Stop inviting people to groups and then starting a "world tour"

Yeah, this is a DF issue and not a player issue lmao

How hard is it to say in group chat: “For?” They say what it’s for.

You can easily leave and not waste your time. You’re literally just making an issue out of nothing. Plus, I’ve literally never had this happen, and it has probably only happened to you once and you figured it could just be used a fuel for the fight against no rdf.


Then leave the group.


It is a LFG issue when RDF works perfectly. People remember the past and how good RDF was, people want RDF.


If someone advertises “H VH” you sign up to do H VH, and then they are at another dungeon waiting for you to run that first, its not really the fault of the person that was invited in any way shape or form.

They should just leave the dungeon and maybe before leaving tell them to advertise properly.


Maybe I misunderstood, I thought you meant you were invited to a VH run then asked to do a world tour. I assumed that meant you could still do VH - if not then yes I agree that is odd

Yes, people past and how good it was.

Lets reflect on the past for a bit.

I just went to do my 2nd dungeon ever. It was the Motherlode one. I was doing okay i think, i had highest dmg according to the details addon. I was following the rest of the group, not pulling anything i think. And suddenly i get kicked while we are in the middle of a fight? And i also couldnt use the dungeon finder for another 30min? Is there something im not seeing here? Or are people just … sometimes?

Yeah, it’s so great. You want to know how this community would handle RDF?
They would kick people just for not having the best gear in the game.


Scuse me but u can’t tell anyone what to do…
G R O U P!

GOSHHHH why so lazyyy

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For real. People saying “I got kicked from a group because I didn’t have full BIS sunwell gear, we need RDF.”

Dude, You would get kicked from the RDF group too lmao. These people don’t suddenly NOT exist in RDF. You have just as much chance getting tossed in their group with RDF as you do with the current LFD.


They already block them from joining their parties. Source: all the gatekeeping threads on these forums.

With RDF you are back in the dungeon fast.

Can RDF fix player behavior ? No, obviously not.

The thread OP was concerned because he was - is being troll invited to instances he did not sign up for (LFG Fail). RDF fixes this problem. He has a point though, you do get invited to instances you are not signed up for quite often. In the case of leveling this happens a lot and then you get summoned to the wrong instance that you are to low or high of a level to participate.

The LFG tool leaves much to be desired, whereas the RDF tool has been removed because it is to efficient.



Not true. 1 person can kick anyone in the party currently. It takes 3 people to kick in RDF.


Except the groups that are kicking people for not being geared are all there for the same reason and will all vote yes. You are just as likely as finding a group that won’t do it now as you will with RDF.

3 people being in agreement is less likely than 1 person with full control.

It’s that simple.


I am pro-RDF but these threads are almost making me change my mind.


My point is that the people who are complaining about getting kicked for not being geared enough are being kicked because they are joining groups that want to speed grind dungeons. Everyone in that group is in the group for that reason, and so will kick you regardless of medium of getting you into the group. This will still happen with RDF.

I am not saying RDF is bad. I am saying the influx of people using this specific point as THE reason we need RDF is just wrong. Its also a VERY small amount of groups actually doing it.

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People saying “I think” that much isnt good evidence of something being bad and more evidence of them not really paying attention to what was going on and the rest of the group could have been covering for a bad player and got fed up with it.

People saying “kicked for no reason” most likely means they were being toxic.

“this ultra-sensitive nonsense” and ill stop there because that implies that the person was doing something that people didnt want to deal with so they kicked that person.

“I was kicked for not waiting for mana” so they were taking too much damage which made the healer have to cover the tank and the tank wasnt waiting for it and kept pulling… sounds like a justified kick.

Ignoring the group… not moving? yeah they didnt get kicked for that, wearing a boosted tabard, again not being kicked for that.

All of these posters had something negative about them.

Some of these examples are people being kicked by the LFG party leader, and aren’t RDF related at all…

Regardless I’d still like it implemented into the game, it has worked in FF14 for the last 10 years I played it. There’s rules for unfair kicks, it is very strictly against TOS and you get a warning each time you kick a player that it is against the rules unless people are truly afk/trolling/harassing. We’ve clearly moved past the 2004 game, it’s time to move past the 2004 mindset that RDF needs to be the exact same it was back then. Implement something that just puts together parties for random dungeons, no special rewards for anyone, and give deserter debuff to leavers only. Put in punishments for unfair kicks and change loot to only need on gear you can wear. I’m even okay with it not being available for heroics, but honestly I run into the same issue as OP where people just invite me to whatever, or they have a player too high for the dungeon so we get no exp. I clearly stated what I wanted my group for in the LFG, party leaders just invite regardless and it’s annoying.

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I couldn’t imagine being this beta.

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yeah this is very anoying, i have no idea why they didnt put the retail LFG system its so clean you post a dungeon you get a list of ppl that want to do that dungeon and you pick, no need to get bombarded with whispers even when i make a group its anoying as hell using the scuffed lfg from classic

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You mean after the 30 minute penalty and the wait for your queue to pop? So “fast”


You sound very bitter. Stop seething