejorative light for rhetorical purposes does not make it grinding.


Uh because its better in the long run. The started inflating gold is WoD god only knows why and further in Legion. If you think gold would be 5k at max level at this point oh boy no they would probably make it 100k-200k per character. They would make pathfinder become the best solution


I could run dungeons, raids, or BGs and that’s content but it doesn’t reward flying. It’s specific content that awards flying.


Full disclosure: I have a gazillion alts, I like not having to pay 5 k on each of them. So I love pathfinder…That being said, I do not defend the one year wait for flying, that is crap.


I literally did say “This is too easy” the rest no, but yes, I like pathfinder.