I'd love to stop getting kicked from RDF for no reason

This new Conduct Agreement has done absolutely nothing to sway players from vote kicking players for no reason. And then the victims get the deserter debuffs. This community is still hyper-toxic. Time to go play some checkers with my grandma, I guess.


If you are constantly getting kicked from RDF we can only assume you are the problem.

When im doing RDF or RF content literally 60% of the time I’m looking at the show playing on 2nd monitor and I can’t remember ever being kicked.


In this particular instance I can only assume I got vote kicked because I grabbed a quest objective before someone else and they rage/vote kicked. This literally happens all of the time. I let everyone else grab objectives before. The first time I go for one I’m kicked. Regardless of the quality of your interactions with group mates, your ability to be a good team player and not pull things, or even knowing how to play the game “well” mechanically - people are constantly vote-kicking for petty reasons. And if you’re denying that this is a phenomenon in WoW, and has been since it’s the launch of RDF then you’re probably someone who does it.


I have been playing this game for many many many years and I can count the times I have seen a kick happen unfairly on one hand.

You problem.


Oh but there is a reason :slight_smile: You might not like it, you might not agree with it, but it’s there.


Love making a post about how people get dumped on in the game by rude people only to get dumped on in the forums by more rude people :joy: :raised_hands:t2:


This wasn’t uh … Escape from Durnholde Keep was it? If you turn in and then grab the quest from Thrall he’ll run off and the other players can’t turn in their quest and you can’t share the quest. So I would understand you being kicked for that :laughing:


Was it wailing caverns or underbog?

Oh yeah escape from durnhold is a huge nono if you start escort early


I’d love to see you quote dumperage in my post :laughing:

Utgarde Keep. With the weapons racks

I’ve done 100s of dungeons across my toons and I’ve gotten kicked like 5 times which werent fair. If your are constantly getting kicked maybe you are doing something wrong or bad luck


Ah yeah, maybe they don’t know there’s more than enough weapons for everyone to get their quest done :person_shrugging:

I guess the most frustrating part is only having roughly 2-3 hours to play a week. You log in, queue up, and get insta-kicked. It’s not ALL of time, but it’s frequent enough to keep me from playing. Which is sad. Because as we all know WoW is a blast to play.

There seems to be a common denominator in this equation you are blatantly ignoring.


Ignoring? Or disagreeing with?

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Does the word “denial” work better?
I say yes


I still find it mind-blowing that y’all still refuse to concede that toxic stuff like this happens all of the time in WoW. Maybe you’re just content with that state of being :man_shrugging:t2:

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Lots of toxic stuff happen in the game, but lots of positive and fun stuff happens as well. So what exactly would you like anyone to do here? Cause I wouldn’t kick you for wanting to pick up some weapons in a dungeon, and I don’t really see the practically in wasting your day over people who don’t even realize there’s enough weapons for the entire group.


welcome to WoW, lmao.
this has been a thing since the vote kick was created.
these jokers all KNOW this is a perpetual complaint in here, so they KNOW kick abuse is a thing. But they are likely the ones doing it so need to deny its going on.

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WoW is renowned, as is this forum, for the ill manners and bad behavior of WoW players.
THEY, not the game, are why I stopped playing group content in this MULTI player game.
First MMO Ive ever played where I literally hated players so bad I stopped interacting with them.
Even when youre on the same team for christ sake, they’ll still find some way to make the game miserable.
yes…its a WOW problem. Go play ESO or FF14 sometime and see if its near as bad.